Status: walang nobyo ~ *no boyfriend*

Walang Nobyo

One / One : Athena

Kumusta ka, Athena.”

I smile at Jonty, but it's mostly towards the fact that I can understand his greeting (it's one of the few phrases I knew in Tagalog).

“How are you enjoying it here?”

Jonty is polite and it's one of the things I like about him. He's flashing a crooked smile as he raises a bushy eyebrow. He rolls his white shirt up to his elbows; when I look, I catch a glimpse of a small cross tattoo on his left forearm. His broad features makes me think he isn't full Filipino; his eyes are slightly slanted, his lips are fully plumped, and his brown hair is lighter than majority of our classmates’s hairs. While Jonty places his backpack down, he occupies the seat across me.

I go on about the possible reasons how Florida is different compared to Isabela, but all I can notice is how silent Jonty has become. He's brushing his arm and nodding but that's it.

I decide to give him some of the spotlight and ask, “Is Tagalog your first language?”


Yes. Jonty’s soft smile gives me the impression that he likes a good laugh. I echo his enjoyment by smiling. “I'm full Filipino but I only know some Ilocano, all thanks to my grandma, but barely any Tagalog. See, I know some words and phrases in Tagalog because of the language class I took during my first and second year at Florida Tech, but it's been two years, so I would definitely butcher the language if I tried to speak it.”

Jonty doesn't respond, but instead gives me a quirky smile. “Hmm.” He bites his bottom lip. “I think you wouldn't understand me if you tried.”

I lean back into my seat, lift my chin and smirk. “Try me.”

Jonty leans his broad body forward and parts his lips. In the same moment he let the lingering words out.

May nobyo ka na?”

My eyes widen and my jaw freezes. “What?”

His jaw clenches at my sudden silence.

Shit, how do I put him down gently? Great.
♠ ♠ ♠
SHE DID UNDERSTAND HIM AHHH Athena why u do this

Kumusta ka - how are you?
Oo - yes
May nobyo ka na? - do you have a boyfriend?