Status: Polishing and adding other details.

Never Forget You


After meeting back up with Dominick and Stella, Natalie and I rode back with them to the tent community. Not after McKenzie gave me a large bag of food from her cupboards, even after my reassuring her I was getting along fine.

Natalie and I jumped from the SUV, as I led her back to Joshua's tent. We held hands and were giggling like two little girls.

"Joshua? Come here for a moment." I said outside of his tent, and the he poked his head out. And his jaw dropped.

"Natalie?" Natalie grinned at him, and flung herself at him, nearly knocking him to the ground. I grinned, watching the reunion. They both laughed, as he spun her around. Her hair flying. Their laughter was contagious, as I found myself laughing too.

"Gia! There's something you need to see." Taylor came up to me, breathless from running down the path. I raised an eyebrow at him.


"Come here." And he led me into my tent.

I pulled the flap of my tent back, and ducked inside. And my heart stopped. There, sitting on my bed, as if it were the most normal thing was Cyrus. His legs were swinging off as he sat on the edge of the cot. When he saw me enter, he smiled. "Gia!" He jumped off, and attached himself to my legs. It felt as if I was punched in the stomach, I couldn't breathe. I looked over at Taylor, who nodded, as if to tell me that yes, this was real.

"A man came up to me, with Cyrus. Said to give you this letter." He held out an envelope. Slowly, my mind started to process things as I took the envelope and scooped Cyrus up in my arms, and held him close to me.

"You're here. What are you doing here, Cyrus?" I asked, breathless.

"Grandpa wants me to be...happy." A laugh of a sob escaped my lips as I stumbled my way back to the bed, and sat down. I ripped the envelope open and unfolded the two page letter.

Miss. Gianna Alexiou,

On the car ride back to the car, I couldn't help but feel like I committed the most terrible crime. Cyrus wouldn't stop crying, and repeating your name. Even after bringing him home, and putting him in his old room, he didn't stop trying to run out of the house. Hours he did this. Until he wore himself, and cried himself to sleep.

I laid awake that night wondering why. What is it about you that's caused such an impact on Cyrus? He's met us more than a couple times in his life, as his mother, my daughter Celina, brought him over quite often. He loved us enough then. So what changed?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that in our short meeting, it was as if I was talking to Celina, four years ago, as she held a baby boy in her arms. I asked her the same questions I asked you, and she answered in the same manner that you did. Putting the child above everything. Saying that this child means the world to her, and she would survive without the father who died shortly after the birth. It's strange, how so much of my daughter is in an 20 year old girl from an island I've never been to.

Perhaps it's fate that led you to Celina as she lay dying, and fate that made you take Cyrus and keep him. I've never been much of a believer before, but perhaps this is a sign. My wife believes what I'm doing is wrong. That giving him back to you is setting the child up for failure. She tells me over and over that we're the only ones that can provide what this child needs in his life. Because we have the money. But, there is something that we can't provide. And that is a mother's love. Something that can't be mimicked so easily. Yes, we love Cyrus as if he were our own, but he's bonded to you, and breaking that bond could cause problems in the future.

Cyrus is happy with you, and when I asked him what he wanted, he answered in the most clear voice "I want to be with Gia." And that bond is something I can't break. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I caused not only his unhappiness, but yours as well. I apologize for the way we took him from you, and I hope you will forgive myself and my wife.

Should you find the time, I'd like you to come visit me. I have a couple things I'd like to talk about you in person. My business card is in the envelope.

Oh, and I've packed a small bag with clothes and toys with Cyrus. A couple things we had around the house I thought would be of use to you.

Sebastian Tobias
President of Tobias Enterprises

The letter fluttered from my hands to the ground. Taylor bent down and picked them up, quickly skimming it over. The biggest smile on his face. "This is excellent, Gia! You have him back." Taylor pulled me up, and into a hug. Cyrus giggled at the sandwich he was put into, as I hugged Taylor back with one arm.

"Uh, what's going on in here? Who's the kid?" Natalie came in, a hand on her hip. Taylor and I pulled away. Taylor found he couldn't keep his eyes off Natalie.

"Natalie, this is Cyrus. He's a boy I've been looking after. And I got him back!" I laughed, as Joshua's eyes went wide and he hugged me.

"What made them change their minds, Gia?" Joshua asked, bending down to say hello to Cyrus.

"Sebastian said he felt like he was ripping apart two things that were clearly working well together. He wasn't able to live with himself knowing he caused a huge rip in two lives." I smiled. "He wants me to go see him when I have the time."

Natalie squinted at Cyrus. "Strange, Gia. If I didn't know any better, I could have sworn he'd be your kid. I can see bits of you in his face. And those eyes are Alex's eyes. How weird."

"Who's Alex?" Taylor asked, looking between us two.

"Her soul mate." Natalie winked at me.

"Shut up, Natalie! She is not!" I blushed furiously.

"I could beg to differ there, Gia. You two were more inseparable than the rest of us combined." Joshua shook his head at me. "She told me things you know."

My eyes went wide. "Told you what?" Joshua pretended to zip up his lips and throw away the key. "NO! Tell me! What'd she say to you! Oh god. I hope it wasn't anything bad." I set Cyrus down on the ground, and covered my face with my hands. My face burning.

Natalie and Joshua laughed, and Taylor cleared his throat. "Who's up for a bonfire?" He said, trying to diffuse the intimate atmosphere. I forgot that this is how things could be with us three. Sharing inside jokes, and completely forgetting that there were people who weren't in our world.

"I'll meet you guys out there, I'll just unpack Cyrus' things." Joshua and Natalie nodded, before turning around. Natalie stuck her hands in her pockets before turning back. Joshua had picked Cyrus up in his arms.

"Hey Gee. Here. This is for you. I managed to find it in the rubble. I made copies." She handed me a photo and left with Joshua arm in arm. I flipped the picture around, to realize that there were two stuck together. The first was a group shot. All six of us laying on the ground, our heads together. The grass beneath us was green. I remembered that day. We had McKenzie take a photo of us like this as our grad photo. But then she wanted to take so many more as ideas started to fill her head. She had to climb up on a tall ladder, and position a camera high above us to get all of us in it, but also to makes sure that the shadow from her wasn't in the picture either.

The picture stopped at our abdomens. We were all wearing different colors. Joshua in a black suit, with a deep red dress shirt, as he grinned up at the camera, his hair and eyes looking darker, one hand reaching up with a peace sign. Natalie to his right was in a light yellow sun dress, flowers weaved into her hair as she was smiling. Next to her was Callum wearing a black suit, with an emerald green dress shirt, a wink on his face, one of Natalie's flowers tucked behind his ear. Then there was me, in a form-fitting cream, strapless dress. My hair was fanned around me, the beginning of a laugh on my face. Next to me was Andy wearing a traditional white and black suit, a huge grin on his face, a piece of hair on his forehead. And finally there was Alex, wearing light blue shirt, the first few buttons undone with a dark gray vest and black dress pants. No smile, or laugh on her face. As she looked at the camera with an intense stare that sent shivers down my spine. As if she were actually looking at you right now. A hand was reached up above her, a lock of my hair in her hand. I didn't even realize.

As I flipped to the next photo, it was one that McKenzie wanted to take of Alex and I. We were in a gazebo, the setting sun behind us. My arm was around her waist, as I leaned against her, a smile on my face. Alex's arm was around my waist, too. The other hooked into the pocket of her pants. I had tucked one leg behind me, the five inch heels almost making me match up to her height, but not quite. My hair was down in it's natural waves, one of Natalie's flowers tucked behind my ear. Alex didn't look at the camera, instead she was looking down at me. The faintest of smiles on her lips. The picture was so intimate, I couldn't help but blush and put it down.

Taylor looked at me. "You okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Today's just been crazy, you know? First Natalie then Cyrus. It's overwhelming." Taylor nodded, and helped me unpack Cyrus' bag.

There were a couple pairs of pants, and t-shirts. A few Transformers toys, and books. Then near the bottom was another photo. I picked it up, and a woman holding a baby was looking back at me. The woman had short, faded brown/blonde hair, a smile on her face. She looked so young and radiant. She held a baby in her arms, wrapped in a blanket. Behind her was the ocean. I flipped it over, and written in a flourish of handwriting was 'Celina Rain Tobias-Blake, with Cyrus Uriel Blake. Galliano Island.' It was his mother. I handed the photo to Taylor as I put his stuff away. "Wow, she was really pretty."

"She looks nothing like the woman I tried to save. It's so unfortunate that she was taken away from this world."

Taylor set the photo down on the bedside table, and picked up the other two before I could stop him. He looked at the one of all of us first, a smile on his lips. "Wow, look at you guys. You all look really amazing. Grad?" He asked, as he flipped to the next photo.

"Yeah." I answered, watching his face as he looked at the one of Alex and me.

"And this is Alex?" He asked.


"You two look good together. I can see why Joshua made the inseparable comment. It's pretty much tangible how close you two are." He set the two photos down, no real expression on his face. "Ready to go? I managed to grab some hot dogs and stuff. We can have something to eat."

By the time, Taylor, Cyrus and I made it out to the field, the fire was already going, and Stella, Dominick, Joshua and Natalie were sitting around it, their laughter floating to us. I pulled a chair up beside Dominick, and Taylor sat beside me and Natalie.

"You look so happy, Gia. Now that you have Cyrus back." I grinned at Stella and Dominick.

"I am. Sebastian wants me to go see him eventually, though." I said accepting the pop Dominick held out for me.

"I'll give you a drive into the city then. I have to go back there anyways. I forgot to pick something up. Tomorrow afternoon?" Dominick asked. I nodded.

"Sounds good." I looked around the circle. "So, introductions! Again. Natalie, this is Taylor. Taylor, Natalie. Natalie, this is Cyrus. Cyrus, Natalie." I said, pointing to the respective person. Natalie and Taylor nodded hellos to each other, but I noticed Taylor's gaze falling back on her. I handed Taylor a pop, as he broke his gaze from Natalie.

"So, this is where you and Joshua have been living for the past two months?" Natalie asked, taking a sip of her water.

"Yeah. It isn't a five star hotel, but it's home. It sorta reminds me of camping. A really, really long camping trip. But, autumn is coming soon, and then winter. Not too sure how we're going to deal with that."

"I heard some of my Superior's talking about getting the residents here into half-way homes. For the time being. The tents aren't exactly the warmest things in the middle of winter. They're still discussing how to work it all out. But, the snow will start falling in late October, early November. They're really pressed for time."

Stella sucked in a breath. "Yeah. Canadian winters are so harsh too. Those people in California are a little luckier than we are. They don't get the snow, so they could probably stay in the tent communities for a while longer."

Taylor pulled out the hot dogs and sticks, handing everyone one and we all started to stick them over the fire.

"Then, let's just enjoy what we have now, and worry about what needs to be worried about later." Natalie grinned.

Two and a half hot dogs later, I was sitting beside the fire, with my legs propped up on another chair, watching Joshua, Dominick and Taylor play a good old-fashioned game of flag football. The sun was starting to set in the sky, as the boys all removed their shirts. To 'make sure that no one plays unfairly' they said. But, us being girls couldn't help but roll their eyes. They just wanted to use this time to show off their bodies. Natalie and I couldn't help but stare at Joshua. The disfigured flesh of his arm was still noticeable, and still healing. Earlier, Dominick and him had been talking about ways to speed up the healing.

Cyrus was sitting near the 'goal' line, laughing and watching them toss each other around. "They're going to turn Cyrus into one of them, I know it." I sighed, watching the intense fascination on Cyrus' face.

"You mean, a tall, sexy, muscular man who like to take off his shirt because he can?" Stella giggled, never taking her eyes off of Dominick.

I rolled my eyes. "What is up with you and Dominick. Like, are you two together yet or what?" Stella bit her lip with a smile, and examined her nails. She had her legs thrown over the other arm of the chair was sitting in.

"No, we haven't slept together. We haven't even kissed. Dominick insists on taking things slow."

"Oooh. It's hard to find a guy like that these days. Most of them would jump your bones the moment they had the chance." Natalie laughed. "Speaking of, what was going on between you and Alex, Gia?"

I blushed and looked away. "Nothing! And I mean nothing. We just hung out."

Natalie scoffed. "Yeah freaking right. Everyone knew how she'd go over to your house in the middle of the night. Insisting she was 'just going for a swim'."

"Alex? One of your friends from the island?" Stella asked, looking up to stare at my red face.

"No, more like her almost lover from the island." Natalie explained.

I groaned. "Shut up, Nat. Seriously."

"This is her." I looked to see Natalie hand Stella a photo.

Stella 'oooh'd. "Gia, Alex is hot! You lucky girl. Is that your hair she's holding? Wait, yeah. It is. Wow, you guys look amazing. It looks so professional, yet so carefree at the same time. Who's who?" She asked, as Natalie got up and started pointing and naming off the others. I looked up to see the boys starting to charge at us, Cyrus waddling after them. I quickly vacated my seat and backed away just as the boys ran at Natalie and Stella, grabbing them and throwing them over their shoulders. Taylor came after me, even as I ran from him. He roared, and was quick to catch up to me. He grabbed me around the waist, as I laughed trying to break free of him. I saw that Dominick had been standing there proudly with Stella draped across his shoulder. Natalie had a pout on her face, as Joshua had her wrapped up in his arms. Taylor knelt down, and pulled me onto his back, as I wrapped my arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist. He walked back to the others.

"Uh, someone mind telling me what just happened?" I asked as we got closer.

"I feel like a caveman just captured me and is about to take me back to his cave." Stella's faint voice answered.

"No, we felt it would be better to use you guys as our towels to wipe our sweat off on." Joshua answered. There was a pause before all three of us girls groaned.


"You guys are terrible."

"Put me down. Right now."

The boys just laughed heartily.

The next day, at around noon, I packed up Cyrus and headed to meet Dominick at the SUV. The doors were unlocked as I buckled Cyrus in the back, and settled myself into the passenger seat. The keys were in the ignition, as I started the monster, and shuffled through the radio stations. Some coming in static-y. Not long after I chose a station, did Dominick pop up beside the car, and got in.

"I was wondering where you were." He handed me a traveling cup, as I took a sniff and the beautiful scent of fresh coffee wafted up. I took a tentative sip as it washed over my tongue.

"Was I too early?" I asked, watching Dominick set his traveling cup in the holder and put the car in gear and start driving off.

"Oh no. I was going to pick you up from the tent, but Stella sleepily slurred you left already." He smiled, and shook his head. "I doubt she even realized it was me."

I laughed. "Otherwise she would have jumped up and demanded she come along?"

Dominick sighed. "Yeah, wouldn't doubt it. So, where are we going?" He asked, expertly driving the conversation away from him and Stella. I narrowed my eyes at him, but played along. I'd get answers out of him eventually.

"Downtown Vancouver. This is the address." I handed him the business card. On the back written in Sebastian's flourish writing was 'ask for me at the front desk.' Dominick nodded, as he pulled onto the highway. "Are you going to wait in the car, or come with me?"

"I'll come with you. I'll chaperone." He grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm twenty!"

"Legal age in British Columbia is nineteen." Dominick shrugged, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah that means I'm OVER the legal age, Dominick!”

Dominick looked over at me, the air in the car turning a bit more serious. "How are you feeling, Gianna?" I knew by him using my full name that this would be a serious conversation.


He shook his head. "Gianna, don't do it like this. You know what I mean."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Tired. All the time, I'm so tired. I'm always sleeping, but it feels like I close my eyes and never really sleep."


"Weak. My arms shake now just carrying something like Cyrus. He's, what? 35 pounds? And yet I find it difficult to carry him longer than a couple minutes. At the end of the day, my legs are exhausted."

"What else, Gianna?" He asked, as a concentrated look on his face appeared. As if he were taking mental notes of my progress.

"My lungs are continuing to bother me. It feels like I can't full extend them, get all that air in. I'm cold all day. Even in the sun, I'm cold. My hands shake sometimes. And I've become too pale." I paused, pulling out the grad photo I kept with me. My thumb stroking over myself. "I look nothing like what I used to. My hair is limp and stringy, even after washing it. My skin is so pale, and tight against my bones. My eyes are no longer bright like they were. My smile no longer radiant. I hate this, Dominick. I hate it. I want to be who I was again. I can't stand to look at the person who I am in the mirror anymore."

"The best you can do right now, Gia, is eat. Ah, no buts Gia." He said before I could protest. "I know that you're eating, but you aren't eating enough. I've been making you up a diet chart. Something to boost your system. Although I can't guarantee that you will be like the girl in this photo, you'll at least lose the pallor of your skin, and the circles under your eyes." He smiled at me.

"This earthquake...why is it so hard to try to get my footing again? Stella acts as if it didn't even happen. She still smiles so radiantly, and is able to dance and play as if hundreds of lives didn't leave this world that day."

"Stella..." He began, sighing. "That is the way Stella deals with this. She pushes it away, as if it didn't happen. Pretends it didn't happen. Hides behind that motto of hers. What was it? To 'suck it up, and move on'? But, that's not what she's doing. She's ignoring it. That's just how some people deal with immense tragedies. But you, Gia, you've been in the middle of it, and seen people die before your eyes, and you're trying your hardest to deal with it all. Not ignoring it, but finding it hard to accept it all. Once you get over one thing, another thing is thrown in your face. Like, your anemia."

I scoffed. "I don't care if I'm being vain about this. I miss being that natural beauty. I feel so old now."

"But, Gianna, you have your life still. You are alive! So, you may have lost your beauty. Guess what? Beauty is a fleeting thing. It only lasts so long. Sooner or later, we're all going to grow old, and lose our radiance of youth. You think I'm friends with you because of your face?" He shook his head. "But you have your life still. You could have died. And you still have traces of who you are in you, but you fail to see them because you can't see past the death and hurt and destruction. Breathe, Gia. Be positive. You're going to be alright." He grinned at me. "You won't die. Because I won't let you. Be lucky you have someone with my expertise on your side."

I paused with the cup resting against my lips, the light steam traveling up my face, and my hands wrapped tightly around it. Almost too hot to hold, but I was so cold inside, I welcomed it. "It's hard."

"Life isn't easy. Being alive isn't easy. So, anything else other than your beauty problems?" He joked.

"Not really. The bruising is still continuing to fade. And the scars are healing, but looks like they'll never truly go away."

"Well, you're a tiger who's earned her stripes, Gia. Be proud of them."