Breaking Free


James Sullivan, Jimmy to me and our closest friends, has been my very best friend since the seventh grade. I was new in town and it was my first time at a large public school. I didn't know who to talk to between classes or who to sit by at lunch. We had second period together and he asked me where I came from; which was Nowhere, Indiana, also known as: Carthage, a tiny town of less than a thousand people.

Carthage was the kind of town where everyone knew everyone... Knew their past, knew their sins, their dreams, knew their futures... We were the first in my family's whole history that decided to leave. My father was offered a job in California and couldn't pass it up. He was really, really smart and knew a lot about computers and all sorts of other technology. I however, did not. I took after my mother that way. They bought me cell phone for starting junior high and I barely understood how to turn the damn thing on.

Jimmy and I quickly became best friends, like siblings really. His friends accepted me into their group and it was like I'd been there since grade school, like all of them. He introduced me to one of his best friends, Matthew Sanders. The two of us started dating almost right away. As much as two people can date in the seventh grade. Matt was my first everything. First kiss, first love and the only person that I had been with physically. I was always pretty sure that he was going to be my last.

Or I was until twenty-four hours ago…

After graduation the three of us applied to the same colleges. We wanted to go together, start our lives off together. Just three best friends, out in the real world. Luckily, fate was on our side and the three of us were accepted by UCLA. We moved shortly after. Even though Matt and I had been dating for over six years we both wanted to do the typical college thing so we moved into the dorms.

We were in the middle of our sophomore year when everything started to change.