
One and only chapter

"Where the fuck are my clothes, dammit!"

I jumped at the sudden yell, coming from the bunk area. I went to log out of my laptop and go to investigate when Lindsey stormed past me, apparently armed with a hairbrush.

"Hey, chill. What's up Lin?"

"What's up! What's up! I don't know where the hell all my clothes went, that's what!" I felt my eyes go wider than normal. I'd never seen Lindsey like this, ever.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. There must be some logical explanation for this. Just calm down an-"

"Calm down!? Geez, my clothes are missing. We have a show tonight! I'll be damned if I'm going up onstage in nothing! It's bad enough performing in clothing! What will I do without stuff, Kitty!"

Something must be wrong, other than the obvious situation. I decided to just leave asking until later, now was not the best time to get on Lindsey’s bad side and I want to live a full life.

“Go find someone else. Jimmy, maybe. Or Steve-anyone who isn’t me, okay?”

“But Kitty! You’re a girl too! Help me out here, how would you like to get your shit stolen when you’re on tour! This is not good!”

“Then go find your husband! God knows he doesn’t have to perform tonight, he’ll help you find everything. Just stop stressing!”

She seemed to take my advice and walking quickly off of the bus, hairbrush/weapon still clutched in her fist. However, it wasn’t long before I heard the familiar sound of Lindsey’s screeches from outside the bus. I looked up, just in time to see Gerard walking up the steps, a slightly scared look on his face. The man’s obviously not used to moody women, poor thing.

“Uh, Kitty, you seen her clothes? Lindsey’s really scary right now and from what I worked out, someone stole all her stuff, except her hairbrush. And she’s running around trying to beat random people with it. ”

I gave him an apologetic look.

“Sorry, dude, I haven’t, but I’ll let you know if anyone knows anything, okay? Although, I’d check with Steve, he might know something. Go see if he has any idea where her stuff has gone, if Lin hasn’t already.” He smiled nervously.

“Okay, will do. Thanks anyway. See you later, if I can find them.” I waved as he walked down the steps, shoulders drooped slightly.

A while later, after me sitting around, flicking though different TV channels and finally deciding to watch some Disney movie (thanks be to whoever decided to put cable on this bus), Steve jogged quickly onto the bus, gasping slightly. He spotted me on one of the couches and collapsed down next to me.

“Dude, you won’t believe it. Guess whose gone all-“

“Yeah, I know. Lin come up to you, demanding where all the clothes went? I was here when she found out.” Steve winced.

“And you’re still alive? Whoa, Kitty, I think I underestimated you.” I smirked.

“Yeah, well, I was the one to suggest to both Gerard and Lindsey that you might know where her clothes seemed to evaporate to.”

“That was you!? She looked like she wanted to castrate someone and leave them to bleed to death. Do you know how scary that is when you have a close relationship with your balls?”

“Ugh, dude, seriously! Did you need to tell me that? Now I feel nauseous.” He shrugged.

“Sorry, but I made my point though, did I not?”

“Yeah, you did. Sorry though, I didn’t know her anger could last that long. I was hoping that everything would just turn up in someone else’s bus or something, I didn’t mean for her to go crazy.”

“Nah, it’s fine, don’t worry about it. My only concern is that she was mumbling something about finding Jimmy. I’d pray for his well-being, but I haven’t exactly been good enough to be counted as a religious person.”

We both laughed and Steve said he would try to go get some food from somewhere. I waved to yet another person and he walked off the bus, looking happier than he had when he had gotten here in the first place.

Seeing as I have missed a lot of the movie I had been watching, I began to flick though the many channels, yet again.

The next person to visit me was Jimmy. He thundered onto the bus, screaming for, I’m assuming, Lindsey to ‘leave him the fuck alone’ because he didn’t take her ‘stupid girly stuff’ as he slammed to door shut and locked it.

He crashed onto another couch, gasping for breath.

“Whoa, how bad is she now? I mean, she went insane when she realised her stuff was gone, but she must have gotten worse, I guess.”

“You guess!? She’s a fucking animal now. And you know, I like Gerard, but he has no fucking strength to hold her back with! Man needs some muscle! I really can’t believe Lin was the fat art kid in school. She’s brutal!”

“Hey, she wasn’t fat as such, just…chubby.” Jimmy scoffed.

“Whatever you say. But I wouldn’t be surprised if-“

He was cut off by a loud bang issuing from the door. By the sound of it, Lindsey was now throwing a hissy fit because she couldn’t get in and Gerard was attempting to calm her down. After ten minutes, it seemed that Gerard’s words, by some miracle, had managed to sooth her temper.

“Well, that’s a relief, I was starting to get a headache.”

“Oh, boo hoo. I heart bleeds for you and your troubles.” Jimmy rolled his eyes at my remark.

“Don’t you get pissy on me too.”

“I’m not. It’s called sarcasm, my dear.”

“Ick. Firstly, I’m not your ‘dear’, that’s just wrong. And secondly, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, you know.”

“Oh, tell me, where’d you read that little-“

We were interrupted again, this time by a gentle knock on the door, instead of the loud beating it had received earlier. I got up to unlock and open it and was surprised to be met with Lindsey with Gerard standing behind her, carrying her…clothes? I let them walk inside, Gerard automatically walking to the bunks, coming back empty handed. Lindsey shot him a smile from her place on the couch I had previously occupied.

“Lin, what hap-“

“I got someone to take them to wash and completely forgot,” she gave Jimmy an apologetic look. She then lent in to whisper, “next time, I’m going on the pill for touring.”

We laughed as the guys exchanged clueless looks, then just shrugged.