Scandal in the House of Titan

Man to Man

Stephen’s POV

I make my way over to David’s apartment building. Jack left before me. My phone buzzes with a text from him as I am pulling into David’s neighbourhood.

Alex beat the shit out of him

I sigh angrily, my blood beginning to boil. This is exactly what I expected from Alex. He’s young, immature, and angry. Clearly, I am upset over this situation, but I would also never ever lay hands on someone I am in love with. I intend to make this all very clear to him. If I can find him…

The sun is about to set, casting several long shadows in the alleyway behind the complex. I see a crumpled young man leaning against a dumpster with his head in his hands. I pull up in front of him and roll down the passenger side window.


The man’s head pops up. It’s him.


“That your bag?” I nod towards the suitcase beside him. He nods. “Put it in the back and get in the car.”

He does as he is told, suddenly timid despite what he’s just done to his boyfriend.

“Listen, if you’re trying some revenge bullshit, I’m not interested—“

“Don’t get an attitude, Alex. We need to talk. Man to man.”

I pull out onto the main road and drive aimlessly through the city, just trying to get us away from Jack and David.

“I know all about what happened. Jack came home after I had been away for a week. He tried to sell me this story about him and David working on routines. I knew he was lying. I asked him if he was being real with me and he said no and explained everything. Those two have been fighting feelings for each other for a while. They made out once to try to get rid of it or something, but it just made it harder for them to ignore. Last night they had sex. Jack told me he loves me, but he’s in love with David.”

I pause for a moment to let Alex process. I can see his hands balling up into fists.

“I’m crushed, completely heartbroken. Believe me. Jack and I have been together for eight years. I am crazy about him, but you know what else I am? I’m a man, not an emotional little boy who solves his problems with his fists.”

I can feel Alex tense up beside me.

“It’s okay to be angry. It’s okay to be sad. It’s not okay to be violent. What you did to David is inexcusable. What you did to David not only hurt him physically and emotionally when he was already feeling incredibly guilty, you also just destroyed your chances of ever mending things with him. He isn’t going to want to be with someone who could turn on him and beat him up whenever he makes a mistake. And yeah, I get it, this is a pretty massive mistake, but there is absolutely no justification for beating him. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir,” he mutters quietly. He sniffles and rubs his face with his shirt sleeve.

“I love Jack and I want him to be happy. Do I want his happiness to involve me as his partner? Absolutely, but do I acknowledge and respect the fact that right now, his happiness involves another man? Yes. Yes, I do. It isn’t easy or fun, but if he needs to experiment or explore or whatever to make sure that he is living his best life, I am going to let him. And I encourage you to do the same for David. They need each other right now and we need to let them figure things out.”

“What if they stay together forever?”

“Well ya know the whole if you love someone let them go thing… I would take Jack back in a heartbeat, but if he doesn’t come back, then clearly it isn’t meant to be. And I’m not going to wait around very long to find out. We both need to respect this change from both ends.”

There are a few minutes of silence before Alex finally speaks.

“Could I crash with you tonight?”

“Only if you promise me that you will apologize to David, in person, by the end of the week.”

“I will.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Let me know what you think so far!
I might post a blog or something soon with some of the back info for this story to help it read easier.