
The beggining 1/11

It all started when we obtained the suitcase, all of this drama.

Pete and Joe hastily locked my hand to the precious case…what was inside? Only we knew. But if in the wrong hands could unleash a great evil…
The only possible way to keep this sacred thing safe was to store it in the nicest neighbourhood of Chicago.
I walked street by street at a regular pace to seem unsuspicious to passers by. If only they knew what i was holding in my left hand. I made eye contact with a young boy with frizzy hair. Creepily, he smiled as he rode past on his vintage bicycle. In the blink of an eye an electric jolt shot through my body, throwing me to the mossy sidewalk below. Somehow through all of this pain i felt my stylish fedorah fall of my dizzy head. My limb body started to be dragged by a brunette woman in crazy heels. Oddly, the boy seemed unaffected by the situation and continued to watch, smile and circle the area. I must have blacked out. The only part i remembered after that was when i was being strapped into a chair next to a differnet two girls. My hand was pinned to a table adjecent to the seat. One girl had a butchers knife and wasn't afraid to wave it about…in one slick movement, the knife cut through my entire wrist. The next thing I knew of, an eagle was flying overhead outside of the abandoned building I was situated in. When I next awoke me, Andy, Pete and Joe were all seated around an ancient round table.
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This is written from Patrick's P.O.V
This isn't very good because im 11