Through Their Eyes


I lie still in bed. Salem, my black cat, curled next to my head on the pillow. I close my eyes and patiently wait for the visions; it only takes moments for them to fill my head. I see mountains and trees. I can smell a fire, and look down at his hands. A knife in one, a small fish in the other. He digs his knife into the belly of the fish and I quickly look away, back at the view. I look around at the beautiful scenery before me.

I wonder where he is this time. I had been busy the past week, and hadn’t had a chance to check in until now. Last time I saw him, he was on a large boat in the middle of the ocean. He traveled often. I enjoyed traveled the world through him.

I had spent some time studying lucid dreaming and trying to see if I can incorporate lucid dreaming into my visions. This would be my first attempt at applying it to a vision. I lie completely still, just watching. It feels like I’m watching a documentary.

It took me a long time to realize I was no longer looking through his eyes, but at him, as though I was standing next to him. I had only ever seen him once – when I caught him looking at himself in a mirror, but it gave me enough of a memory to put a face on him now.

He’s beautiful. Dark skin, long dark brown hair, and beautiful golden eyes. I stand completely still and watch him as he meanders around the camp fire, cleaning up the dishes he used to cook his meal. He puts out the fire, and gets into his tent. I follow, lying down across from him. He’s lying on his side, facing me, his eyes closed. I reach out, as to stroke his cheek. He opens his eyes, and it feels as though he actually sees me.

“I dream about you every night.” He says softly. His breath is warm on my face. “I’ll find you one day.” He says and reaches his hand towards my face.

I jolt up, scaring Salem who goes running across my bedroom. I’m sweaty and breathing heavy. Did he really see me? Or was it just a dream? There was no way I was going back to sleep tonight.