Fire At Will

When Both Our Cars Collide

I was completely blinded by the hazy rain. My fingers searched the air, but I couldn't find my Dad anywhere. I felt cold and wet hands shove me to the ground, by an unfarmiliar, unfriendly voice.

I heard my sisters' frantic screams, and I wiggled and shoved, trying to escape the attackers grasp. It was then that my hair fell from my eyes, and I could see six hooded figures. One was on top of me. He pounded me across the face with his fist, but I didn't feel it. I was too busy trying to scream. Trying to tell my sister to run. Trying to find my Dad. But nothing came out.

"Help!" My sister kept screaming. I kept kicking.
Then he laughed.

I heard the gun being cocked, and I looked up at the sky. My heart wasn't beating. I knew I was going to die.

"No!" My Dad heaved towards me, and the gun turned on him. I stared.

I didn't even hear the shot.

5 years later:


My eyes darted open, and I realized I had dozed off during class. Again.

"May!" Mr. Meyers glared at me, as I tried to focus my eyes on something other than my pounding heart. I had the memory again.

"Well, thank you Ms. Ebony, for leaving dark world and joining us today."
The classroom snickered and the teacher smirked again. I sighed and put my head down, finally controlling my own breathing. Just when I think I've forgotten about that always comes back...

The bells' sharp ring snaps me out of my thoughs and makes me jump.
I hastily grab my notebook and leave, knowing that I didn't want to have to go home.

I know, I'll go to my tree.

By the time I make my way through the crowded hallways, I fill with happiness as I see that it's raining.
I love the rain.

I put up my hood, and walk down the deserted street, humming my favorite Smashing Pumpkins song.

The rain starts falling harder, and my toes squish inside my faded converse.

Good. I can be all alone now. No one else likes to be out in the rain.

I finally reach the soaked grass of the park, and the thunder begins to strike in the distance. I look towards my tree, and my heart completely stops. Time freezes.

The most beautiful boy I had ever seen, was sitting with his back up against my tree. No...Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe him.

Flawless, snow white skin, and midnight black hair just barely reaching his shoulders. My eyes hung in the air, not ever wanting to stop staring at him.
He seemed to be looking far away, into the sky, like he was expecting to find something.

I moved my eyes down to his soft hands, to find they were holding a small black sketchbook. Next to that was a plain black messenger bag covered with random band stickers. It looked just like mine.

I made my way back up to his face, and it seems ages that I stood in the rain, watching this beautiful boy, under my tree.
A loud pound of lightning broke the boy from his trance.

He looked up directly at me.

Deep, hazel---beautiful---eyes.

I flew backwards, off the street curb, into the soaked pavement. The boy begins to stand, with a worried lookon his face.

I am stunned. I can't move.

A car horn honks, and headlights flash in my eyes. The car doesn't stop.I don't scream. I just look back at the boy.

He sprints towards me---with his beautiful, hazel eyes.
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I'd really like to hear your advice, and comments on it. *begs*

I promise, it will get better.