Status: Active

Pack Is Family


Arriving at the hospital, Madison followed the sheriff to the children’s ward and entered Logan’s room. Smiling, when she saw that he was awake, Madison picked him up and gently kissed his head. By the time the doctor entered the room, Madison had changed Logan into some clean clothes and was giving him his bottle.

“You must be Madison,” the doctor said, earning a nod in response and continuing, “My names Doctor McKay, I’m the pediatrician in charge of Logan’s care.”

“Is he okay?” Madison asked, looking at the doctor and waiting for him to answer.

“Considering everything I’m told you’ve both been through, he’s doing extremely well,” Doctor McKay told her with a smile, “He’s a little under weight, but apart from that… I have no other concerns.”

“Does that mean he can come home with us today?” the sheriff added, voicing the question on Madison’s mind.

“I don’t see why not,” Doctor McKay replied, looking through a file he was holding in his hands, “There’s some paper work that will need to be filled out, before you can go and I would like to see Logan every two weeks for monitoring.”

Madison nodded in agreement and watched as the doctor left the room, returning a few minutes later with some forms for Madison to fill out. Madison handed Logan over to the sheriff and started filling them out, finally reaching the final piece of paper ten minutes later.

“You take Logan and I’ll go give these to the doc,” the sheriff stated, handing Logan back and heading out of the room with the forms.

Getting Logan’s coat on, Madison put him in the car seat that Melissa had given her and waited. It was an hour, before they were allowed to leave and they made their way back to the Stilinski house. When they arrived, Madison put Logan in his pushchair for a nap and joined the sheriff at the kitchen table.

“Thank you,” Madison mumbled as the sheriff placed a sandwich in front of her.

“So, what’s your plan, kiddo?” the sheriff inquired after a short silence, “Are you staying in Beacon Hills?”

“That’s the plan,” Madison replied, “I have family here… people that I want Logan to know.”

With a smile, the sheriff nodded and they both finished their food in a comfortable silence. Madison was just finishing unpacking the last of her clothes, when Stiles came home from school and sat down on the bed behind her.

“Scott wants to come see you, but he wanted me to make sure that it was okay first?”

“Of course,” Madison said without hesitation, putting her duffel bag under Logan’s cot and sitting down beside Stiles.

“He has your eyes,” Stiles stated as he leaned over the edge of the cot, grinning as Logan wrapped his tiny fingers around his thumb, “I guess this kinda makes me an uncle.”

Looking at Logan, Madison smiled at the way her son clutched to her best friend in his sleep and felt a warmth spread through her chest at the sight. She had missed Beacon Hills… she had missed her friends and even after a year away it still felt like home.

“You and Scott will be the best uncles any kid could have.”

“There’s a pack meeting later,” Stiles informed her, “You should come along, Derek already knows that you’re back and it’ll give you an opportunity to see everyone… to meet the newest members of the pack.”

“I can’t just show up out of nowhere, Stiles,” Madison argued, “I haven’t even thought about how I’m going to tell Derek that he has a son.”

“He’s going to find out sooner or later,” Stiles added and Madison knew that he was right, but she was scared.

“I’m just not ready to tell him.”

“I get that, just know that when you do decide to tell him… I’ll be there for you and Logan, no matter what his reaction is.”

Madison kissed Stiles’ cheek and laid her head on his shoulder, relaxing a little as Stiles put his arm around her. She had no idea how she was going to tell Derek about Logan, but she knew that Logan would need his dad and that Derek deserved to know the truth.

Stiles decided to cook dinner that night and had just helped Madison set the table, when someone knocked on the door. Leaving Stiles to finish cooking, Madison went to open the door and froze when she found Derek standing on the doorstep.

They both stared at each other for a few moments, before Madison opened her mouth to speak and realized that she didn’t know what to say. Stepping aside to let him in, Madison felt a sudden rush of panic and slowly followed him through into the kitchen.

“I just came over to make sure that you’re okay,” Derek explained.

“I’m getting there,” Madison replied quietly, “We really need to talk.”

“I know… let’s go outside.”

Glancing over at Stiles, Madison hesitated momentarily before leading the way out into the back yard and leaning against the wall. The silence stretched, until Madison couldn’t take it anymore and decided that she had to tell him everything.

“I’m sorry,” Madison blurted out, unsure of where to start and feeling the tears form in her eyes, “I should have told you what was going on, before my mum found out… if I had just told you, then you might have been able to stop her.”

“Why did she take you away from Beacon Hills?” Derek asked, causing the fear that Madison had felt to return.

“She took me away because… because I was pregnant.”

“Pregnant?” Derek repeated, looking at Madison in shock.

Madison nodded as tears ran down her cheeks, a small sense of relief washing over her and pushing back the fear that was threatening to smother her. Derek stared at her for a few minutes, before shaking his head and making his way back inside the house without another word.

“Derek,” Madison called, but he just carried on walking out the front door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy reading guys!