Live Your Dream

Chapter One : Totsiens Kaapstad!

Cape Town, South Africa

13, Sep 2014

I had waken up that morning intent to prepare for my new journey with a mixed of feelings, I can't even describe what I felt that Saturday morning, I was lost in my emotions , happy , sad, scared, excited and emotional to leave my home. It was likely to be an emotional goodbye for my home, but at the same time I had gotten bags of energy and excitement hitting on me , feeling curious and euphoric. Eager to start my adventure in Germany, one of my many dreams that finally came true.

The night before, I barely managed to catch some sleep , maybe because of the anxiety or the excitement I have been in, honestly I was still in disbelief, so since I couldn't sleep I decided to check in for an overnight flight form the Cape Town to Frankfurt, instead to fly to Johannesburg and then to Frankfurt like I booked at first, because at the last minute I felt lazy , I cancelled my flight and booked another one , the real reason was my wish to spend much time with dad, before leave to my new destination. The flight was approximately 17 hours if flying direct and as there was not time difference between the two countries I would had arrived bright and early to start my new chapter of my adventure in Germany.

I had already planned everything , when the plane would landed at Frankfurt, I would take the second flight to Dortmund , for my staying I had already booked at hotel three stars there , anyway all of this was not a matter at all , just being at that country was a dream for me .

I rolled in my place , feeling a heavy weight above my sheets after I kicked my feet , I didn't take much time to recognize who was sleeping under my feet , but still, I was wondering when she came, I didn't notice her last night ! Asking about how she managed to open the door, well she was skillful in sneaking and open doors with her big foot, I think maybe she felt that I was going for far away place this time. I smiled then extended my hand to rub on her big skull, I loved her little hairy ears , as I pinched her ears playfully she groaned and grabbed my hand with her big mouth , pressing gently her teeth on my wrist , honestly the most thing I will miss was this sensation every morning she gave me , I will miss my little baby girl , Zara. My little tigress. I kept my hand busy with playing with Zara when my eyes traveled to my luggage near the entrance of my room , looking straight at my black 'Marc Cross' suitcase, my eyes glued at the black leather till I found them staring at something else, my books shelf , two days ago I had arranged my things that I need in Dortmund , I had already sent the most of stuffs by expedition .

One hour later I woke up after I felt I was about to fall out my bed , because of Zara who kept rolling in her place as a small kitten , the difference she was bigger 8 times than the normal small kitten , she kept digging her claws in my back while her head was rested directly behind my butt, using it as a pillow for her big skull, she is funny but I love this feeling she gifted to me , Zara was just too little cub when her mother died after an evil hunter shot her dead to flay her skin , it was a barbarian behavior and somehow the little baby had survived , once I visited Angola I found this little baby who was isolated from the others , I felt pity and I took her to raise her up and since then she became my little baby girl.

The night before:

"Lekker !" I clapped my hands twice after I grabbed the last material out my wardrobe and landing it to my suitcase, then I zipped it close, excited to get a golden opportunity to go to Germany and complete my studies there, I always longed to be in such beautiful country.

"Are you sure you didn't forget anything?" Pappa asked , coming from behind, scanning my luggage , but through his voice I could sense he was a little bit sad, it wasn't my first time to fly outside Capetown but definitely the first time to live two years far from my home,

"Yes everything is here" I replied with excited tone

"Have you packed your winter cloths, you know the weather there is so cold" he asked again

" Pappaaa! first it's summer time there and yes I already packed them and sent them by expedation... and second I will return before the Winter break so if I need something I'll take it later" I replied then hugged him tight

"I'm gonna miss you pappi " I murmured as he put a kiss in top of my head and remained like that for a while then messed with my hair

" I will miss you too, my liewe" he kissed my cheek

" I will send you the rest when you find a place to stay" he added then pinched my both cheeks , but before to walk out my room , he peeked our picture together when I was younger, standing on the nightstand , at that picture I was only 6, but still remembered the detail of that day though, it was taken by granny before moving here to Cape . He grabbed it and stayed for rather a while , maybe drifting away in his memories . As for me I kept silent just watching him from behind till I felt my legs start to walk and I found me hugging him , he quickly dried his eyes sniffling, and put the picture back to it place, I know how much he worked hard just to provide my need , my dad was everything in my life I could even sell my soul just to make him happy , and seeing him that way was hurting me , I know he was happy for this opportunity I got from my University , and no matter what I said it would never been enough for him.

To have my father in my life was such a blessing and a great grace that I can't be more grateful to what he did to me, a real gift not a lot of people know about it , he was always there for me , never hesitated to fulfill my wishes , not only financial but mostly mentally , he was my only parent since he got divorce when I was too young, and since then a very strong bound gathered us together , he always said to me that I'm the resource of his strength, the one behind his success , maybe I was , but definitely without him I couldn't be Sarah that I am today, he was with me through a lot of things, never left me need anything , he was kind and tolerate , friend and a good listener but before and after all , he was such a good father .

One Week Ago

"Sarah , Frau Ackermann needs you in her office" Taylor, my best friend- also my colleague- came running to me after he glanced me at the parking lot of Capetown University, he apparently was waiting for me since he didn't leave me catch my breath, it was cold that day and windy, although we were in the beginning of September, the last winter days that year. The Winter season in Cape Town is not like the winters in Germany for exemple or England. Our climate is nearly like the one in North Africa, I could say we have the similar type of Mediterranean-style climate ; wet and cool winters, dry and warm summers , well thankfully to the warm Agulhas current and the cold Benguela current that come from the Indian ocean side and the Atlantic ocean side respectively . Imagine a spring day in London or Berlin , that's what winters are like in my town . Sometimes windy and rainy, mostly soft and breezy , and that's why we called it the secret season , because of the unexpected pleasures you can experience and enjoy during this time of year. But despite the windy day, I could smell the Spring in the air .

" Goeie môre to you too , sexy werewolf " I replied blowing him a kiss, this kind of kisses like the drunken one sent, closing my new red Bugatti Veyron 's door with the remote card, the one that my father brought it to me as an early birthday's present. Tay just laughed and pulled me into a tight hug , another fact I hate about myself , I'm a shorty blonde 4 ft and 11 In, especially when I had been around a tall guy with 5ft 11 In like Taylor , actually to give some hints , he looked like the Actor Taylor , the one who played at the twilight saga , weird to have the same name , sometimes I just think he was the same man , but no , he was just having some similarity to the young actor , just like me , some people saying I'm looking like Juliette Barnes , the main character of Nashville, the TV.series , well maybe just in our small size , I guess

Taylor was my best friend, colleague, brother and everything , I just be myself with him , he makes me feel complete being around him, we are somehow share the same interests, and we both sent letters and were subscribed for the list of candidates who want to get the scholarships for doing Master degree outside the country.

I , myself was waiting for the results , I always longed to continue my studies in Germany, since I'm studying German Literature and Civilisations, and to get a place in a German University was my highest wish . Taylor in other hand wanted to attend any university from Austria , he loved to be there just like I love to be in Dortmund.

"What about the result?" I asked after I heard some rumors , I just hope I could be one of the three who will take the scholarships

" The list is hung on the wall near the office of Frau Ackermann , there were a lot of people so I couldn't glance wither we succeed or not , I asked Henri and he didn't give a shit" he replied as we walked through the pavement toward the department .

Henri was an exchange student from Cameroon, all people know him as an arrogant sassy, grateful to his father who was an Ambassador or he wouldn't entered our university, since he got just two acceptance letters, one from our University and the second from Morocco, as he said.

In our way Tay's phone rang , it was an international call from Vienna, as the screen show up the Orange Austria code.

" It's Andreas" Tay said and picked up

" Say hi from me" I replied taking Tay's arm in mine while I took my phone out to check any news in my twitter, I'm too addicted to this website and actually I found it more interesting than Facebook. I kept exploring the home page till I heard Tay say goodbye to Andreas over his phone then sighed and burst out laughed

" Any news" I asked, but my eyes were still glued to some interesting tweet caught my attention

" Well nothing really serious , but with the scholarship or without it I can go to Austria , gosh I can't believe it" he screamed

" Has he just invited you"

" Well you know..." he didn't finish his words while the tone of his voice changed to an excited but at the same time a nervous and a hesitated one , without need to look at his face I knew he was drowning in his madly blush. A fact about Taylor , well he is my bi friend, he can be with women but he is into men and honestly he still didn't open up to his parents , I am the only one who knew about his orientation , uncle Robert , my father partner and best friend is well known of his hate toward loving the same gender , I can feel what Taylor was passing through and I don't understand why people feel disgusted or uncomfortable around gay people, this is their nature, and to love another man is not shame at all, still have no idea why they judge them, love is love no matter who is the beloved one.

" By the way Henri got the scholarship" Taylor spoke out after he composed himself again after that call with Andreas, an Austrian friend of us who was at our University as a trainee two years ago , and since then we kept in touch every now and then. Andreas was the one who kept motivated us to study outside Capetown, and honestly Taylor had a massive crush on him.

"No" I stopped and lifted my head , looking at his face, to decide was he joking or he was telling the truth,

" How could Henri took that scholarship , if his grades not high like mine, that would be a catastrophe" I thought but soon my thoughts interrupted by Taylor's voice again , who seemed like he read my mind

" Don't worry his destination has already taken to France, I heard from Keita , his friend , that he had applied to the ' Université de Bordeaux ' " Taylor gossiped and finally we arrived the department , I felt a huge wave of fear, excitement , worry all in one, what if no University accepted me, I was always the first of the classes for four years and also was a honored student for this long period at the Faculty. I paused for few seconds before the stairs closing my eyes then took a deep breath before walking up the last 5 stairs to the third floor where the department chief's bureau is.

" But why France, he is studying German so at least he should go to Germany or any other German speaking country " I said and passed between two students, Taylor following me, still holding his hand

"Simple, there is no German University accepted him , beside he is a french fluent tongue so he can study there "

"We all can speak French , smartass!"

" Your perfect French doesn't mean all people around can speak it like you do , ma petite rusée"

"Skroef jy" I said laughing

I know if I want to study by my own money I can go wherever I want , I'm a Bright girl , I mean my name is Sarah Bright , the daughter of Bright's industries, one of the richest businessmen in Capetown. But I wanted to study without help from my father or his name , I wanted to get that scholarship like any other hard-working student with help of my high grades and not with my father's money


Tock Tock

" Come in" I heard Frau Ackermann saying from behind the door of her office , allowing me to enter in

" Guten Tag , Frau" I said sheepishly, walking toward the desk where the German teacher was chatting with another student from the second year , some troubles with his notes , I guess

"Morning to you too , Sarah , please have a seat , I'll finish with this young man here and turn to you" she said smiling, I nodded and the other student smiled too. I grabbed my phone and logged in my social accounts after I heard a notification alart. It was a message from Taylor outside , sending an sticker asking about the results.

" I'm waiting , I'll tell you soon" I replied and turned my phone to silent mode , I didn't want any disturbing

10 Minutes Later

" Sorry to let you waiting that much , the poor student had troubles with Dr. Sung , the Literature teacher" said Frau Ackermann with apologetic gaze

" It's fine , Frau" I replied

" They told me you need to see me , is there.." I paused and the blonde lecturer with piercing blue eyes smiled at me

" Yes .. have you seen the list of the exchange students?" she asked and I shook my head no , now my nerves started to boil , my heart begun throbbing so fast

" Anyway , You've got four acceptance letters from four different universities , I'm so proud of you" she said ,

" Three from Germany and one from Austria" she added , I lost my tongue , I kept silent didn't speak a single word, they were a four acceptance for my demand , a four fucking acceptance , three of them were from Germany , it seemed the country was calling me

" You've got one from Leipzig , München and Heidelberg and one another from Vienna" she said with sparkles in her eyes , I had sent a demand to Vienna University just for Taylor , actually he was the one who filled the demand and sent it , he wanted us to join the same University so we could enjoy our times there, just like here.

I was lost in my thoughts , the three Universities are so damn good , I was confused , I wished there was one from Dortmund , I wanted badly to be there

" So which one you love to start your study in?" she asked and I instantly said Dortmund , I didn't know why I had chosen Dortmund ,-although Dortmund University was made only for technology stuffs , but it has also a faculty for Literature - , maybe because my love for the city that I didn't visit before , or maybe because of my love for granny , since she is German from Dortmund , and her long talks about her adventures in her homeland before travelling to South Africa , made me fall in love with the country , the language , the people and their culture, and even the gastronomy . I had always loved her stories about her early years in Germany , during the war and how she escaped from the Russian military.

" I knew you would said Dortmund " she giggled then continued "..anyway here is why I called you , I had agreed with the Rector of Dortmund University , he is my very best friend , I told him about your wish and he agreed to accept you as one of the students in his University" she said , I stared back at her with a dropped jaw , like I was inside a dream , I didn't expect that one day my dream would come true , and with help of Frau Ackermann I managed finally to put the first step on my journey, honestly still can't believe I did it.

"but there is a little problem" she followed , I frowned , wondering what could be this problem

" Since you would study at Dortmund TU , there is no place at the dorms , so you have to find a place to stay during your study and by your own money" she said feeling a little uncomfortable , honestly I didn't care of money , I can do that , although I always longed to share a place with a roommate , but it's fine . The money things weren't a problem at all , I already have a skonto for my study , I also can find a place and work there too. So generally I'm fine with the deal.

" Fine , money isn't problem at all , I can bear with it , but now what can I do to subscribe at the University , since the subscriptions are already off"

" It's not a big deal , just send the essentials to the university , Herr Bohmann is already waiting for you , you are in safe hands"

" Thank you Frau , thank you so much for your help , I really appreciate it and I won't disappoint you" I told her and reached my hand out to shake hers.

" You have been such a joy to teach Sarah , I have never seen a passionate student like you I'll always remember you , if you want any help from any kind , don't hesitate to ask , take care and good luck , and don't forget to have fun" she winked at me and I chuckled.

" Thank you Frau , I do hope to see you again in the future" I said and walked out feeling all the happiness in this world , there was no word to add , I simply did a great step in the journey of the thousand miles... Germany I'm coming soon.

At The Airport :

I was sitting at the airport seat , near my father , feeling nervous, excited, happy , sad and all in one , looking forward for my new journey and what my fate would bring to me with , for the first time I had left my father to live in a strange country all alone , chasing my dream to be like Frau Ackermann , one of the most important professor in the German language , and also to escape from my haunting past, I desperately wanted to start a new life with new people and a new interest .

" The flight to Frankfurt is about to take on in 10 minutes ..." I heard and my heart throbbed so fast , it was time to say goodbye to my old life , goodbye to the town I lived most of my life in , and to say goodbye to the father who was standing next to me , trying to hide his tears and act strongly

" Ok pappa I have to go now , I will call you when I'll arrive , don't be sad please" I looked at his eyes and he smiled

" I'm not , I'm happy in fact , my girl finally found something to walk through" he said and tears started to fall from his black eyes

" I love you pappa , I will call you everyday and I will return when I get the chance" I said walking toward the aisle

" Don't make troubles , and if anybody bother you just tell me , I love you honey take good care of you" he advised , then hugged me so tight before to let me go to my destination

During the flight I was thinking in so many things , the new step I did , the past I left behind and trying to find out what could my fate brought to me , but till this moment , I had no idea that I would fall so hard in love with someone like him...