Sequel: NightCurse

Welcome to the Black Parade

On the Bathroom Floor...

Previous Chapter:
She held her hand in the sink and held the boxcutter with the other. The cutter came closer to her other hand. It touched her skin in about five seconds. She soon dug the corer of the blade into her skin. Then, the blade moved across her wrist. Cheyenne nearly yelped in pain, but she didn't want to wake anyone, of course. Blood rushed out of her wrist. She never know a human can bleed that much at one time. Her wrist was burning. To make it faster, she slashed a few more lacerations on that wrist,. She did the same with the other. Then, she blasted the water, so the blood would be washed away and not all over the Ways' bathroom floor. After about ten minutes, she became extremely light-headed from the blood loss. Her body then crashed to the ground. Blood continued to rush out of her wrists as she lied on the bathroom floor unconscious.

About five minutes later, Mikey woke up to use the bathroom. He stretched his arms out wide and crawled out of bed. He tip-toed out of the room, so he wouldn't wake anyone else up. As he yawned, you would be able to see his entire mouth if you were there. He slowly turned the bathroom door's knob and flicked on the light. He yawned once more, but this yawn was much smaller than the last. Then, he entered the bathroom.

He leisurely walked in and walked to the toilet. Before he had the chance to "go," however, he glanced at the lake of blood near the sink. Then, he noticed a body lying in it. His jaw dropped so low you would think it was about to fall off of his face, and he stood in shock. He picked up the body and noticed it was Cheyenne. He put his hand on her throat to check for a pulse. Thump-thump-thump. He then grabbed her body off of the bathroom floor and rushed to his car. He lied her bod in the back seat. Blood covered the car's seat in a matter of seconds. Almost all of the seat was covered after two minutes. Mikey rushed to the hospital. The hospital was pretty far away, however- about 30 minutes!

Mikey put on some tunes to calm him down. He popped on the radio. It started to sing some sort of rap song that sounded more Chinese than English. He flicked that off. On came another rap song that you could at least understand. He didn't feel like rap, however, so he changed it once again. His mind was craving some sort of rock or something. This time, My Chemical Romance popped on. He turned the volume all the way up, so if you were outside, you'd be able to understand every word of it. "Cemetery Drive" was the song that was on. Tears shot down his eyes almost like lightning. He couldn't help but cry. Poor Cheyenne could die any second! It was soon off, however, and he wasn't crying as much. His shirt was like a lake.

He was now five minutes from the hospital. That's when a memory flooded back to him. It clouded his focus on the road. His memory brought him back to the night when he first found out about Cheyenne. She had been standing on his counters, and he thought she was a thief. Then, his memory brought him back to the morning she had made rich chocolate cake with fluffy vanilla frosting. He concentrated on the delectable taste of the cake as he drove. He was about a minute away from the hospital. Then, he remembered when Cheyenne had run away. He started to sob yet again. He was about ten seconds away from the hospital's parking lot. His mind was fully concentrated on the memory, however. The memory was so powerful that he took his eyes off of the road completely. He had forgotten he was even driving. His eyes were shut. He was about three seconds away from the parking lot, now. All of a sudden, his seat-belt began to choke him, and his vehicle had come to an abrupt halt. The sound of glass shattering pierced through his ears like a knife. After that, he was unconscious.
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Sorry for not updating that often. I'll try to update more. I hope this chapter was good. I know it was EXTREMELY short. It was probably the shortest chapter I ever wrote. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it.

Also, this is off-topic, but I have a new website.