Sweet n Salty

I’m Sorry

I’m sorry I can’t take care of things. I’m sorry I’m annoying. I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m sorry I’m a burden. I’m sorry I’m so much work. I’m sorry I still live at home. I’m sorry that I don’t sound more excited. I’m sorry I’m always complaining. I’m sorry I overreact. I’m sorry I can pull my weight. I’m sorry I exist in the first place. I’m sorry you feel resentment. I’m sorry you hurt. I’m sorry you’re angry. I’m sorry you’re grieving. I’m sorry I’m not a better person. I’m sorry I create problems where there are none. I’m sorry my life is a whirlwind of doctors and hospitals and insurance that doesn’t give a damn. I’m sorry I’m starting to not give a damn. I’m sorry I’m so depressed and so depressing. I’m sorry I’m losing fight. I’m sorry. I’m so so fucking sorry.