Sequel: NightCurse

Welcome to the Black Parade


She walked for three more hours when she finally noticed some pavement. She ran for it. When her foot landed on the pavement, she had not a clue about where she was. She recklessly walked around and watched everything but where she was going. She soon felt someone push her and heard an eerie, crumbling sound.

Cheyenne's fragile face met with the sidewalk on the other side. Boisterous honks followed. Cheyenne crawled onto the sand-colored sidewalk and looked back to find out what actually happened. She remembered when she heard the eerie crumble and was curious about what it was. She though perhaps someone's body had shattered or something.

The road was dressed in blood, and there was a truck parked in the middle of the road. That's when something familiar caught her eye. There was a pair of crushed glasses under the truck. She also noticed a guy with brown hair lying face-down on the road. Cheyenne just froze as she stared at Mikey's body. An ambulance rushed to the scene. She watched with her mouth wide-open as he was placed on the stretcher. That's when a hand slightly touched her on the shoulder.

Cheyenne jolted up and let out a shrill scream. Then, she looked over her shoulder. She saw a man with a t-shirt and jeans. His hair was long and black. It was the same man she ran away from when he had found her fan ficton.

Cheyenne the stood up. Gerard embraced her so hard that she thought he might just crush her ribs. She could hardly breathe. She finally pushed away and caught her breath. then, Cheyenne asked, "Is Mikey going to be okay?"

"I don't know, " Gerard said, "He saved your life. you were nearly hit by that truck, but he jumped and pushed you out of the way. The truck ran over his glasses, though, so he'll need a new pair. They fell while he was jumping to push you out of the way of the truck. When his head hit the ground, he was knocked unconscious. You are both lucky you weren't run over by that heavy truck."

Cheyenne stared at him in horror. It was all her fault this happened, and all they had done was help her out! She plopped down on the sidewalk. Tears rained down her cheeks, and her face sat on top of her knees. She wrapped her arms around her knees. She then lost her balance and rolled onto the side of the road. Gerard picked her nearly-feather-light body off the road and took her to his car. Since she hadn't eaten in three days, she must've weighed about ninety pounds or something! Gerard placed her in the front seat and strapped her in. "We're going to see how Mikey is doing," he then said in a quiet voice. Then, they drove off to the hospital.

When they were in Mikey's room, fresh tears streamed down Cheyenne's cheeks. His eyes peeked open as tears pelted down on his face. he was unable to see we, but he could at least tell who was crying straight above his face. Cheyenne soon felt arms pulling her down to Mikey's chest. "I was so worried about you, kid!" he said in a quiet voice, "I'm going to be alright. I just a need a few st..."

Before he could finish, though, Cheyenne began to wail, "It's all my fault! It's all my fault! It'as all my frickin' fault!" He embraced her even tighter. Then, she kept quiet.

"I only need a few stitches and a few days rest. I'm going to be alright," he told her. She still worried, though. She just had a horrific feeling that it was going to be more than that. Tne minutes after that, Gerard and Cheyenne were sent out of the room, so Mikey could get his stitches.
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I know it's quite short. I hope you like this story. Sorry I haven't updated it in a while. Please comment, whether it's good or bad.