The Resistance


‘We expect the battle for humanity is about to begin
Within each uprising, a fake sense of safety will ignite in you, and unseen shadow will slip from doubt
Towards those who protect, and defend you
But let the thoughts slip away, and remain calm, stay close to F.E.A.R. only we can protect-‘ the radio I was carrying smashed against the wall, these assholes keeping us behind these walls like animals. I was thankful for Paisley talking me out of taking those poisoned white pills I was handed every week that they used to keep us under their control. Well no more.

“Looks like there’s been another raid on the city.” Paisley said.

“The rebels?” I asked.

“Possibly. Not any of the main three though, they never fight the battles themselves.” She replied, bitterness in her tone. “Now’s our time Scar.”

“What if-“

“C’mon it’ll be fine, the watch has stayed constant for god knows how long, we’ll take the tunnel I found last week.” Sometimes I doubted her naivety, these people were psychos, they found us trying to escape we’d defiantly be dead I knew many people who just disappeared after trying to escape and I for one didn’t want to end up like them. “Grab the guns and follow me.” I guess we were doing this. I did as told and grabbed the guns along with a bag that fit both of our absolute essentials in and followed her out of the door. Even being seen out at this time was a crime- strict curfew regulations meant even stricter punishment for those caught disobeying.

Finding the manhole entrance to the tunnel was easy, too easy I thought. I followed paisley down into the darkness praying to whoever was listening that we’d make it out of this place alive. We walked for miles without any source of light, we often fell over our feet or one another but kept as quiet as possible. This tunnel being here didn’t seem a coincidence to me and I hoped that we wouldn’t come across any guards.

“Remember.” Paisley said. “One of us falls behind keep running.”

“You’re starting to sound like them.”

“Who the rebels? Fuck off.” She spat before climbing up the ladder. We slipped out of the darkness and onto the street, we barley had time to duck behind a car as two of the shadow guards rounded the corner.
“Shit.” Pais breathed, looking around her I followed her stare and saw dracs at their posts. “Change was early.”

“What are we gonna do?” I asked very much aware the two shadow guards were heading our way.

“Run.” She said before she ran to the heavily locked door that was the door between freedom and us. The only thing I remember from then on is the smell of laser fire filling the air, the sound of shouts and engines as we made our bid for freedom, the burning in my lungs as we ran to one of the cars.

I didn’t stop looking back until we were clear.
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First chapter! I've been debating whether to upload this for a while but I've written about 15 chapters now so I think now's the right time. Let me know what you think and there will be more updates soon.