Ivory Skies

The Better

A few weeks has gone by and Ivory and Dan had been spending a lot of time together. “You know getting to know you has been fun, Ivory. You're not the monster all those tabloids make you out to be,” Dan says and reaches across the table they're eating at and takes her hand. “Trust be told is, I'm sort of embarrassed by how I used to behave. I like being a nice person and now people aren't afraid to come up to me.”
Dan frowned for a moment and then looked up at Ivory. “Is that why you acted like that? You were afraid of people wanting your autograph?” Ivory shrugs.
“I guess I was. I was afraid of people coming up to me and telling me how much they hated one of my books or one of the plays I was in but-
“But nothing like that has happened, eh?” Ivory smiles and nods. “I was being silly.”
“I think I know where this is coming from. Your aunt.”
“What does my aunt have to do with this?”
“Well, I mean.. she's made you doubt yourself, but you shouldn't. Do you know why? You're brilliant.”
Ivory grins and thanks Dan. Time had gone by fast when Ivory get home, she checks on her aunt and goes to her room to start writing.
She opened the magazine and stared down at the headlines of her alleged eating disorder.
If only she knew how to get back at Melody, but Ivory wasn't the kind of girl anymore. She took the magazine and threw in the trash and went back to writing.
She checks her phone and has a missed call from Grant. She calls back he doesn't answer, so she leaves a text telling him she'll get back to him when she's not busy and shut her phone off and starts to write.