Status: Naah

Lost and Confused


-You also play guitar in the band. - Krist added
-I can't play the guitar. - Kurt pouted, Dave would find it cute but not in the current situation.
Dave left them, then came back with one of Kurt's guitars.
-Then let's prove that you are wrong! - Dave exclaimed, as he handed the instrument to Kurt
Kurt started to play and he amazed himself, he really can play the guitar without even knowing about it.
-I... I can play. - He mumbled to himself
-Of course you can! - Dave exclaimed happily
-Then... The other statements about me are true also? - He asked
-Yeah, all true, promise. - Krist said, with a smile on his face
-Can... Can I kiss Dave, then? - He asked nervously
Krist and Dave both burst out in laughter.
-Yes, you can. - Krist told him, smiling still
Kurt kissed Dave's lips as if it were the first time he ever done that.
He deepened the kiss, letting his tongue explore Dave's mouth, Dave licked Kurt's tongue and played with it.
Krist just sat there awkwardly and watched them.
Dave had to catch his breath when Kurt pulled away.
-It was fantastic, you are a fucking good kisser Dave and your mouth tastes like Heaven. - Dave laughed, as he listened to him, he just hoped he will get his Kurt back soon.
Then, Kurt got up from the couch and wandered through the home, taking in every little detail of his environment.
-Uhm, Kurt? - Dave asked carefully, when he found him in the bedroom, studying his collection of drugs and needles and all the stuff he needed but shouldn't have use. Dave saw a look of pure horror on his face.
-Am I an addict, Dave? - He asked, on the verge of crying
Dave couldn't explain it to him, he just froze.
-Dave! - He yelled
Dave shook his head and tried to come up with a reply.
-You use drugs occasionally. - He answered finally
-I don't want to use them... - He cried
-I know, Kurt, I know. - He whispered, as he knelt down beside him, stroking his back to soothe him.
-What happened? - Krist asked from the entrance of the bedroom
-Kurt found his drugs. - Dave told him
-Oh no! - Krist cried out