The Emeryville Coffee Shop Owner

Post 15

For the next week I had carefully managed to live at Billie Joe’s house but not see him more then once a day. I would get up before him and leave to go find something to do (even if it meant grocery shopping for Billie) so that I would not spend time with the man I love because he does not love me back. I would always come back to his house before him and go to bed early; I was making quite an effort to be sure our paths never crossed.

I came home on day after grocery shopping for the two of us to see Billie on the couch. He was usually at the studio now so I was surprised to see him there.

“Hey Billie.” I muttered as I hurried into the kitchen to put away the groceries.

“Hey.” He followed me into the kitchen and began helping me put the food away.


“No problem, can I ask you a question though Roni?”

“Sure go ahead.” I told him.

“Why are you avoiding me?”


“I know your avoiding me, you hate waking up early though you’ve been doing it ever since you got here and you are never home when I am and when I get home you’re already asleep. I know its not just coincidence that we never run into each other.” He explained to me.

“I’m just dealing with a lot of shit because the Coffee Corner is closed and I’d rather not have any drama from you thrown into the mix.” I stated calmly. He crossed his arms.

“Fine.” I turned to face him, taken aback that he gave in so easily. But as soon as I was facing him he pressed his lips to mine. Fireworks went off in my head as I quickly kissed him back.

“Billie.” I murmured before realizing my senses and pulled back.

“That’s why you were avoiding me, wasn’t it.” He sounded proud of himself.

“Guilty, but I thought you didn’t like me that way.” I pointed out.

“Sorry Roni, I still don’t but I was just trying to show something.” I felt anger bubbling inside me.

“You selfish little prick! YOU kiss ME not the other way around, knowing that I had feeling for you and might still have them! Billie you’re a horrible person, if I had seen you doing that to any other girl I would slap you for leading her on, which is exactly what you are doing to me. Whatever was running through your mind when you kissed me is beyond my comprehension.” I ranted, glaring at him, and I have one mean death glare.

“But…” He started.

“No buts Billie! What you did was wrong and I can’t understand why you would do something you knew would hurt me, especially after all the help I gave you over the years.”

“A lot of help that did! Adie still cheated on me and divorced me! You didn’t help at all, how do I know you didn’t purposely wreck my relationship with Adie so that I would be the same!?!” He screamed at me. He realized what he said and his face changed to shock.

“Well Billie, I know I didn’t do that because when you truly love someone it doesn’t matter if you’re not with them. If they’re happy you’re happy. That is how I feel about you but if you feel I wrecked your marriage fine. I’m gonna get my stuff and go to Mike’s, I think it will be better if I stayed there.”

“No, Roni I really didn’t mean that!” He tried but I just smiled sadly at him.

“Yeah, you did. But that’s fine.” He grabbed my arm.

“I did not mean that! Please believe me.”

“Give me a reason to believe.” I said softly.

“I’m just scared Roni, Adie is dating another guy and they are getting really serious and Joey and Jakob are getting really close to this guy. What if they start looking to him as a dad instead of me because I’m never around?” Billie asked sobbing and I softened, I knew I shouldn’t but I still did.

“Oh Billie, you’re thier dad, no man can ever replace that and if he is a good man he won’t try to. I’m gonna start dinner for the two of us. What do you want to eat?” I was trying really hard to make him feel better.

“Vegetarian lasagna?” That was a hard dish to make because it took a long time to prepare but I just smiled.

“Sure.” I was in the kitchen cooking when the doorbell rang. I answered it to see Mike there.

“Hey Roni.”

“Hey, what’s up?”

“Nothing, I had nothing to do so I decided to come bother you and Billie. You have sauce on your chin, what are you cooking?” He asked.

“Vegetarian lasagna, Billie was upset so I decided to cook him dinner.” I replied.

“That’s tough dish to make, I know, I’ve tried. You must really love him.” Mike wondered. I sighed because Mike didn’t know that Billie was sitting on the couch right near us.

“Yeah, I do.” I muttered before returning to the kitchen.

“Hey Mike.” Billie said from the couch. Mike looked up surprised and gave me an apologetic look for mentioning how I felt about Billie. I just shrugged and continued to prepare Billie’s meal.