Sequel: Always a Hero

Once a Hero

Unexpected Changes

Those 2 weeks of my furlough went by faster than I expected. A few days before I got back in this plane to return to base, I went through Dakota's things. Some of his stuff was good enough yo donate but others I kept for Jayla and I. I did cone across 2 strange keys that led me to a safety deposit box at the bank. I didn't know what to think of it since he had never told me about it. I had them opened and found 10,000 dollars in each box. This was a much bigger shock than finding the safety deposit box keys. I was a little worried about how Dakota had managed to get his hands on such a large amount of cash but in the bottom of the second deposit box there was a letter explaining everything. It told about how the fast food joint wasn't putting out enough money so he got a second job at a high end cleaning service. Dakota wrote that no one other than my mother knew about the cash he had saved and mom had promised to keep it a secret. That's one hell of a secret to keep but I don't blame Dakota or my mother. My dad loves to gamble and he will get money by any means just to play poker. Any money that man gets is immediately squandered on his stupid habit.

I tightened up the seatbelt as the pkabe landed at one of the many Air Force bases in Iraq. Now all I have to do is hitch a ride back to Delta Company. I looked around before spotting some people I knew from Bravo and Charley Company so I approached them.

"Hey you guys headed past Delta Company?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah. Hop in." I got into the vehicle with 4 men and 2 women who were to be dropped off at different base Company's. The humvee driver cranked the motor and drove away from the Air Force base.


The whole ride back to base, I tried thinking about what changes Colonel Daniels was talking about when headquarters was making specific changes in all the Companys. Hell I've been trying to wrap my brain around it ever since I was granted my emergency furlough. The humvee stopped just outside the gate of Delta Company base and I got out with my bags. I gave the driver a quick thank you before heading to my Colonel's office to let me know I was back. I walked into the building where Private Franks sat at his desk furiously working hard on the duty logs.

"Hello Private Franks." I said smiling as he looked up.

"Sergeant Carrington! How are you doing?"

"I'm fine Carson." I said nodding.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Is Colonel Daniels in?" I asked looking towards his closed office door.

"He sure is. I'll let me know of your arrival."

"No that's alright. You keep working on those reports. I know the way." I said patting him on the shoulder. Carson went right back to his busy work while I knocked on the Colonel's door.

"Private, you don't have to knock." I shook my head as I entered the large office.

"Since when was I demoted sir?" I said jokingly.

"Oh I'm very sorry Sergeant. I thought you were the Private. It's good to see you back."

"Thank you sir." I said saluting him.

"How are you doing Blayke?"

"I'm alright sir. I've been curious as to what changes are going to be made around this area." I said sitting in front of his desk.

"They're not major changes but it's something that's never been done in any company around here."

"Why would that be sir?" I inquired.

"Attack dogs or more commonly called War Dogs."

"Command wants us working with them?" I asked raising a brow.

"Not everyone. Just you."

"Only me?" I asked not sirs if I had heard hjn correctly.

"Yes. Command believes that with your field experience and knowledge of combat, that you are imminently qualified. You'll also be given first choice."

"Well if command has that much confidence in me then maybe I should have 2 dogs." I commented.

"I'm not sure if that would be a good idea. I mean there's never been a handler who's had 2 attack dogs work together successfully. It would be quite the challenge."

"You know I'm always up for a challenge sir." I said confidently.

"If you think that you're up to it. They're bringing all the available dogs tomorrow at 1200 hours. Then you'll only have a week and a half to bond and learn the simple commands depending on the breed."

"I can do that sir." I said nodding my head.

"Alright. Your unit is doing routine patrols around the village they obtained while you were away. You'll be rejoining them once you complete the commanding and bonding process with your dogs."

"Yes sir." I said standing and saluting my superior officer. Colonel Daniels saluted me back dismissing me from his office. I left the building and headed over to the barracks to change out of my Dress Blues and into my basic drill uniform or what everyone calls fatigues.

After I was dressed, I decided on going for a run. I hadn't been able to work out like I do here but spending time with Jayla was the only thing on my mind at the time. The base is fairly big so I won't have to leave plus there's an obstacle course here if I want to change up my routine. As I ran along the razor wire topped fence so did my mind. Dakota was the first thing to pop into my line of thought. I don't think I can be strong anymore even though I have to be. My head has got to be in the game because if I ain't focused, people will die due to my carelessness. I don't want my comrades getting killed because of me. I stopped running breathing heavily from going so long. The sun showed signs of the mid afternoon and I jogged back towards the Mess Hall to eat.


Eating this food just makes me long for my mom's home cooked meals. I have no idea where the hell they found this flunky they calk a cook but I'm sure they could've gotten a monkey who's more qualified. I returned my empty tray and left the Mess Hall. By the time I had finished eating night had started to approach and I really needed a shower. I went back to my barracks to grab a fresh towel and some clothing before heading to the showers. The warn water relaxed me and melted away the tension in my muscles. I finished my shower and got dressed as night fully engulfed the day. I laid down on the cot feeling guilty that my comrades in arms weren't sharing the same comfort. I grabbed my bag from the floor beside the cot and took out the picture Jayla and I had taken just days before I came back to the base. I held the picture close to me as I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so very sorry that it took me so long to update. I hope no one has abandoned this story yet. I'd really hate to know that any of you readers left. It would make me sad hut to make it up to you in going to be posting 3 chapters tonight! I hope it makes up for the time I had lost.