Brain Sad

Chapter Two

The garden was the only place Harper enjoyed about the hospital for it was where she could pretend that everything was normal. She could block out the grey complex blocks and focus solely on the earthy colour of the few leaves that clung to the trees and the subtle chill of autumn. Sitting upon the swing set, she gripped the icy metal chains and rocked ever so slightly, the slight wind sweeping her black hair into a mess of tangled locks.

Harper sighed and stared at the ground, seeming to find her worn Converse fascinating. She felt herself already beginning to settle into this new, abnormal schedule of probing doctors and Cerdepitol doses. This angered her. It had been no more than two weeks since her diagnoses, yet she was already slipping into the skin of Depression Harper.

Pushing herself up from the swing, she shoved her hands into her pockets and walked back towards the hospital, leaving any trace of her old life sitting alone on the swing set.