‹ Prequel: Flucht
Status: 2.0.

Tommy Guns

The concept itself, in principle, was simple: create an idealistic race free from unwanted evil. Hitler’s grand plan for Europe involved the introduction of perfect Aryan families – blonde hair, blue-eyed families consisting of strong-willed men and their doting wives raising their children with the revered Nazi values. Those who didn’t conform to the government-approved heterosexual norms were considered contamination threats to the otherwise perfect German bloodline, and were simply branded as common criminals.

When the purges started, nobody was safe. The raids were harsh and unforgiving and, as the war started to rage around their ears, the incriminated found themselves the subject of visits by the Geheime Staatspolizei. Those considered a threat to society were locked away in prison camps and made to work like dogs. When their usefulness came to an end, they would be taken out and shot.

Some tried to hide from the government, masking their own feelings and pretending to be ‘normal’ in order to avoid detection. Many failed, but those who survived did so through only sheer grit and determination. Hidden from the world, these men and women danced a merry dance with murder whilst watching their country crumble beneath their feet.

And for people like Ruedi Schmidt and Felix Müller, each stolen kiss over the barrel of a tommy gun was one step closer to certain death.
boss ass aesthetics made by the ever-fabulous ella
  1. auftakt
    we enlist // july 1937
  2. eins
    cold as balls // december 1941
  3. zwei
    miles away // january 1942
  4. drei
    allied bastards // february 1942
  5. vier
    like death // april 1942
  6. fünf
    stay with me // april 1942
  7. sechs
    under a microscope // may 1942
  8. sieben
    do you remember // june 1942
  9. acht
    or we’re both dead // june 1942