Sequel: The Hunter
Status: Got writer's block, so gave it a lame ending. Sorry~

The Hunter Version 1

Page 29

“Well, my job here is done, but expect to see me back soon when I come for Ben. And Toby.” She stated.
“What? Why me?” Toby questioned.
Claire simply smiled at him, a pure and adoring smile, and turned back to Max, who sighed.
“Thank you, Claire. For everything.” Max told her, not moving from Ben, who watched him through pain glazed eyes.
“You know I value our friendship more than many things, but be aware there will be times when even I cannot help. Ben's return is one such thing. Be well, my friends.” She told them, and strode away after her two men.
Toby dropped the branch and slumped to the ground with a heavy sigh. Max finally moved a little bit away from Ben, who stirred slightly and seemed to become more aware of what was happening around them. Seeing he was still dazed, but much more conscious, Max leaned forward to give him a peck on the lips-one Ben would remember- and offered him a tired grin.
“We need food. Ben especially. I think he's lost way too much blood.” Toby called from where he was laying on the ground.
“Right... though I'm not sure I dare actually leave his side again. It seems that something bad always happens to him when I do,” Max chuckled darkly.
“That's nonsense. Ben just attracts trouble. It was like that before you came along.” Toby scoffed.
Max did not say anything about the fact he had been watching them since they had been brought to his island. Toby was right, however. Ben needed food, something with sugar, and he needed fresh, clean water. And blankets. Max knew exactly where he could get all of that.
“I'm going to take you home with me after all.” Max muttered to Ben.
“Sounds fair. Have fun.” Toby grumbled as Ben shook his head to clear his thoughts and clumsily tried to straighten.
“You'll come too. I need someone to watch Ben while I take care of some things after we get him well situated. Do not tell anyone I brought you along after this. Not even Claire, though I imagine she suspects this.” Max sighed.
“Alright. Anything for food. And blankets.” Toby cheered, rolling over.
Toby tried to stand, but his knees buckled underneath him. Max sighed again and got to his own feet to help Toby up.
“We'll move slowly. I don't imagine Ben has any strength to walk, so I'll have to carry him. When we get to the mountain, you'll need to follow my steps exactly or you'll end up very dead.” Max instructed
Toby swayed beside him, but gave a nod. As Max placed his mask over his face once more and picked up Ben, Toby kicked dirt into the fire to extinguish it. Max gave him a few moments for his eyes to adjust, and then they set out.

Ben's head swirled as Max picked him up and darkness threatened to consume his vision, but he fought it and eventually his vision almost turned back to normal. Max hefted him up on his back and Ben did his best to help by weakly clinging to Max's neck. Toby hovered just a few steps behind, occasionally putting a hand on Ben's back and explaining it was to make sure he was still breathing. After a time, they paused by a tiny stream and Toby gave handfuls of the water to Ben until Ben sputtered and demanded that they stop trying to drown him.
They had not gone too far from the mountain during Toby and Max's hunt for Ben, and with Max leading, they made good time getting to the set of caves where Max called home. A twenty minute walk from the entrance, however, Max warned Toby to walk where he walked and to touch nothing. Ben thought he could make out shapes of hundreds or thousands of traps as they walked, but in his confused state, he was not