Sequel: The Hunter
Status: Got writer's block, so gave it a lame ending. Sorry~

The Hunter Version 1

Page 27

likely Ben, being dragged.
And then he saw them. He threw his arm up to keep Toby from moving and hissed for him to be quiet and not take a single step closer. Max inched closer, blending into the undergrowth as best he could, and listening for any signs of anyone else. A figure was scrambling about an abandoned campsite, shredding any cloth they came across and murmuring assurances to a second figure, who had been propped up against a tree across from where Max lurked.
It was Ben, his eyes shut and breathing shallow. Dried blood stood out against the tan of his skin around wounds on his shoulder and cheek. The gash on his shoulder was deep and still bled slightly. Max's eyes narrowed, and he turned his attention to the second figure. The figure lit a fire and a hiss escaped Max's lips as he recognized the figure as the woman he had allowed escape. Rebecca.
Rebbeca Simmons, a large game hunter who had kidnapped animals from zoos, animal reserves, or private estates just to hunt them in her own property. She was known to kill with brutal strength rather than using weapons of any kind, wrestling her prey to the ground and tearing them apart. When she was not hunting, she had worked as a nurse. Max forced himself to settle down and wait, knowing she would likely be able to patch Ben up better than he could. A sound behind him caused him to glance back.
Claire was standing with a hand clasped over Toby's mouth, gesturing for Max to move closer to them. Scowling under his mask, Max took one last glance at Ben, then silently moved to stand in front of Claire. Toby threw her hand away from his mouth angrily, but smartly kept quiet and still.
“She's the last one on our list. Do you want to kill her, or shall I?” Claire murmured.
“Can it wait? Ben got hurt and I know she can help him.” Max replied.
Claire glanced up at the sky and frowned.
“If you make it quick. If you wait too long, though, Vince and Kain will come looking for me.”
“Ah yes, your ever loyal lap dogs.” Max grumbled and turned away, “can you help me with this? I don't think I'm strong enough to take her on head on by myself. And I want to make sure she does not try anything funny with Ben.”
Claire gave a nod and then glanced at Toby. Her lips tightened for a moment before she patted the boy's head and moved away. She knew she would be punished for not properly doing her job, but she valued her relationship with Max more than she cared about the 'punishments'. Often times it was just a harsh scolding, and anyway, Toby Westcroft was only here because he had refused to speak during his trial, thus deeming him guilty by default. There was good evidence he was innocent. And she thought he looked like Kain when he was younger. Perhaps she would ask for permission to keep him as a pet...
“Claire!” Max hissed and she swiftly returned to reality.
The two circled around the camp as Rebecca bent over Ben and began to clean his wounds as best she could. She did not look particularly strong, but Max knew better than to underestimate her. Ben gave an agonized groan, but was otherwise still and quiet. Max grit his teeth in anger, mostly at himself, and inched closer, freezing whenever the woman moved. Claire was nothing more than a shadow, despite her silver clothes that should have easily given her away even in the darkness. When Rebecca stood to discard the dirty strips of cloth, they struck. Max leaped between Rebecca and Ben as Claire charged at the woman and wrapped her arms tightly around her so she could not fight back. Rebecca screamed and yowled, struggling wildly, but as Max yanked her legs out from under her, bringing all three of them to the ground, the woman quieted.
“This is it, huh?” Rebecca panted, her eyes wide and panicked.
“Not quite. Why is he with you?” Max demanded, nodding his head in Ben's direction.
“I'm a nurse! I'm not about to just let someone die in front of me! And I knew you'd come for him. I've seen you with him, bush-man. He'll bleed out and die if you don't let me work with him. Let me go, let me live, and I'll gladly save his life!” Rebecca replied.
Max glanced at Claire, who gave a small nod. Together they released the woman. She hesitantly