Status: Naah

Lost and Confused


He paused to take a deep breath, then continued.
-He's so nice and sweet but... - He looked Kurt in the eye – Sometimes he has those moods when he gets angry, like really angry and he yells and he breaks things. - He explained
-But you still like him? - He asked in a small voice
-No, I don't like him. - He teased him
-You don't like me?! - He shouted
-I don't like you, Kurt. - He smiled
-Because? - He asked
-Because, I love you! - He smiled wider
-You are a fucking jerk, Dave.
-Now you reminded me of yourself, of my Kurt.
He smiled one of his sweetest smiles.
-I just have to find a way to cure you. Really fast.
-I want to feel better too and I want to remember but I can't.
-I know you are trying hard, but it's not like that. It's not like poof and you remember everything again. You will get back bits of your memories for first then it all starts to make sense, do you feel it?
-I can't even remember bits just that one thing I've already told you guys about. - He sighed and buried his face into his hands.
-It's okay, Kurt, it's okay... - He whispered, as he started to stroke his back again
It seemed to calm him, he wasn't shaky anymore.
-Kurt? - Dave asked quietly, when he looked up at him with his big blue eyes, to Dave they were the most beautiful pair of eyes he ever seen.
-Where's Chris? - He asked
-Krist? - He questioned
-Yeah, him. - He nodded his head slightly
-Maybe he's in the living room, I don't know, though. - Dave shrugged
-I think I pissed him off and I didn't meant to... - He mumbled, looking down at his hands
-No, you didn't, he knows your situation.
-I hope so
-Anyways, what was that when you said exactly what was on my mind?
-I don't know, I didn't know it was really on your mind, you said no.
-I said no, because it scared the living shit out of me!
-I just guessed it, I think...
-Maybe there's more to it, don't you think?
-No, I can't read minds, that's stupid.