Sweet Dreams


I find myself helping with Howie's parties once a month now. As much as I hate it, I deal with it because Janie keeps buying me food. Last month was pizza, and today she said she wants to buy me something from the sub shop down the road. I feel like whenever I'm helping set up Howie's parties, I'm drooling just thinking about the food. However, no one has complained just yet. Maybe they haven't noticed.

I realize that I stay later and later each time. I talk with Lewis, and Janie goes and picks me up my food and brings it back for me. It's like... Howie's parties aren't so bad... as much as it pains me to say it.

I bite into my sub, practically moaning into it. Lewis laughs at how much I enjoy it. "Do you need a room to yourself?"

I almost take him up on that offer, but mostly because I just want to finish my food in peace. "That sounds like a good offer, but I'm going to have to pass."

"We can find a room instead, Lewis," Someone interjects, and when I look over all the food in my mouth falls out.

Lewis laughs so hard, and he says, "Teddy, looks like you have an admirer."

"I can honestly say that no one has ever spit food out when I've come into the room before. He really knows how to make a guy feel special." Teddy smirks at me, and then all of his attention goes right back to Lewis, "I was joking about that room, but I would honestly really like a drink."

"Sure thing, babe," and Lewis is off to the kitchen.

I can't stop looking at Teddy. I thought Lewis was attractive, but shit. I think Teddy is honestly the most attractive man I've ever seen in my life. His blonde hair is long, far longer than Lewis', and I can only imagine why he likes to keep it that way. I'd really like to have him bent over, so I can pull it--No, no, no! Shut up!

"You don't have to stop eating on my account," he motions to my sub in front of me. I don't think my jaw can drop any further. He just keeps surprising me. I totally forgot about my sub. How could I forget about that?

I'm picking at my food. I'm not really interested in it anymore. I never thought this would ever happen to me. My appetite decreases even more when Lewis comes back, hands Teddy something to drink, and kisses him.

It's hard to watch them, and it isn't because they are clingy because they're not. In fact, Lewis is wondering elsewhere while Teddy kind of looks around and tries to enjoy himself. Teddy seems to be lost in his thoughts, not really trying to go out of his way to socialize. He is standing, sipping whatever Lewis got him to drink, and just looking around. He seems very content.

Damn, I'm staring. Why am I staring? I have this delicious sub and I'm staring at a man who is taken. What has the world come to? What is wrong with me? Help! Somebody!

I try and focus on eating but naturally my eyes keep glancing at Teddy, and I'm interrupted again. At least this time it is a little more interesting...

Janie nearly pushes her way over to Teddy, as if he is the most interesting piece of art in the gallery, and immediately calls out to him. "I hear you are Lewis' mysterious boyfriend."

"You may be right. Who's asking?" His voice is so smooth. I just want him to keep talking. I don't even care what it is about.

"I'm Janie," she reaches her hand out to him, "He told me he was dating you, but you never really come to these parties. I thought he was lying."

"I'm not a big party-goer, but I had the night off so I thought I would drop by." Teddy must be a workaholic or something. That's gotta be it. He is probably busy all the time and just can't make it. That or he just doesn't want to come.

Janie keeps poking questions at him, which is good because I'm curious. I just don't want to look stupid or come across like I'm flirting. "Do you work a lot?"

"You could say that. I have my own business, so I tend to work more than Lewis would like... I can't help it. I enjoy it." Teddy is already done his drink. He sets the cup down on the table. His hands are perfect. God, I need to stop. I'm a creep.

"Oh," Teddy says before Janie can open her mouth again, "I'm an artist. I work from home. It doesn't usually feel like working. That's why I enjoy it. I get to do whatever I want, whenever I want."

"But you had the night off?" Janie questions.

Teddy laughs, "Yeah, I promised Lewis that I would take the night off."

"You two aren't even spending time together, though." I didn't actually think she would say that out loud.

"We like space when we are in public. No one likes that couple that's all over each other at the party." Teddy smiles, "Not like we are like that at home... We've been together a long time. We don't need to spend all of our time together. I think he just wants me to get out of the house."

I can't help myself. I blurt it out, and I know it isn't any of my business. "You two live together?"

Teddy looks at me, now. His eyes glimmering in the light, and I feel like I can't move. I can't get out of this. I've been eavesdropping, and now they both know. He must be related to Medusa because I swear I'm turning to stone. I can just look at him, watch him smirk at me because he knows his power over me. "It is my place, but yes. We've been living together about five years now."

"How old are you? You can't have been living together so long." Janie is asking now, and if I could I would thank her repeatedly for taking his attention away from me. I feel like I can breathe again.

"I'm twenty-five. He is a year older. We've been together since I was 16. Surprisingly, he still puts up with me." That is a long time. I have no chance. There isn't going to be a break up anytime in the future. They've been together nine years. If they are together for more than seven, they're set for a long time. Shit, why am I even hoping that they would break up? That's really rude of me... Fuck!

Teddy suddenly changes the subject and turns to me, "I'm actually quite hungry, and that sub has been eyeing me since I got here. Mind if I have some of that?"

He's pointing to my plate with half my sub left. A man after my own heart. Wait, wait... He really doesn't care that we just met?

"How about instead of that sub, you can have me?" Lewis is back, with another drink for Teddy. Almost as if he knew that Teddy would drink all of his already. "We can head home, and I can make you something delectable. We can watch some movie, have sex, go to bed together."

"You're real smooth, Lewis. I'm seriously hungry. I don't think I've eaten today. I'd rather just eat something already made then have to wait for you to prance around the kitchen naked pretending to make me food until you have your way. Semen isn't actually food, you know." Teddy is rolling his eyes. He takes the drink and pushes his boyfriend away. "You've been begging me to come, and I'm here. Are you going to enjoy yourself or continue to try to take me back home?"

Teddy doesn't wait for my reply. He grabs my plate. He tears the part of the sub I've bitten off of off, and then he digs right in. Every now and then he drinks, but he's still attacking my sub. I think I'm starting to feel aroused. No one I've met before has had a personality that has come on so strong before.

Janie is just staring at shock. "You're not going to take Lewis home and have sex? You're really just going to eat Gordan's sub?"

"I don't have to take Lewis home to have sex. Wouldn't be the first time we've had sex at someone else's house." He's so straight-forward, so blunt.

My penis really is standing up now, and I grab the closest pillow to hide it. I don't know what it is. The attractive man eating my food or the fact that he's so blunt about his sex life. Maybe both. Maybe him talking about sex while eating. Maybe just the fact that he's so attractive.

Help me.