Sequel: The Hunter
Status: Got writer's block, so gave it a lame ending. Sorry~

The Hunter Version 1

Page 20

“It might be interesting.” Toby chirped.
“The invitation is not extended to you,” Max huffed and placed a hand on Ben's shoulder, “Now accept your punishment.”
Ben blinked and jerked back as Max's face leaned forward. Max grabbed the back of Ben's head to keep him from moving and wrapped an arm around Ben's waist once more, pulling him close. Every muscle in Ben's body tensed, but there would be no stopping Max. The man's lips were on Ben's in a light, almost playful kiss. Max's tongue ran across Ben's lip's before Max leaned forward even more into the kiss to roughly bite Ben's lower lip until it bled. Ben struggled slightly, but Max pulled away with a satisfied smirk, licking his lips clean of a few drops of Ben's blood.
“Can we go back? I still need to figure out something for food for myself.” Toby asked with impatience.
“I'll bring something tonight. You came to me to find Ben, so I'll reward you for that.” Max stated.
“I'm not sure you know exactly what rewards and punishments are. I'll take food any time, though.” Toby muttered and Max laughed.
Ben was still sputtering in shock from the kiss and could not form any words. Max ran his fingers through Ben's hair and laughed before he moved away with a wave.
“I'll see you tonight.” Max called before he moved behind a tree, out of sight, and vanished.
Max appeared only for a short time that night to hand out meat for both of them and kiss Ben on the forehead before he disappeared again. Ben rubbed at his forehead with a glower in the direction Max had gone, before he began nibbling at the meat. The events of the day, too numerous to count, had left him hungry, but lacking the will to actually eat.
Toby took the meat from Ben and wrapped it up in leaves to save for the morning. They did not have a fire that night; an unspoken agreement between the two of them to not draw any more attention to themselves. Instead, Ben and Toby filled their shelter with leaves and crawled in to go to sleep not long after Max had come and gone.

Ben woke warm for the first time since he had gotten to the island. He had not had any dreams nor woken a single time in the night, as he often did. What he thought at first was a blanket, he quickly found was a living thing with three limbs wrapped around him, snuggled close. Ben opened his eyes to the neck of Max, who had come in at some point of time and made himself quite at home. Ben shifted slightly in an attempt to get free without waking Max, but his movements resulted in the man pulling him closer and mumbling something.
Trapped, but not exactly opposed, Ben closed his eyes again to enjoy the warmth and connection of being so close to another human. He and Toby rarely touched aside from a pat on the back or an arm held out to keep one or the other from tripping. Ben had not realized how much he craved human touch until this point. He listened to the sound of Toby wandering about outside the shelter, to Max's steady heartbeat and breathing, to the birds calling to each other in the trees. Ben pressed himself closer to Max and drifted off back to sleep again.
When he woke again, Max was awake and gently stroking Ben's back with his fingers. Ben kept still for a few moments, but tense when Max's fingers moved down his side, tickling him slightly.
“You're ticklish, huh?” Max murmured in Ben's heard.
“Yeah, so stop.” Ben grumbled, reaching up to grab Max's hand.
Max chuckled softly. As Ben moved Max's hand away, Max grabbed Ben's hand in turn and pulled it to his lips, kissing each finger. Ben glanced up at Max's face and found his expression peaceful and relaxed. In the time he had known Max, Ben had seen him relaxed, but never peaceful. Max met his eyes and smiled, leaning forward. Ben swiftly sat up and untangled himself from Max.
“You're no fun.” Max pouted, but did not force himself on Ben.