War of Change.


“Miss Stark, your brother is here to speak with you.” Tracy, my assistant informs me. I look up from my microscope and give her a look that simply tells her to let him in. As soon as she leaves the room, I return my attention to the slide I’m looking at.

“Hey Maggs.” I hear my brother say as he announces his entrance. “Have you seen the news lately or does the Labyrinth not get basic cable?”

“I heard about the New Warriors and even Storm’s beat down.” I reply, never giving him my full attention.

“Did you hear about the proposal that goes into vote in two weeks?” He asks. This alone makes me lift my head up to look at my brother. “If everything goes according to plan, it should be a law in less than a month.”

“What is this proposal?” I ask.

“They want to legitimize heroes. The government wants to give them proper training and even pay them.” My brother explains. “I think it’s damn near time for this to happen. We need to be in check so what happened with the New Warriors doesn’t happen again.”

“The New Warriors were idiots doing this for ratings. The government and the American people shouldn’t immediately put all superheros into the same category. Heroes like Captain America wouldn’t do what they did.”

“Look at New York, DC, even Sokovia. People were in danger because of heros like Steve.”

“I blame you for Sokovia, you did create Ultron.” I remind him. “And New York? How can the government and its people blame heroes on the amount of destruction? You guys didn’t exactly train for an alien invasion.”

“Just think about the amount of training we could of had if the government was involved.”

“Tony, this proposal is insane. People like Daredevil and Luke Cage aren’t going to just bow down and take a government job. They started fighting crime because they thought law enforcement and government officials weren’t doing their jobs.”

“One day soon you’ll see that this is going to be a great idea,” my brother tells me. “Trust me Maggie, the world needs this.”

“Just because you’re fine with this, doesn’t mean every other superhero is going to. Do you really want an all out war?”

“We need order,” Tony sighs. “We need this plan. Hopefully it won’t be too late…”
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Looking for characters. If interested, let me know.