Live Your Dream

Chapter Three : Autograph?

At Hotel :

My golden Chanel watch was showing around 4 pm , which meant that I had slept for four consecutive hours , I was still in my outfits, I didn't change it because of my exhaustion , since I flied for over 21 hours , and arrived close to midday of the next day, but though , I felt an argue to stroll around the city that would be my home for two years , that I would spent it during my study.

I looked at my right side and glimpsed my bag above my black suitcase , I had to make a video call with dad , to tell him that I had arrived in safe, or otherwise he would freak out and not weird to send me the ambassador himself to check on me. He was able to do it.

I sat up while I was still feeling dizzy , my head was like in drugs , my hair was ruffled and disarranged all around my face and I was sweating because of the deep sleep and the warmth around, I could even feel the warmth on my cheeks, I had slept during my flight to Frankfurt , but it was not enough for me, I love sleeping , well if the sleeping is a hobby, then it's my favorite hobby all the time , I think it's the only thing I can do with closed eyes. I grabbed my bag and took my tablet out it, I waited few minutes to boost and then I could log in, I landed the tablet on my belly and stared at the room, which supposed to be my shelter before finding a place to stay. The tone of the starting of the the devise brought me out my thoughts , I looked at the home-screen that showed a very beautiful and funny picture of me with Taylor at the pool, having fun, in that picture I was leaning on the edge of the pool while Taylor was right behind me pressing his body against me hugging me from behind , I snapped it and it was pretty nice , something that could bring me some breeze of happiness if I get bad mood.

I tapped on the screen unlocked it, bringing the dark curtain from the left side so I can activate the wireless, then logged in to my Skype , for my luck dad was on line , I was about to call him when he called me first, asking about my arrival , and how he was nervous , I told him I was too exhausted and I fell asleep the first moment I entered my room at the hotel. We spoke a lot and yes I felt I was missing him badly.

After I finished the video chat, I sighed and put my tablet on the bed and slowly made my way to the shower cabin , I needed to take an urgent shower to refresh myself from this warm weather. I stepped in the bathroom with full excitement, the bathroom was quite small but pretty cute, it smallness was not a problem for me at all , I was alone and I didn't expect any visitor to my room , so it was good.

The fresh, cool shower really did a great job to help me to ease my nerves, getting rid of my sleepy face and to get ready for first day at Dortmund, as one of their citizen. Well the fresh, delicious smell of the tropical fruits of my shower gel helped a lot to get back my Energie, feeling like some beautiful Tahitian girl bathing under the waterfall, it gave me such an amazing sensation. Standing still, letting the cool water soothing me , penetrating in every cellule of my skin. Well let's say the shower is my little temple, it's where I make decisions, thinking of new possibilities and even recall what I have done , if it was a wrong one that will help me to not do it again, so yeah the shower cabin or the bathtub was, and still my favorite place to ease my anger , my disappointment and thinking of fresh starts , or even trying to bury some painful memories.

I closed the tap announcing the time to get out, I opened the glassy door of the cabin and stepped out wrapping one of my orange towels around me while drying my hair with the other one , dancing, snapping my fingers and clapping my hands while mouthed the lyrics of some old song I used to sing after shower, only for one reason; the voice of George Micheal gave me some bags of Energie and even get me a happy mood

First two things I did was looking for my medicine in my bag, I've suffered from sinusitis and I had to take my pills to avoid my headache after shower, and second task was turning my laptop on after I took it out from the red bag and stayed waiting for the home screen to appear so I can type my pass word. I still had no idea why I kept this pass word still in use , every time I entered the five letters into the white box near my picture profile I remembered him , but why? why didn't I change it? how I didn't weed out of his damned name , and the worst why I didn't suppress his pictures? He hurt me, he cheated on me , he betrayed me and I flied to Dortmund to escape from his memory , I wanted to start over , finishing my studies and meet new people, and maybe meet with that special one, but since Kevin still in my heart, his memory still etched in my heart and my brain, in every cellule of my body, my heart wanted to give him another chance but my brain refused this idea , my pride refused what my heart wanted, the only solution that could help was to format not only my lap top but my heart and my brain, and start over.

While the system was still examining my password I entered few seconds ago, I laid my back on my messy bed gazing at the poster of Marlene Monroe on the wall before my eyes , oh my Norma Jeane! I wish I was you, strong and smart hiding behind this dummy features, she once said ' A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left.' I guess I was not a wise girl , not even a little, I was the one who believed in every thing and trusted every thing , well I still believe... that's one of my flaws, so silly I am. Well I quote her once again ' I am just a small girl in big world, trying to find someone to love' ... yes that's me , still believe in fairy tale, white horses , true love and... a prince! Still waiting for that special someone.

My thoughts interrupted by the sound of the yawning cloud coming from my laptop, I smiled and exited from the little blue window that showed up at the middle of the screen and went directly to my music files , pressing the first song the cursor came by it and then set the playback in random mode meanwhile I stood up and dragged my suitcase then landed it almost hardly on my bed to see what I could wear , according the heat that day , my decision went to my white sleeveless top with the name Kiss , the rock band's name printed in front , I think it was one of their tour in late eighties , anyway , I picked for it my blue faded short jeans, and in my feet I had chosen my black Moschino high top sneakers. I dried quickly my hair and let them fall out my shoulders. I was completely ready for the new life, the new adventure, and a new me. I looked once more at the mirror , vaporizing my Chanel fragrance over me again and went out the room accompanying with the incredible voice of Whitney Houston and her songs collections playing on my phone. Honestly every time I listen to her songs ,I instantly get in a happier mood especially that one... *I wanna dance with somebody *, put on my ear plugs and feel all the heat , it's an old song, even older than me but I'm a big fan of the 70s, 80s , it must be much fun back then, the 90s were amazing too , for me the middle of 70s to the 90s had the best artists of any decade, the music at that golden time were great and more meaningful , there were real vocalists, musicians, songwriters, dancers , until Nicki Minaj's stupid Hoe and Justin Bieber came and ruined music. Now I see the kids and it feels depressing with this wave of Bieber , god even if he pay me all my life to listen to his stupid music I won't , I hate Bieber and hate every one listen to his stupid songs, or even consider him as his idol.

The watch was pointing at 6: 15 pm when I crossed a road leading to a jewelry shop I had glimpsed when I had obliged to take a selfie and to sign an autograph for a young boy and his friends , thinking me that I was that American actress , and despite I convinced them that I'm not her but it just happened that I share some similarity with her , he wanted to get an autograph from the so-called duplicate since he can't get the real signature from the real actress, the weird thing that it was not only him who stopped me , but it happened some few times with some other people.

The shop looked so classy and it was big enough judging on the two façades it took, I wanted to buy something represents a fresh start in Dortmund and as a souvenir , not that I wanted something expensive but I just wanted something cool and classy , and a simple jewel will be great to keep it forever, to remind me of this beautiful country. In my way I had stopped by some places , taking pictures to post them later in my Instagram. I admit , sometimes I look like some silly teenager who get a chance for an European trip , but I didn't care , acting goofy was , and still one of my principe to live life to the fullest, where you don't have to worry about anything. I didn't feel myself stranger, in fact I felt like I'm home. Dortmund is really one of the most beautiful cities in Europe despite it's not big like Frankfurt or Berlin , but it has it own charm , that steal your heart from the first time being there . And yes, Dortmund is my home, my new home...

Marco's Point of view :

" If anyone had told me that at that special evening I will meet with the most incredible person, that will make my heart throbbing with no stop just in seeing her , I would have definitely laughed at them, and even I would have urged them to visit a psychologist, simply because till that special moment I had given up in something called Love. I will never forget the first time I saw this walking angel, how curious I had been since the first moment she caught my eyes, honestly I wouldn't have expected the changes this strange girl brought into my life , she changed everything in me, she warmed the coldness in my heart and turned the emptiness to a meaningful and colorful life, my dark days became brighter with her by my side , she completely rewrote everything I thought about the world and myself. I had known during my life some people that let me regret meeting them , maybe because I was too naive when it comes to emotions and feelings , or maybe because I was fooling myself to love sincerely , a lot of reasons let me certainly believe that love became just a name , a name that is completely empty from the powerful meaning of it, till this fateful day , when she stepped into my life like a tender caress of a soft summer breeze, brought me happiness with her joyful laughs, hope and true love , my world became more colorful ... at that single moment it happened , I knew I had fallen in love at first sight... and so hopelessly "

Later that evening :


" Come on Marcinhooo" I heard the yeller Pierre over the phone, begging me to accompany him to buy something for his girlfriend as a make up gift after their quarrel last Thursday

" Auba I'm sorry dude but I'm really not in mood to stroll around , I'm tired"

" You're tired! why you said it like you were the one who played yesterday's game" I heard a sarcastic snore from the other side

" Well if I could played last evening I probably would have come and brought the three points you guys lost for those monkeys"

" Please spare me your lecture , you weren't there and even if you have been there and with all the sporting spirit you wouldn't scored, no offence but the game is over they beat us so let them celebrate their temporary victory because we will beat them at the return game" , " but for now I'm really in need to your help"

" Take somebody else with you , I'm not in good mood for..." he cut my words

" Stop create some ridiculous reasons to not come with me , I said I will take you back home after I will bring my stuff , come on trust me dude you won't regret it I promise" I paused silent , chewing my bottom lip , but in the end I replied

" Okey then , come over after 10 minutes , I will wait for you"

" Yess" I heard Auba yelling excited just like he won some lottery, laughing loud , I just chuckled because sometimes he act really weird but funny and that's why I can't refuse any request from him

15 minutes later :

"I thought you change your mind" I said after I got in his new mustard Lamborghini

" Nah , I just want to be generous with you so I gave you time to style your hair and pick up which earrings fit you perfectly" he laughed

" Shut up!" I replied annoyed and a little bit blushed after he mentioned that I spend long time to get myself ready

" Do you have any suggestions on what should we do , what do you want exactly to buy ?" I asked tapping on the screen to choose some music I can enjoy since the playlist Auba organized was contain mostly collection of French songs , I'm not good when it comes to learning languages, French in precise that's why I have learnt only three essentiel words: Bonjour, Merci & Je t'aime , well at least I'm better than him , he is since a year ago here in Dortmund and still can't build a right sentence , complaining that our language is so difficult and every word has around 120 km length , mocking on the words we use

" Still didn't decide , but I want something could take her breath away , something she will love it"

" Look as long as she loves you she will accept anything from you, even if you gift her a stone"

" Are you kidding ? A stone? Do you want her to throw it on me causing me some permanent handicap" I burst laughed , he looked like he got some severe shock , his eyes went wide chewing on his lips just like he was imagining the scene before his eyes, then blinked

" Reus you are loser man , I don't want to take your advice anymore"

" Then put me here I can't be helpful for you either"

"Nah I need you, I can't do it without my partner"

" Ok just drive and let me listen to this song, next time try to put some good songs with this ones here"

" Hey don't mock at my taste , at least I listen to some meaningful songs not like your awful taste" I just snored laughing

Auba was somehow my outlet during this past few months .I was more than grateful to him. Playing, joking , partying or just chilling together gave me some strength and also a motive to overcome my dark days, with the injuries that seemed didn't want to leave me alone, without forgetting what happened last June , that ended not only by missing a biggest competition I have dreamt about , but also being a fool believing in something called feelings and true love. The break up itself didn't hurt me as much as the way she left, just in time I was in need to everyone's support , she dumped me with somebody else who promised her a brighter future.

The entire ride we were chatting and joking , trying to figure what could have been the gift looked like , as much as Auba looks crazy but deep inside he is a great man with pure heart , making his family as his first priority, needless to say that he care too much for his beloved ones and he could make the impossible to possible only for their sake. He is such a good man with a golden heart, that I'm really honored and blessed to meet with him, such person who we gladly love to let them be a part in our lives, those people we should keep them near and never let them go , just as Marcel, my little brother, best friend and every thing , he was with me through thin and thick and never let me feel any lack in anything, he was always supportive, he was my pillar in those shitty days.

The sound of stopping the engine pulled me out from my troubled thoughts, I looked outside staring at the jewelry building , the first fine shop in Dortmund and turned my head back to face Pierre , he looked at me back and winked

"Let's do this" all what he said before he burst laughed, I nodded in response and descended the car

Shop after shop we were searching for something could leave a good impression , I first doubted he was about to engage to Alysha but he denied it, saying it would be just a making-up gift, well only time would be enough to reveal the secret behind. It was almost the fifth shop we entered it, I felt tired but whatever I would do I would never be able to thank Auba enough to drag me to search for a jewel for his girl, because and because of him I found my unique rare pearl already there. It could be named fate, destination , I don't know but what I'm sure of that there was something worked up there in heaven to let me meet with her .

"Hallo Fräulein, I want you to show me the best stuff you have here" Auba spoke in broken German , still need help with the vocabulary and Grammar, I chuckled and he looked at me like a little child in school, from his eyes I could read that he wanted me to stop laughing at him or he probably will break down... off laughing

" Sure, sir, It's such a joy to have you in our shop, just tell me what do you want exactly to bring it to you" the girl answered with sparkles in her eyes

" Ehm..bring everything good here, don't worry we have time to check every piece" he replied patting on my shoulder , the girl nodded in agreement and left while we kept staring at the showcases in front of us. I left Auba and walked to the other side , the shop was classy but nothing really got my attention till I heard the glassy door opened , making a ring as someone entered.

I don't know what was the first thing caught me instantly , maybe it was her shyly greetings , or her light walk or maybe her perfume that spread and mixed in the air, or maybe her voice, or maybe it was that moment when we crushed together , basically when the corner of her bag just hit me , leaving a slight scratch reddened that spot in my arm

" Ow Entschuldigung , bitte" the blonde shorty girl said while she was taking off her phone plugs from her ears , a small but shyly smile spread on her face, making her look so breathtaking, especially with the dimples in her both cheeks.

" It's fine" I replied, still didn't get my eyes off her , she looked too familiar to me, looks alike to someone I had seen before , but I couldn't remember where did I see her, she smiled warmly at me she must noticed my reaction, but what even shocked me was asking for autograph ,

" Autograph?" she asked and I nodded thinking that she was one of my fans, we stood there like two statues , looking at each other faces, no one of us did a move till she spoke out

" Do you have pen?" she asked, but I didn't care much that's why I didn't think twice , I shook my head and smiled

" It's fine, I have one I guess" she replied searching in her bag for the pen, I still didn't understand what was going on, why she asked for the pen as long as she had one in her bag, the way she requested for the autograph shocked me as well so I was technically out of my senses, she finally took the pen off her bag and looked at me, searching for something to write on, still didn't get it to be honest , the last shock wave still didn't fade away when she decided to gift me another electric shock hitting me down to my spin when her digits brushed mine as she grabbed my right arm. Her soft, elegant and so white like a porcelain fingers , with red burgundy painted her not long but also not too short nails, pressed gently with my fingers , wrapped them in a smooth grip just like she was protecting them and healing them at the same time, for a moment I didn't want her to leave my hand, I wanted this gentle touch to last forever, I wanted to savor that new sensation she gave till the end, she looked hesitated for some seconds but then she did it, she signed on my arm then smiled leaving me behind her without any further explanation or another word but 'see you around'

That never happened before , I had used to sign autographs for fans, but this time I was the one who get an autograph , in my arm and from a strange girl, totally strange.

When I got back to my senses I wanted to call her back but I didn't find her, I felt my heart skipped several beats, something saddened me at that split of second , wondering who the girl could be , as a bolt from the blue she showed up , came as a smooth summer breeze and left, leaving only the sensation in my hand and some blue letters in my arm as her signature . That girl totally .blew. my mind.. away....