Sequel: NightCurse

Welcome to the Black Parade

The Bruises

The water was warm and relaxing as it spattered on Cheyenne's body. Her body was covered with hideous bruises and welts from her mother and the times she was slammed into the lockers at school. She also had cuts all over her arms from each time she'd seize her sharp scissors and let them meet her tender skin. She's slash her arm while no one was paying attention. She was often left alone, so she had a plethora of cuts ranging from one to three inches atop her skin. When she slashed herself, her mental paint would be taken away with a different kind of pain. She couldn't stop if her life depended on it, however.

Frank came to visit Gerard. They were discussing Cheyenne when Frank announced, "I need a shower." Gerard had thought he put Cheyenne in the basement's bathroom when he really put her in the upstairs bathroom, so he told Frank to use the upstairs bathroom. Frank grabbed a handful of pretzels and walked into the bathroom.

Cheyenne shrieked when Frank walked in on her. Frank dropped his pretzels when he saw the cuts and bruises all over Cheyenne. Cheyenne froze catatonically. Frank wanted to talk to Cheyenne about the cuts and bruises all over Cheyenne's bony body, but he knew he couldn't be in there while she was showering. He promptly dashed out of the bathroom and into the living room.

"That girl has cuts and bruises all over her body!" screamed Frank.

Gerard tried to calm Frank down. It was the most difficult task he ever did, but he accomplished it.

"We'll ask her about them when she's done," said Gerard in a calm voice. He was anything but calm, though. They kept themselves busy by playing chess while they waited for Cheyenne to finish washing herself up. The wait seemed like it wouldn't end.

"Check-mate!" Frank shouted as Cheyenne walked into the living room. Water sprinkled all over Frank and Gerard as she shook her head vigorously. Her hair was sopping-wet and dripped a sea of wetness all over the living room's black-and-blood-red-striped rug. Gerard and Frank were sitting on the sofa while they were playing chess. They invited Cheyenne onto the sofa, so they could talk to her. Cheyenne glanced at the rug where it collided with the kitchen carpet as she sat down on the plush couch. They wanted to liberate her from whatever negative feelings she felt back home.

"How was your home-life?" asked Gerard as he looked into Cheyenne's ocean-blue eyes.

Cheyenne hesitated. She couldn't upset her idols by revealing how her dark home-life was. She lied and said, "Fine." They could see it in her eyes and her shaken voice that she was lying to them, though.