‹ Prequel: Hollow Kingdom
Sequel: Tarnished Crown

Divided Throne

Chapter Two

Just a couple years ago, if someone had told Alec that he would've been attending a large party to celebrate the first birthday, he would've laughed. He wasn't laughing now. There were children everywhere. Little boys and girls of dukes and duchesses across Aegaera chased each other around the banquet halls, and their stressed nursemaids chased them before they have their family a bad name. Lucian was far too young to participate in these games, and Alec was grateful for that. Alec figured Lily was off parading Lucian around and showing off the “absolutely fabulous” outfit she’d dressed him in. Lucian wasn’t a doll, but Alec didn’t dare try and explain this to her. He’d only pointed out that maybe Lucian was uncomfortable in the elegant little suit she’d put him in, and that he would trip over the velvet cape, but she didn’t let him finish before throwing a shoe at his head.

He had abandoned the throne and chosen a seat way, way in the back of the hall to avoid most of the crowd. He’d spent most of the evening shaking hands and avoiding political topics. Dominic, who he’d named as his highest ranking advisor (next to his father), had told him to keep politics that were not yet confirmed within the closed doors of the council. Eventually, a little blonde boy in fine, custom-tailored clothes came and stood before him, bowing deeply.

“Your Majesty,” he said, with so much pomp that it made Alec uncomfortable seeing it from a child no older than seven, “Prince Lucian is in the cake.”

“What?” Alec frowned.

“Prince Lucian,” he repeated. “He’s in the cake. Inside of the cake. He’s eating it before supper.”

Alec raised a brow, wondering how Lucian even got to the cake on the table, and leaned forward so only the boy could hear what he said next.

“When I was your age,” he said quietly, “Tattletales were pushed down stairs.”

The kid went pale, standing completely still as Alec stood up and went back into the main area of the hall, ruffling the kid’s hair on the way. Sure enough, there were small children giggling as Lucian shoved handfuls of cake into his mouth. The kids fled at the sight of Alec, and it became clear that they were the little punks who put the baby up there. Lucian was covered in frosting, and it was all over his clothes and hair.

“Oh, how I wish I was you right now,” Alec chuckled, picking up Lucian and holding him away so he wouldn’t get frosting on his own clothing. “Alright. Mother is occupied. Looks like I’ll have to clean you up myself.”

“I don't think so.”

Alec turned just as Belle took Lucian out of his arms, wiping frosting off him with a napkin first.

“You don't know what to dress him in,” Belle said. “Last thing we need is for everyone to laugh at him.”

Alec raised a brow at her, about to say something, but some loud shrieks by the door to the banquet hall distracted both of them. Lily hurried by Alec’s side, eyes glued to the scene. People were shoved out of the way as a small group of men Alec didn't recognize made their way forward. They were massive, and every inch of them was covered in muscle. They wore black and grey furs, with various weapons strapped to their bodies. Alec suspected there were several concealed weapons beneath the thick furs. Aegaera was a place with warm, fair weather, so they must've been from somewhere much, much different.

The one leading the group was the most frightening. He was the tallest and the burliest. There were odd designs painted around his eyes in some sort of black paint. His hair was long, tied back in a knotted mess. He noticed that there were some gold beads of some sort in it, too. The man spotted Alec, then smirked and confidentially came forward, bumping aside anyone who didn't get out of the way fast enough. Everyone had gone dead silent.

“Who are you?” Alec demanded, hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

“Ah, you must be the new ‘King Alex’, then,” he laughed, as if greeting an old friend. “Well, I didn't think you'd be so… Shrimpy.”

Everyone tensed. Alec was always the tallest and strongest out of everyone around him, but next to these men, he was right. He was pretty shrimpy. Alec tried not to let the use of the wrong name bother him, pressing on.

“Who are you?” Alec repeated. “How did you get in here?”

“Oh, it was fun,” the man said, with a wide grin as he made his way over to the banquet table and picked through what was left of the food. “We climbed up the side of the wall. Got here through a balcony. Had to break a few necks on the way. I'm a rather dramatic person, and I wanted to make a grand entrance. Couldn't have anyone running to spoil the surprise for you. You know how it is.”

His men chuckled behind him, and Alec glanced at Dominic to see his eyes widen with some kind of realization.

“It couldn't be,” Dominic muttered. “Prince Rufus? Is that you?”

King Rufus, actually,” he corrected. “You lot best be getting used to calling me that, the way things will be going.”

“What do you want?” Alec asked.

“I want my throne,” Rufus answered with a shrug, as if it were obvious. “I heard Shrimp King Alex is sitting in it, and I decided I had to come get it in person.”

“Alec was crowned king by the people of Aegaera,” Lily piped up, confidently stepping in front of Alec.

“Ah, you must be that little shit that followed Angelique around like a little puppy,” Rufus chuckled. “My, you've grown. A beautiful young woman. Don't you remember? Come now, you were old enough. I was there for a good month after Angelique's marriage to Elias, before I left. You don't remember me?”

Lily's brow furrowed, then she had an expression to match Dominic’s shocked one.

“The brother,” she mumbled. “We didn't think you were ever coming back.”

“Well, time for a story then, isn't it?” Rufus laughed. “Well, I'll keep it short. Once upon a time, I had a brother who was a King of Aegaera. A disgusting, despicable man, but older than me. He had to be king. Yet I knew that if he were to die, the throne would be passed to me. Then he went off and married that much younger little whore with the curvaceous body he couldn't possibly resist, and I realized that he intended on making her carry his heir. I'd never be king. So, I left. Went up North, to Jalecia. It's a little rough and tough, but what are you going to do? They had themselves a pretty princess of their own. Deathly ill, poor thing. It didn't take long after marrying her for them to name me king of Jalecia.”

Alec exchanged a confused and concerned look with Lily. She remained bold and defiant, but Alec caught her looking at Belle every now and then, who held Lucian so tightly to her chest it was like she expected someone to take him from her. Alec knew better than to make her leave and attract attention to the child. There was no telling what this King Rufus would do.

“Anyways,” Rufus continued, popping a grape from the table into his mouth, “I was living happily ever after, until I heard about the terrible thing that happened in Aegaera. You people are quite good at shielding yourselves from the outer world. Didn't hear about it until about a month ago. Imagine my surprise when I heard that not only was my brother dead, but so was his whore of a queen. And she'd never given him an heir. Not just that, but the whore queen named the little pup as her heir, and the pup made this shrimp king. And now they have an heir of her own. I was stunned, to say the least. Did no one doubt whether or not this was possible?”

He stood and moved towards Belle, pinching Lucian’s cheeks and giving him an amused smile. Lucian just stared up at him, trying to process whether or not this was even a human.

“Ah, this must be the heir in question. Absolutely adorable,” he said, glancing up at Belle and winking at her. “The baby is alright, too.”

Belle drew back, glaring hard at him. He shrugged and turned back to Alec, looking at him and his stunned council. His brows shot up in surprise.

“Really? No one has figured it out yet?” Rufus asked. “Fine. I'll give you two days. One to enjoy this lovely party. Another to look through the books and find that I am the rightful heir to the throne of Aegaera. I'll have my men take shelter right here in Aveling, when you're ready to come surrender. Oh, and don't try anything funny. You're only just recovering from this kingdom’s last massacre. Until then, Alex.”

“Alec,” Alec corrected, though it was no use as they were already leaving.


“Yes, just put the crib right over there. Don't bring all of his toys, just his favorites. The most comforting.”

Alec watched as Lily had some servants move Lucian’s crib and toys from the nursery to their own bedroom. She's grown so paranoid after what happened with Rufus that she was afraid of letting her baby out of her sight. While the nursery was right next to them, and they could hear anything that happened, she insisted that he had to be in her line of sight. Belle rocked back and forth with a sleeping Lucian in her arms, watching Lily. Even Erwin’s bed cushions had been moved into the bedroom, beside Lucian’s crib. Just in case they couldn't get to him fast enough. Alec didn't like the idea of having so many people in the room, but he didn't dare question Lily now.

“Alright, that's enough,” Lily said, dismissing the servants. “Thank you, all of you.”

They bowed and left, and Belle went to put Lucian in the crib.

“You're sure it's not a hassle to take care of Lucian tomorrow?” Lily asked. “There's no telling how long the council will have to meet for, and you're one of the only people I can trust-”

“It's fine, Lily,” Belle promised. “I'll take him as long as you need me to. And if you need anything, I'm right upstairs. Don't hesitate to wake me up.”

“Thank you,” Lily said, hugging Belle before she left.

That night, Alec couldn't sleep. He was so confused about everything, and he suddenly feared for the wellbeing of his family.

“Are you awake?” Lily whispered.

“Yes,” Alec whispered back.

Lily shifted to curl up against Alec, resting her head on his chest.

“It'll all be fine,” Alec promised her, kissing her forehead. “I'm sure he’ll negotiate.”