Sequel: NightCurse

Welcome to the Black Parade

The Peculiar Room

When Cheyenne awoke, she was lying in a bed in a peculiar room. The stench of bleach vexed her significantly, and she felt like puking out her insides. She wondered where exactly she was, because she had never been there in her entire life. It appeared to be a hospital room, but why would she ever be there? Her head throbbed a bit, but the ocean waves inside of her stomach began to calm. She glanced curiously across the room, but in the room was nothing that caught her interest. She just lied there bewildered and weary and wondered how exactly she got there.

The last thing she remembered was getting into Frank's car and feeling horrifically ill. The rest was all a blur to her. She wondered what happened to everyone else. Could she had gotten into a car accident or something? What happened to the others? Were they alright? Was she alright?

Frank came into Cheyenne's room to inform her about what exactly happened that morning. He was extremely concerned about her, probably because she was pregnant and was just in a car crash. Se was exuberated by his arrival, because she then knew he was alright.

"How ya feelin'?" he asked her.

She replied, "I'm alright, except my head is hurting. Why am I here?"

"We were in a car accident," Frank replied, "Everyone's alright, except Gerard needs to get his arm stitched up. That's a difficult task."

Poor Gerard was in his room getting a deep wound in his arm stitched. Oh, the TORTURE! He had a horrific fright of needles, and this made it painfully difficult for them to stitch the wound up. It just might've been easier for them to perform brain surgery on him! By the tme they got one stitch in his arm, his blood had created a small puddle on the floor and covered a bit of his covers on the bed. They still needed to give him seven more stitches! He kept screaming and squirming as the needle inched closer to his body.

In Cheyenne's room, a nurse came in to bear Cheyenne some bad news (or maybe it was sort of good.) "Hello, Cheyenne," the nurse said.


"How are you feeling?"

"I feel alright except for my headache."

"That's good." The nurse smiled at her, "I must inform you about some unfortunate news." Cheyenne just froze. Did someone die? What happened? Was she okay? A plethora of racing thoughts shot through her head like a bullet. She was beginning to panic now.

"W-w-what's wrong?" Cheyenne asked in a panicky manner.

"Well, the nurse said, "the baby inside of you is probably dead now. You'll probably have to get an abortion ASAP. Sorry."

"Oh, she said. The nurse definitely didn't know the whole story about the baby, and Cheyenne tried hard to disguise her smile by coughing extremely hard.

"Are you alright?" the nurse asked.

"I'm fine," she replied, "just fine."

"When Gerard is done getting his stitches, we'll have to schedule an ultrasound to check on the baby. He has five more stitches to go. It's taking so long to get those stitches in that hand. If he doesn't get them in soon, he might lose way too much blood.

Cheyenne knew how petrified of needles Gerard was. When she was getting her blood work done a few days ago, he had to completely leave the room. Whenever it was advised to receive blood work, he'd rarely ever get it. One time, when an unknown dog bit him, he didn't even get a rabies shot just in case. That's how phobic he was to needles. He absolutely abhorred them with their slender bodies and horrific ends that pierce through your skin and make you flinch in pain. It sure would be difficult stitching up the next five stitches, and it certainly was no day in Disneyworld for him!
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I hope you liked it. I fear that I might've over-exaggerated a bit with the needle thing. Please rate the story so far out of 10.

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