Status: Naah

Lost and Confused


-It's a song, Kurt. - Krist laughed
-We wrote a song called Rape Me?
-Yeah, but don't worry it's an anti rape song! - Dave told him, smiling
-Okay, then play this one. - He turned the pages to the tab for this song
They started to play and Kurt started to sing, he amazed himself once again, his voice just sounded so good.
-Hey, no one told me I sound this good! - He interrupted the song
-Shh, Not now! - Dave silenced him
-Sorry, sorry. - He said
Then, they all continued to play and Kurt sang again.
He sang all the “rape me” parts like he were about to rape someone, he enjoyed it so much. He looked at Dave every once in a while.
-Thanks for thinking of the lyrics, Dave! Even though they are in the tab, you fucking moron. - Kurt said, once the song was over, he was happy with the way it turned out
-You are welcome, I wanted to try it, so what? Woah you were good, even though you can't remember the songs at all. If you just bullshitting us and in the reality you remember everything tell us now or I'll kill you! - He tried to sound serious but he laughed
-No, I really can't remember a thing. It just came naturally.
-I can't believe it. - Krist said
-Me neither. - Dave added
-But it's true! - Kurt snapped
-What's next? - Dave asked
-Hmm... Territorial Pissings - Kurt replied
-Why did you choose this one? - Krist asked out of curiosity
-Because it has the line “When I was an alien.” - He laughed, looking at Dave, who played with his drumsticks
-Fuck off, Kurt! Just to make fun of me, yeah?
-No, I like the lyrics and to make fun of you! - He winked at Dave
-Oh well, if that's what you want, fuck you. - He said
Then, they started to play and when Kurt started to sing, he felt like he knew this song in his whole life but he still couldn't remember.
Everything went like it should, they all did their best, as if they were on the stage already and not just in Kurt's garage.
-Hey, I loved it! - Krist exclaimed, when they were done
-I enjoyed pissing Dave off, I saw the faces you made, baby. - Kurt laughed
-Shut the fuck up! - Dave screamed, but he laughed too