Sing Sweet Nightingale

Annabelle Chatwiss

Annabelle Chatwiss was barely nineteen when she became engaged - then married - to Lord Robert Tremaine. Sixteen years her senior, her new husband had married her at her father's behest when he became fatally ill. Though initially wary of the man who was but a stranger, they soon became acquaintances, then friends before eventually finding love in their second year of marriage. The love came at a most convenient time as near their third year, she discovered she was with child and the prospect of an heir was joyous.

Her pregnancy was particularly hard, especially in the later weeks, and she was put on bedrest for the remaining ten weeks. However, six weeks into the bedrest, she went into labour. Seventeen hours later, both Annabelle and her husband were overjoyed to discovered they had been blessed with twin daughters, the eldest who they named after Robert's deceased mother and the youngest after Annabelle's cousin who had died in infancy.

For the first time since her father's death, Annabelle knew true happiness.
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* not set in any actual time period of ours but is treated as a period piece in that it's not modern, but I have taken my own liberties.