Fatal Attraction

II The House of Memories

Emma's POV

I had lost the track of time. My life was gray and it was passing me by without any notice. I believe that I spent more time curled up in my bed, listening to his voice, when I did outside working of just living my life.

"House of Memories"

I kept listening to this song over and over, and over, and over, and over again...

This song was remainding me of those few happy weeks--- our last few happy weeks--- which we had spent together just, something like, six months ago. I recalled how I was lying in his embrace, while he was taking down verses for this song. That was one of those few times, when he was willing to talk about himself, his life before me and that how he was hurt by other, and how he was the one who had caused the pain himself.

It was not an easy conversation, but I knew that I will never forget it, because that was one of those few times, when Brendon actually let me into his small private world, when he let me get to know him better.

Strange... after all, we spent more than two years together, but I never really knew him.

Suddenly I was interrupted by the sound of footsteps, which came from behind the door. It did not take long, before the door swung open and my best friend stormed into my room.

Aria moved across the room and closed my laptop, causing it to shut down the music immediately. She sat by the table and looked at me, her icy blue eyes were expressing a deep, unfeigned concern.

Aria was my best friend since we were 14. And she was the most patient and supportive person I knew. Even her appearance was angelic.

She was very slim girl, with ivory skin, naturally blond, thick hair and beautifully sculpted face. Unlike me, she loved pastel tones and would often wear them, so even today she was a small ray of light here in this dark room, which had turned gray with sorrow.

"His voice again... Really?" Aria sounded disappointed, "Does it really make you feel better?"

I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. I knew she was right, this wasn't the first time, when we had this conversation. I left Brendon nearly two months ago, but I could not get over him, even thought I wanted, and I wanted to do it badly.

Aria stood up and reached her hand towards me. "Come on, you need to get out of the house."

"No..." I groaned with exhaustion and tried to hide my head under the blanket.

"Yes!" Aria insisted. She grabbed my blanket and tore it off of me. "I am not watching you rot in this room."

She went to the window and grabbed the curtains, tearing them open, letting the sun fill the room. I fell with my face into the pillows, as I tried to hide from the sudden lightning change.

"Emma!" Aria cried out, "You need to get up!"

"I am fine!"

"No, you are not! You are hurt, I get it, but it's been a while, you have to go and get over it."

I knew she was right, but I missed him. I missed him so much, that my heart was breaking more and more with every single second I spent without him. I could not mend it so easily.


I shrunk, when I felt her frail hand, as it touched my head, and staid there.

"Please? I am worried..."

I rolled on my back and looked at Aria. Her bright eyes were filled with sorrow and fear, and at that moment I realized that my pain and my grief was my own business, and by showing it so openly I hurt those surrounding me more than I could ever hurt myself.

"This..." Aria looked around at scattered clothes, at messy bed and few half empty cereal bowls, which were lying around the room, "This is not you..."

She took my wrists in her hands and I felt her fingers touch my scars, which were old, but still very fresh in her own memory.

"He is not worth it."

"He's not..." I agreed, "And it will never happen again."

Aria tired to give me a faint smile, but it died on her lips within seconds. "I need you to be yourself again."

"It's not easy."

"Yes it is. You are my spark. I've never seen you beaten. Don't let him win this."

This time I smiled. I knew she was right. I had to get up and face the world again... there were so many good things, which made the life worth living. It was not just Brendon... it was never just him. I had lost myself somewhere in these two years, and I had to find this girl again.

"You are right..." I said and pulled myself up, "Let's just clean this mess... It disgusts me..."

Aria smiled... and it was for real this time.

Brendon's POV

I tried to get the melody right, but the guitar refused to play it... every single time, it came out in a wrong way... I could not catch it, I could not put my feelings into the right melody.

I think I cursed as I threw the instrument aside as I stood up.

I went to the bathroom, where I met eye for an eye with my mirror reflection. I had dark circles under my eyes, and I think I had lost weight, because my cheekbones and collarbones were more visible than usually. I blamed it on the lack of sleep, which was caused by an intense touring schedule, parties and hotel rooms, which never felt like home.

I opened the tap and washed my face with cold water. It felt like a salvation, and I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation, which was brought by the sudden sense of freshness. I don't know for how long did I stand there, but I was interrupted by a pair of slim hands, as they wrapped around my neck.

The vision of her face crossed my mind... Emma.

"Hey, you..."

I opened my eyes and glanced at the mirror. Funny... I didn't even know who she was... She wasn't even worth memorizing. She was just another pretty girl, who had caught my attention for an hour or two, and whom I will probably never meet again.

I gave her a look and she gazed at me with her green-yellow eyes, and I smiled... Those eyes were so much like hers, no wonder I had chosen this girl, even though I could have anyone.

Without even trying to get to know something more about her shallow personality I turned to grab her waists and lifted her against the wall, planting thousands of kisses on her skin, pushing back her dark hair, wishing for her to be someone else.

The girl was laughing at first, but soon her laughter turned into pants and moans as I gave myself up to the pleasure... soon she was mine, but it did not give me the necessary excitement, I was seeking for. This felt wrong, even though she was a real catch.

I let her go, as she slid with her back against the wall.

Will this never end? Will Emma be the one, who will bind me forever?