‹ Prequel: Seven Year Ache

Weapons of War


“Are you sure you’re gonna be okay tonight?” Riley asked Shea for what he thought was probably the nine hundredth time since she came downstairs fifteen minutes earlier.

He chuckled and nodded, “Yes, we’ll be fine.”

She gave him a weary took as headlights shined through the window by the front door and Quinn honked the horn from the driveway. As she slipped into a pair of ankle boots Riley informed him, “Because I can just stay home. It’s not a big deal.”

Rolling his eyes Shea stepped toward her and opened the door, threatening, “Don’t make me push you out.”

She sighed, but leaned but to kiss Noah’s cheek, he didn’t even stir in Shea’s arms, and then Riley leaned up and kissed him softly before saying, “Okay, well I won’t be home late. I’ll be like an hour and a half max I promise.”

Shifting Noah slightly Shea told her, “We’ll be fine, you stay out however long you want. You need a night off Ry, go have fun.”

“Ugh.” She mumbled, and she held her hand out of the door, middle finger up when Quinn honked the horn again. Shea laughed at her, and then she turned back to him and asked, “Promise you’ll call if you need anything?”

“I will, but I won’t need anything. We’ll be fine.” As he assured her of this she looked back at Noah with a sad expression and Shea turned her around to face the porch and gave her a gentle push out of the door before he told her, “Have a good night.”

“Yeah, yeah asshole.” She mumbled as she stepped off of the porch and onto the driveway. She could hear his laughter as she made her way to Quinn’s vehicle and got into the front seat.

Quinn, while she pulled out of the driveway, glanced at Riley and told her, “You look nice.”

Riley glanced down at her attire; skinny jeans tucked into heeled boots with a tank top and slightly sheer blouse on top. She then looked at Quinn, who was wearing leather skinny jeans, a loose wrap front long sleeve with a near open center, some kind of lacey under piece and bright yellow heels so high Riley wondered how she could drive in them. Curiously Riley asked, “I thought this was supposed to be a semi-casual night out?”

Quinn chuckled, “This is semi-casual for me. I like dressing up, ask James. Drives him nuts that I get dressed to go to the grocery store.”

“How you two manage to make it out the door and to events on time is beyond me.” Riley commented.

“I’ll let you in on our very genius secret; it’s called separate rooms for getting ready. We don’t see each other until we meet at the door.” Quinn informed her, and then she laughed and asked Riley, “He’s just as picky and takes almost as long as I do to get ready. Why do you think he made a room in the house just for me to get ready in?”

“True. Shea had to pick out my shoes tonight.” Riley admitted.

Quinn glanced down at the black heeled booties and smiled, “He did good actually. I’m kind of impressed.”

“For a guy whose idea of dressing up is black suit, white dress shirt, black tie Shea actually has decent taste.” Riley stated with a nod of her head.

Quinn nodded in agreement and then said, “I wish James would wear more black. It’s very hard to coordinate outfits with him. I mean, I’m not asking to color coordinate outfits or anything but it would be nice to leave the house not clashing horribly with what we’re wearing.”

“You two have the oddest relationship I’ve ever seen.” Riley stated as Quinn pulled into a parking space at whatever place they were grabbing a few appetizers and having drinks at.

Riley followed Quinn inside, and she was relieved to only find Kelly and Bianca sitting in a four person booth. She took a seat on the inside, Quinn taking the outside, and instantly Bianca joked, “I’m surprised you came.”

Kelly nodded and set her glass of wine down before saying, “Honestly I was expecting Quinn to show up alone.”

“I hate you guys.” Riley mumbled as her eyes raked over the menu quickly, Quinn wrapped an arm around her shoulder, kissed her cheek loudly and Riley stated, “For your information… Shea had to literally push me out of the door.”

Quinn grinned, “And now you’re gonna drunk.”

“Absolutely fucked up.” Kelly told her with a grin.

Bianca then informed Riley, “And I’m driving everyone home in Quinn’s vehicle. Designated driver and all.”

“How are you getting home then?” Riley asked her curiously as a waitress stopped at their booth.

They all ordered drinks and food before Bianca informed Riley, “Roman and Spence are hanging out with James tonight.”

“I should have just went over there. I miss that little dork.” Riley pouted, and then she added, “And to clarify I meant Spencer, though I could have been talking about any of them.”

Bianca and Quinn both stated, “Truth.”

“The beer menu here sucks.” Riley announced out loud as she read over the drink menu and Bianca and Kelly laughed at her statement.

Quinn however nodded and said, “After spending half my summer in Canada… I don’t think I’ll ever get used to American beer again.”

“Don’t even get me started.” Riley warned her.

Kelly grinned, “Canadian problems.”

“Hey, hey whoa!” Quinn told her, getting her attention before she said, “I’m as American as they come, but seriously Canadian beer is way better.”

Riley grinned, “Everything’s better in Canada.”

Quinn shook her head, “Actually no, everything is better in France.”

“No guys, everything is better in New Jersey.” Kelly said with a wide grin.

“Ew.” Riley, Quinn and Bianca joked, making Kelly roll her eyes.

After their drinks arrived Quinn asked Bianca, “You want to try it? It’s good.”

She held out her beer bottle, but Bianca shook her head, “No thanks, I can’t.”

Quinn shrugged and took a long sip of it but Riley turned to Bianca, raised her eyebrow and asked, “Can’t?”

Her cheeks flushed and she was a little too quick to correct herself, “I just meant I’m driving.”

“Bullshit, you can have a taste of a drink even if you’re the DD.” Riley told her, calling her bluff as Kelly and Quinn both turned their attention to Bianca in curiosity at her slip of words and Riley’s comments. They were now interested in the conversation that was going down between their company.

Bianca glanced at Riley, and then Quinn, before she sighed and said, “Roman’s going to kill me.”

“Oh my god!” Riley exclaimed, reaching out and hitting Quinn’s arm hard.

Quinn turned to her in shock, rubbed her arm and asked, “What the hell?”

Still grinning and practically bouncing up and down in her spot Riley grabbed Quinn’s arm, shook it gently and asked, “Don’t you get it?”

“Get what?” Kelly asked, confused by Riley’s sudden outburst.

Bianca remained quiet, finding Riley’s outburst amusing, and Quinn raised her eyebrow, “What are you freaking out about?”

“She’s pregnant!” Riley exclaimed excitedly.

“Wait what?” Quinn exclaimed, turning to look at Bianca, who shrugged her shoulders.

Surprising everyone Kelly said, “I’m buying the next round.”

“Are pigs flying?” Riley asked her with a big grin.

Rolling her eyes Kelly informed her, “For your information, just because I don’t want kids of my own doesn’t mean I don’t like them. Well… okay I hate almost all of my students but they’re all over sexualized teenagers so can you blame me?”

“True. God I hate teenagers.” Quinn mumbled.

Ignoring the two of them Riley turned to Bianca and asked her curiously, “Why is Roman going to kill you?”

“We didn’t want to tell anyone until I was further along and we kind of agreed to do it together.” Bianca explained, and then, before anyone could ask she told them, “I’m only twelve weeks. We wanted to wait another three or so.”

“Oh my god I can’t wait for you to be all cute and pregnant and cute.” Riley told her.

“Someone take that drink away from her.” Kelly joked and Riley narrowed her eyes.

“I’m not drunk, I’m excited.” Riley stated, and then she turned to Bianca, “I hope it’s a girl.”

“Me too.” Bianca said with a smile.

Shaking her head Kelly said, “You need professional help.”

With a chuckle Bianca told her, “I already have a boy, I want a little girl this time.”

“Crazy.” Kelly said, and when Riley shook her head in amusement at her she turned to Riley and asked, “What about you and cap? Any plans for more?”

“Maybe someday, maybe soon, maybe in a few years. We’re not really planning anything yet but some day.” Riley told her, and when Kelly raised her eyebrow in confusion at her words Riley explained, “We want more but there’s nothing in the plans for the immediate future.”

“Well yeah, you got knocked up accidentally the first time, Noah wasn’t in your plans for the immediate future before he was conceived who’s to say you’re not gonna have another accidentally on purpose kind of situation?” Kelly asked, giving Riley a grin that told her she was just purposely trying to stir the pot.

Riley smiled gently and told her, “Because I learnt my lesson the first time.”

“What lesson?” Kelly asked, pushing the conversation further.

With a grin Riley told her, “Giving birth to a nine pound baby was my lesson. Never again.”

“Wait… like never again having unprotected sex or never again giving birth?” Quinn asked her curiously.

“The whole birth thing. Honestly, I already told Shea the next baby we have is going to be a scheduled C-section. I am so not doing that again.” Riley stated, and the conversation came to a halt when their food was brought to the table.

With everyone grabbing bits from each other’s plates Quinn stated, “I like how you didn’t deny having unprotected sex when you’re trying not to get pregnant.”

Riley shrugged, “What’s the point in lying? Obviously everyone at this table has had unprotected sex at some point.”

“What the hell makes you say that?” Kelly asked her in amusement.

Riley pointed out, “Bianca and I both have kids, and I just assumed you had at some point.”

“I like how you didn’t even say anything about Quinn.” Kelly said with a grin.

Quinn shrugged, took a drink of her beer and stated, “Riley already knows that James and I have unprotected sex all the time.”

“Yeah, well you don’t count because you won’t accidentally on purpose get pregnant.” Kelly stated, narrowing her eyes but keeping a small smile on her face.

“Ah yes, God bless major surgery.” Quinn stated, tipping her beer bottle the way one might in a toast. The girls chuckled, and then she added, “Also, God bless hockey butts.”

With a quirked eyebrow Bianca asked, “Do I even want to know where that came from?”

“James just has such a nice butt. I mean, really, really nice.” Quinn stated, and then she added, “So does Shea. Sorry Ry, I may have looked once or twice… or every time he has his back to me.”

She shrugged, “Its okay, stare away it’s a very nice butt.”

“Not as nice as Craig’s though.” Bianca stated, and she laughed when Kelly shot her a look and she added, “What? You can’t just not notice. It’s like all you see when he turns around.”

Kelly sighed loudly and dramatically but she then said with a small smile, “Might be the best ass in all of the NHL.”

“In all of America.” Riley stated.

With a grin Quinn said, “In all the land.”

“We need another round.” Kelly announced, and Bianca rolled her eyes at her statement.

“And more nachos.” Quinn stated, making Riley nod her head in agreement.

Kelly glanced between them and then told them, “You two are so alike it’s actually scary. Just so you know.”

“We could totally have been sisters in another life.” Riley stated with a grin.

Quinn laughed and said, “She wouldn’t fit in my family. She’s too nice.”

“Yeah well, you wouldn’t fit in my family you’re too…. No… nope you would totally have fit into my family.” Riley said, chuckling to herself.

Curiously Kelly asked her, “You decide on that whole Christina thing?”

“Honestly? No. We’re gonna just put it off for a while. Go back to it and make a real decision sometime next year when things slow down and we can have a real, lengthily discussion about it.” Riley stated, and when Kelly nodded she voiced out loud, “I mean… I don’t even know what to say about it. Like part of me feels like I’m being selfish to say no, but then another part of me doesn’t want her anywhere near him. Like saying yes and allowing this is just setting everyone up for disappointment. And we agreed on a fun night out so I’m gonna stop bitching about my problems.”

Quinn shrugged, “Honestly, I was about two seconds away from bitching about Taya anyway. You beat me to the bitching about life issues part.”

With a smile Riley told Quinn, “I think you need a few more drinks to have that conversation.”

“I’m so glad you came out tonight.” Quinn told her honestly, and both Bianca and Kelly nodded their heads.

“Me too honestly.”

- - -

It was almost two in the morning when Riley stumbled into the foyer of the house, she somehow managed to pull her shoes off without any major injuries, and she walked with her arm against the wall into the kitchen. She flicked the kitchen light on, but when it didn’t turn on she glanced around curiously before opening the fridge to find it off as well. The power was out.

She carefully made her way to the stairs, and after deciding she was not about to climb up them in her state she decided to whisper-yell up the stairs, “Shea?”

He didn’t answer, not even after she called his name quietly three more times so she sighed and fished her phone out of her pocket. She light up the house with the flashlight app on her phone and opened the door to the basement, sitting down on the top step she slid her way down the stairs carefully, not trusting herself to make it to the bottom on her feet. She hit the basement floor with a small thud and gripped the wall to stand up before she made her way toward the breaker.

She tripped on a set of free weights that Shea hadn’t cleaned up, but managed to stay on her feet as she made it to the wall without any injuries. She flicked a few breakers, and gave a little fist pump when the lights all turned on, and when she turned around to find Shea standing directly behind her she let out a scream. When he laughed she reached out and hit his chest, “Oh my god you almost made me pee my pants!”

“Are you drunk?” He asked her in amusement, watching as she shrugged her shoulders.

“Maybe a little bit. Just a bit.”

“You’re drunk.” He said with a grin, and then he told her, “Alright, come on drunky let’s get you to bed.”

She made a noise of excitement, which made Shea chuckle, shake his head in amusement and put his arm securely around her so that she didn’t fall or trip. He took the stairs slowly beside her, making sure she didn’t hurt herself, and when they approached the stairs to go upstairs Riley stopped, put her hand on the start of the railing and announced, “Okay I’m done. That was enough.”

“The bed is upstairs Ry.”

“I am so not going up those things.” She stated, letting out a squeal when Shea picked her up bridal style and started up the stairs. She wrapped her arms around his neck and spoke against his shoulder, “You’re my hero.”

He let out a laugh, “There’s a new one.”

As he stepped into the bedroom he used his foot to close the door behind them before he set her down slowly onto her feet. Once she was standing across from him she tucked her arms around his waist and pulled herself into him, and she looked up at him and said, “Hey Shea.”

“Hmm?” He asked, tugging gently on a curly strand of her hair.

“I’m a little drunk, and you’re awake now…” She stated.

With a smirk he told her, “Yes, I am aware of those two facts.”

With a small smile she tapped her index fingers against his back and then told him, “So… maybe you should take me to the bed and take advantage of me.”

“You sure are romantic.” Shea told her, and she let out a small giggle.

“You knew that when you married me. Fairy tales are so my thing.” Riley joked with him. Shea smiled and leaned down to kiss her, and when he pulled back she asked, “What was that for?”

“Just for you being you.”

With a raised eyebrow Riley asked, “Well who else am I supposed to be? Madonna?”

He practically snorted, and when Riley watched him in amusement Shea told her, “You’re something.”

“So I’ve been told.” She told him, nodding her head for good measure.

“Shut up and let me kiss you.”
♠ ♠ ♠

This is my favorite, what I like to call, 'has no point other than just being there to kill some space before a MAJOR plot' chapter. (That and, really, with all that's about to come up plot wise I thought I owed y'all a few chapters of just some nice fluffy happy Riley and Shea moments)

Leave a few words and you'll get to that major plot a little faster :)