Live Your Dream

Chapter Five : The New Exchanged Student

01, Oct 2014

My yesterday late talk with Taylor , caused me to wake up a little bit late , well not that much late, but though , I didn't find it as an appropriate behavior to start the new journey , I didn't want to leave an unpleasant impression , especially if it was my very first day at the German University, that I had dream to attend since my very young age. We all know how the German people are so strict and punctual when it comes to the fixed meeting , I had to be there at 9:30 at the morning to meet the Rector and then to subscribe and to explore the University.

The TU was my new University , and my destination was toward the nord Campus. True this University is engaged in research and technologie and sciences stuff since its foundation in 1968 but it already has two compus , so beside the technologie studies, the TU has succeed to evolve a special profile among the German Universities, linked the faculties of natural, engineering with the social sciences and humanities including the Cultural sciences department , the domain that I chose to study.

I slipped out my bed and walked half way to the small bathroom to take a quick shower and refresh my day, the indicator in my golden Omega watch was pointing on 7:55 am , it was close to eight which meant it left only one hour and half for my meeting , I was afraid , I didn't know if I could make it and be there at the point nine. Still had to do something with my wet hair after shower , my make up , dressing and took the subway , since the TU is located outside the down town .

After my quick shower I walked out in race with time , I dried my hair fast so I could guarantee that there is no way I would have had any severe sinusitis , after few seconds of meditation I reached to the solution with my hair so I wore them up in a pony tail, making my eyes looking like a mean cat , for the makeup I skipped that phase so just a mascara and lipstick would be more than enough , I didn't have to concern on my other things, I had already arranged everything yesterday during my long video chat with Tay. Taylor had already helped me by choosing my outfits for me , I was so grateful since I can't decide what I can wear without help of somebody else , my weak point , I love cloths, shoes and bags from different fine brands , I'm addicted to buy new cloths every time I get the chance for shopping but when it comes to choose which one I should wear I just found myself lost in the deep blue of my wears in my wardrobe , next to all Taylor has a wonderful taste of fashion so I loved to hear his opinion , my study files were already packed in my bag next to my apple laptop, at least I still had time to maybe breakfast at the garden of the hotel I booked in.

After another glance at the mirror I was satisfied with my record time , doing all this in just 30 minutes but still, I was afraid of the late arrival, I grabbed my things and closed my room behind me heading to the reception to give back the key and have another quick breakfast , I ordered just a glass of peach juice and one peace of french crepes with Nutella and small pieces of tasty strawberry.

The journey from the hotel to the University of Dortmund was a journey of one hour maximum , but with the subway I probably could make it and arrive in time , or at least five minutes before the meeting with the Rector of the Humanities, Culture Studies and Social Sciences Faculty and the Dean of Dortmund University.


I looked at my watch as soon as I stopped just before the entrance of the German University, that located at the nord Campus, it was 9:15 , finally I arrived safely and before the meeting's time. The first two things that caught my eyes was the name of the University that showed up from the tower, it called the maths tower according to my knowledge , abbreviated to TU , taking two first letters from two German words : Technische Universität ( University of Technologie) as a logo for the University . And then I saw the hanging subway in the air, making it look like the Roller-coaster in the amusement park .

And then I saw the hanging subway in the air, making it look like the Roller-coaster in the amusement park

Another thing got my attention was the evergreen parks although we were in fall. I felt like I was in some garden and not in a University, the view was so breathtaking, I smiled to a sudden thought penetrated my mind , it was kind of a stupid fantasy but deeply, I hoped that one day and during my study here I could find someone to steal some kisses , playing and joking with him while I would be studying for some exam here in the outdoors, just behind that little bush that was in the entrance.

I looked around like a little lost child , who found himself surrounding by strangers but he couldn't recognize his parents among them, I felt my blood was about to freeze in my veins , the day was warm and sunny, giving some special filter of the Autumn, with the golden rays, but though I started to shiver, the reason was clearly visible , I was just tensed because of the meeting, the new place and with no friends I know, I loved Dortmund but for a split second I wished I applied at the Austrian University, at least Taylor would have been there with me.

I kept walking , throwing my gaze everywhere , looking for the directions to the department where I had to register while changing my lap top bag from hand to another, the suitcase was heavy not just because of the weight of the computer but because of the bag itself.

Still couldn't find where I was when I had unintentionally bumped with a girl in yellow jersey decorated with some black color , looked like a jersey for some sport team and a blue faded and ripped jeans, she has been carrying some stuff in her hands , I felt so stupid , it was my fault and actually I've been afraid if she would have burst out, insulting me or something, but she didn't, she just took her Ray ban aviator sunglasses off, showing her beautiful green eyes that made her looked more attractive with her brunette feature.

" Oh! Verzeihen mich bitte " I apologized and she just smiled

" Oh please you don't have to , such little accident happen in such big world" she replied , still smiling from ear to ear

" Not really, actually I think I'm lost and I was looking for the Literature department that's why I didn't pay attention to my walk, my mistake, I'm really sorry"

" The Literature department? Well it's in the other side" she said

" You mean I'm not now at the Cultural Sciences Faculty"

" You're really stranger!" she giggled awkwardly

" Well...ehmm yes it's my first day here and I have a meeting with the Rector," I looked at my watch it was passed 25 minutes which left only four minutes for the meeting, and I couldn't make it because I got lost

" Oh jee! I am too late for the meeting, could you please show me where I could find the department" I asked again, too worry for the unpleasant late

" Well just walk ahead with that pavement and before you turn to the left crossed the way and go right and you will find the Department just in front of you"

" Thank you so much and sorry to stumble with you"

" No it's fine and good luck with your meeting"

I had followed the instructions the green-eyed brunette girl told me, I was grateful to find the building as she said , but now the problem was where could I have to find the office of the Rector. I stepped inside looking for the bureau, while I felt the eyes on me , something that make me uncomfortable, being in the middle like some experiment animal. I turned my head where I felt bothered with the gazes and I saw someone fixing his eyes on me , smiling smugly making me feel like I was in a jungle and he was the hunter, I instantly cast my eyes down then continued walking then stopped when I felt someone following me , it was the same guy, a blonde male with stunning green eyes , they looked like a beach in a Caribbean island

" I see that you're lost a bit , may I help you" he talked

" ahm.." I paused , I wanted to ignore him but he was right I was lost and late and I needed to meet the Rector as soon as I can so I replied at him after shortly thinking

" Yes, please I need the Rector office, I have an appointment with him"

" Yes sure , just in the first floor , walk straight till you'll reach the last room , that is the office"

I thanked him and walked, headed upstairs , feeling anxious

The opposite of what I was thinking happened, the meeting went so smooth , he even talked a lot about his friendship with Frau Ackermann , saying that they were friends since high school and she recently told him a lot about me , I hoped she said ...
The opposite of what I was thinking happened, the meeting went so smooth , he even talked a lot about his friendship with Frau Ackermann , saying that they were friends since high school and she recently told him a lot about me , I hoped she said only good, in the end he wished me luck and advised me to go the secretary, she can give me the schedule and the number of the classes so I wouldn't get lost again, especially after I told him the reason of my late was because I was lost and I didn't know where I have been.

After I left the office I met with Tanja, the secretary , and she was really kind with me , she gave me the schedule, and she welcomed me if I would have faced any troubles. Now, the next task was looking for the Library to complete my registration.

I walked downstairs, searching for the library, I needed to register there too, but just near the gate of the department I found the same guy standing there, as he saw me he smiled, I wanted to hide from his gazes but I failed, beside I needed to walk out and I was still didn't know if there was another door to get out from

"Hey, how was your meeting?" he asked smiling, waving at me

" It went good, thank you to show me the way"

"No need to thank me" he said looking down at the paper in my hand,

"You get the schedule, so which branch you will study , what is your specialty , which group are you in"

" German Literature and civilization ... of middle ages , Master degree group one" I finished looking up from my schedule ,

"No way, you are my colleague then" he said still hiding his hands on his jeans pockets, I blinked twice , it's something I can't tell more about, maybe that could be found weird but in the beginning of every school year and always in my first day at the college always the first person I saw I found out that they would be my colleague , it's somehow like an advance sense , or I don't know how it called , that how I met with Tay and now since I bumped with that blonde Kennan , as he named himself and since he seemed to be one of my colleague , I sensed that would be there some kind of friendship

" I'm Kennan , call me Ken , and I'm the delegate of the section" he reached his right hand out for shaking mine

" Aw, nice to meet you, I'm Sarah, call me Sarah with S and not Z" I explained and he giggled , still grabbing on my hand like he didn't want to pull away

" Sure, Sarah with S" I bit on my lips feeling like blushing,

" but you don't look like a master student" he went on , I just stared back at him surprised, and wondering at the same time, was he mocking at me or flirting , whatever was his attention I felt a little bit offended but I didn't reply, I didn't want to argue with someone I just had met with, he probably got the hint because after that he laughed awkwardly and then asked me to not get him wrong , he just thought I was in first year and not as a master student, due to my appearance that I looked too young, in his opinion, I just nodded faking a smile till I heard a female voice approaching us, I lifted my gaze to see that it was the same girl I stumbled with her earlier this morning, the one that gave me direction to the department

" Hey Manu, where have you been" Kennan asked the girl who was sipping in a Starbucks mug

" I needed latte so I went to bring one" she spoke and then bent down cleaning her shoe after a guy had put his foot on her. " jerk" I heard her insulting him

" Aw! new interest Kennan" she asked after she saw me

"No, she is our new colleague" he spoke mentioning me

" Wait! Aren't you the same lost girl"

" Well yes it was me and thank you again"

"It's fine, so did you meet the rector" she asked

" Yes! " I replied smiling

" sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm Manuela Fornell" she said giving her hand to shake mine

" I'm Sarah Bright"

"Sarah, nice name" ,

"It's Sarah with S and not Z" Kennan interrupted by his comment and giggled, because Manuela just called me Sara sounding like Zara, I looked up at him and smiled, then looked again to the brunette girl

"Thank you, you also have a beautiful name, it sounds Spanish"

"well yes, because I'm Spanish"

"You're an exchange student from Spain" she looked weird at me and laughed awkwardly, I felt like I asked some stupid question

" No, I'm not, I'm German but with Spanish descent; my parents came from Valencia"

"¡Tengo el placer de conocerlo!"

"No way! can you speak Spanish! Are you Spanish too?"

"No actually I'm African from Cape Town, but yeah I can speak Spanish and few other languages"

"Few other languages! Who are you girl!" she still was making an *O* with her opened mouth

" You can call me Sarah, that was my name last time I checked before walking out from the office" she laughed, and I chuckled, it was great to find some friends in my first day at the Uni , at least I won't be feel alone or stranger, anymore

" I need instruction to the library, I need to complete my registration and bring some books and also to explore the faculty" I spoke with an excited tone because I love to be there, it's just like my refuge to be between books, I'd rather spend my time as a bookworm than I spend it with some cheater jerks. The both laughed,

"Why so hurry, we will take you there don't worry"

"I didn't know you're a bookworm!" Ken replied

"Ha-ha yeah... No seriously it's just because I'm late and..."

"Nah don't worry, you will get registered soon and even you will feel bored there, nobody go there anyway, at least not before the exams period" Manuela talked, making some dramatic scene,

"Just few minutes and I will come back" Kennan said and walked away, I saw him hugging someone and joking with him

"Nice shoes!" I heard someone addressing me just as we walked outside, I turned my head and he pointed on my red shoes from Christian Louboutin , my favorite brand when it comes to buy shoes, beside I had , still have a nice friendship with the designer , he once asked me for modeling, but I refused gently, I have never been interested to be a model or something , I even didn't want to be in relationship with a celebrity , because celebrity means there would be no more privacy , well I'm not wide world known like Paris Hilton but mostly my country know about me, despite I tried hard to keep my privacy aside, people in Cape Town or South Africa weren't crazy or obsessed by knowing everything about me, they somehow gave me much space to feel myself without thinking if there will be any paparazzi following me and the next day will spread my stories in the press, like most of them do. My dad also worked hard to let me out the spot light so I can enjoy my life like any other girl and not as the billionaire's daughter, the richest man not just in South Africa but the whole continent. I smiled insecure at him, and replied shyly with a simple Danke! Thinking his comment was a compliment, but in the end it was not.

"Apparently it is not the original ones" he spoke out

"Excuse me!" I gulped surprised, was he joking, mocking or that was his nature, I kept asking myself

"You heard me" he spoke , looking like a mean girl , but damned he was a guy , well just in appearance , he was looking too gay, I doubted he was one of them

"Yes I heard you! I don't have problems with my ears like you have with your eyes" I snapped back

"I'm not blind! I can recognize the real Louboutin from some fake Chinese unknown brand, beside wearing Louboutin fake shoes doesn't make you high"

"Dude, you don't know my name so stop talking shit"

"Matt stops it!" Manuela talked to that guy who gave the remark of my shoes

He looked at me disgusted, looked like he was about to throw up, it was a shock for me at the very first day at the university, I didn't expect to find bullies, after all it was a university, which means you're adult enough to attend it

"Do you have problem with your throat?"

"Fuck off girl, you think you're funny"

"I'm not comedian, so no I'm not funny, sorry to disappoint you, dude" he snored mockingly

"Take my advice, you don't need to wake up the monster inside me, so just let me be gentle, Matt! That was your name, right?" he looked at me, and gosh he was acting similar to that girl from that movie "mean girls"

"Sarah you really don't need to deal with trash, let's go to explore the Uni" Manuela stepped back and held me from my left arm so I can follow her

"Whom you are describing them as a trash", that guy talked and Manuela just looked at him

"What about to go and search for some **** baby to busy yourself with, what you need isn't with us" she snapped back, he looked at her without saying a word, he casted his eyes down, but before he walked away, he looked at me with fury in his eyes

"We will meet again, Geck !" he hissed, I felt the threat in his voice, wait, was he really tried to send me some message, I just looked at him till he disappeared among the crowd, then I turned to Manuela surprised, she smiled at me

"Was he just threatening me or something?" I asked

"Well congratulations, first trouble at your first day! welcome to the TU world" she laughed

"And don't give a fuck for him, this is his habit, you don't need to deal with him or with his gang , bunch of trash" she followed as we walked toward the library, trying to change the subject

"So how did you sense I'm Spanish?"

"By your name, I guess"

"Yeah... Just if you know what it means" she burst laughed

"Though, it reminds me of an old song" I said

"Well my father named me over a song for..."

"Manuela: Julio Iglesias"

"Well yes, did you know him?"

"I'm a fan of his works, I love his songs"

"Oh . my. god !!another father detected here , my father also a big fan of him that's why he named me after realization that song , it's boring" she rolled her eyes

"Well it's a beautiful love song, and it's beautiful name" I replied, she smiled but then her phone rung,

"It's my cousin, I'll answer him than I'll back to you" she said and left as I entered inside.