Sequel: NightCurse

Welcome to the Black Parade

The Day After

When Cheyenne woke up, she was in the hotel sleeping under silk-soft blankets, which were rose-red with jet-black trim. A plethora of black threads outlined an elegant design of a rose on the red of the blanket. The blanket was shiny like Christmas lights, and the shininess danced in the morning sun. The pillows were of the same design as the blanket. The luxurious warmth of the blanket embraced her tight. She slept until 12:30. That's when Gerard woke her up.

"We have to go to the hospital," Gerard said to poor Cheyenne, "You have to be checked for STD's."

"OK," she said in a just-woke-up voice, "Fuck!" she said in her mind. That guy was sure a creeper. She cringed at the thought of that hideous man with the yellow teeth and disgusting breath. It HAD to be the worst experience in her entire life! She abhorred whoever did that to her so bad.

"Was the man who did that to me arrested?" Cheyenne asked.

"He definitely will be," Gerard said, "We aren't going to let him get away with what he did to you!" Gerard hugged Cheyenne, who had a few tears in her eyes. She began to cry even more but tried to calm herself as much as possible. Gerard hugged her tighter. She gave him an extremely tight hug back. Tears covered Gerard's shoulders. He then patted her head and told her to dress. She was still in the clothes she had worn last night. Her pants were stained with blood and were ripped in four places. Bruises blanketed her skin so much.

She put on a checkered skirt and a MCR tee. She then put her midnight-black converse shoes on and grabbed her purse from the table next to her bed. Gerard then hopped in the shower and then dressed himself.

After they were both dressed, they hopped into Gerard's car and took off. Cheyenne was extremely worried about both the results of the tests and getting poked with needles. She detested needles so much ever since she could remember. The instant sting they brought when they entered her skin brought fear straight to her door. Whenever she had to get her shots, she protested violently. Cheyenne just stared out her window as the car drove the road. She definitely didn't want to go for the tests, but she knew she had to for her safety.

When they arrived, Gerard checked Cheyenne in, and Cheyenne just sat gloomily in the waiting room. She picked up a magazine and began to read solemnly. Nothing seemed interesting in that magazine, however, so she put it down. She then picked up a newspaper and began to read an extremely interesting story about a cat saving her owner from a flaming building. The cat escaped with only minor injuries, and the humans were not burnt at all. On the page was a picture of the heroic animal. It was a cream-colored tabby with orange eyes. There was a minuscule burn on its right ear. Otherwise, it was fine.

In a half an hour, Cheyenne was in the test room waiting to get all of the tests done. It'd take hours to get all of the tests she required . After about ten minutes of waiting, she finally got into the lab to get her tests done.

After hours of poking and prodding, Cheyenne was finally out. It'd take two weeks to get all of the test results. She also had to go back for a pregnancy test, although she doubted she was pregnant.

It was about 6 PM by the time they were out of there. They went to a buffet place to have dinner. Cheyenne got a gigantic, savory salad, because she was a vegetarian. They then went home, and Frank was there waiting for them impatiently.
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I finally typed out the first chapter for my new story called, The Guinea Pig Life. It is an original fiction about the life of a guinea pig named Caramel. The Guinea Pig Life.

Off-topic video: