Give Me Your Heart

47: It Doesn’t Change It

Sparing a small yawn into his hand, Gerard pushed himself up slightly, his ears doused by the sound of Alexander’s cries which emanated away from the monitor which stood on the end table. It had been a couple of days, after Luis had offered an apology for his and Audrey’s behavior, Gerard had tentatively accepted it, but he still he remained a little wary of them being around, something which was only likely to get more common.

It had been the plan for a little while, with Gerard due to travel to join up with the Spanish squad ahead of the start of the euros, it had been agreed that Riley’s parents would be around a little more to help her out with Alexander, but still the idea made Gerard uncomfortable, even if Luis had apologized, he still had reservations about them being around whilst he wasn’t.

Taking a couple of seconds, he blinked tiredly before he pushed himself to his feet, making his way quietly towards the nursery which stood across the hall. Making sure that he was quiet, he carefully pulled the door to before he padded towards the crib, smiling a little at the sight of Alexander who stared up at him, a pout on his face.

“Hola, little one” he murmured gently “You’re in one of your fussier moods tonight” he added as he carefully picked up him up, padding towards the chair which had been set up beside the crib. It wasn’t the first time, since Riley had put him to bed earlier in the evening, the little boy had stirred a couple of times, and as silly as it was, Gerard liked to think it was because the infant knew that he was leaving later that day.

Ensuring that Alexander was warm enough, Gerard rested his head back against the chair, letting out a small sigh. “I am going to miss you, Alex” he mumbled softly “I know your mama will call every day and that I will see the two of you all of the time, but it’s not going to be same. I am going to miss not being here” he added.

“You’re not going to be gone for long”

Gerard, who’d had his eyes closed, startled a little at the sound of Riley’s voice before he turned, offering her a small smile. “You’re supposed to be asleep” he commented softly.

“I was” Riley noted “But someone started talking and it was picked up by the monitor so I thought I would come and see how my two boys are doing” she enthused as she stepped a little deeper into the room, taking a seat on the ground beside the chair Gerard sat in.

“I think he just wanted a little attention” Gerard mused as he peeked down at Alexander who stared up at him, his blue eyes blinking sleepily.

Riley nodded her head quietly. “He was fussy all day” she commented gently “And I am not surprised that he is up again. I imagine he’s going to give me a little trouble when you go” she noted, the expression on her face soft. She knew that there was no avoiding it, with Spain wanting to make a better defence of their European Championships than they had of their world cup, they needed their best players available, and as much as Riley didn’t like the idea of Gerard leaving for a while, she knew that it was necessary. Spain needed him and, for a little while at least, that was something she was going to have to deal with.

Gerard shook his head. “We both know he loves you more than me” he quipped with a crooked smile on his face.

Riley spared a small laugh before she shook her head. “He settles better when you’re around” she noted softly.

Gerard smiled softly at the sentiment before Alexander let out a small whimper, pulling his attention back towards him. “You’re going to be OK, aren’t you?” he posed softly as he gently shifted the baby, allowing him to get a little more comfortable. He had no doubt about it, from the moment Alexander had been born, Riley had been a natural with him, but a month was a long time and he wanted to ensure that she would be alright, even if there was nothing to worry about, he wanted to hear her say it.

Riley, who’d closed her eyes for a moment, nodded. “I’ll be fine” she insisted softly “My parents are going to be around to help out if I need it and your parents have offered the same thing. We’re going to be OK, Gerard, even if you are out there for the whole month. Me and Alex, we’re going to be fine” she insisted gently, a soft smile on her face.

Gerard offered her a slightly uncertain look before he shifted a little, his eyes glancing down towards her. “Did I tell you that your papa apologized to me?” he noted softly.

Riley tilted her head. “He did?” she posed.

“At Lucas’ wedding” Gerard confirmed with a small nod “He told me that he and your mama were sorry for the way they’d treated me and he told me to keep doing what I am doing” he added. It had been a little strange, the conversation that he and Luis had had had come out of nowhere, and whilst the apology had been welcome, Gerard still found it a little too late.

Riley frowned. “My papa said that to you?” she posed softly.

“He did” Gerard confirmed “And I accepted his apology, but…I am wary, Ry” he noted softly.

“Wary?” Riley posed.

“I just don’t want things to change, Riley” Gerard clarified softly “And whilst I appreciate that your parents are trying to accept me, I just worry that whilst I am not here, they might try and change your mind about me” he added, his expression softening a little. He knew that it was slightly irrational, even despite the fact that they didn’t like him, neither Luis nor his wife had tried to change Riley’s mind about dating him, but still he worried. They were in a good place, after Alexander had arrived, they’d settled into a comfortable and familiar rhythm, and he didn’t want it to change. He liked where they were and wanted to keep it going for as long as he could.

Riley’s expression softened a little before she moved to take Gerard’s hand, squeezing it gently. “Gerard” she murmured softly “Mi amor, no one is going to change my mind about this” she added.


“I am in love with you, Gerard” Riley interjected, a soft smile on her face “I have been for a while, and no one is going to just change my mind about it. My parents can say what they want, they can do what they want, but it doesn’t change the fact that I want to be here with you, OK?” she insisted gently.

“You sure?” Gerard posed, his eyebrow lifted a little.

“Certain” Riley mused “I’m happy, Gerard and I don’t want that to change” she insisted gently.

Gerard spared her another slightly dubious look before he nodded, feeling slightly more assured than he had before.
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Thanks to Jayme112234 for the comment :)