True Dreams Dreamt

Becoming More Aquainted

Cameron put everything down, spread the blanket out and then put the cooler in the middle with his speaker. Cameron:” You know you can sit.” She nodded, and sat down finally, just looking around and taking the view in. Cameron:” Yes, our lunch is now a picnic. Oh, I hope you don’t mind and like it.” Raen:” It’s very nice, thank you Cameron. It’s just…I didn’t expect this from you, I mean it’s sort of romantic.” Cameron:” Why wouldn’t you expect this from me?” Raen:” Oh, ah. I’m not exactly sure, you just don’t seem the very romantic type.” He nodded pulling out their lunch. They ate, he synced his phone to the speaker so they could listen to some music too. He took a piece of the meat off his grinder and told her she had to try it. She leaned over opening her mouth, so he carefully put it in her mouth. Raen:” Mmm, that is really good.” She leaned over smirking as she grabbed a fork and one of the pasta salads. Raen:” This is my favorite pasta salad. Here, would you like to try some?” She began putting some on her fork when he said yes. Raen moved closer, placed her left hand under the fork to catch any that fell as she fed it to him. She looked into his eyes while she fed him. Raen:” It’s Honey Lemon Bowtie pasta salad with onions, red & green peppers, sunflower seeds and mandarin orange slices. I could eat a large container in a day, it’s very addictive and good.” Cameron was still starring into her eyes, she looked away blushing while she took another bite. Cameron:” You’re even prettier when you act all shy and nervous.” Raen:” Um, really. You think so?” He bit his lip then gently touched her face turning it back to face him. He leaned in starring into those eyes, their lips mere centimeters apart until he finally took the leap when he realized she wasn’t pulling away. He kissed her, but she kissed back and when he pulled away she was smiling, cheeks turning very red. Cameron (whispered):” Yes, I really do think so. Does that prove it?” She bit her lip looking away but nodded, Raen:” Yes I guess so.” Cameron changed the music and smiled, he put his hand out to her. She looked up smirking but finally took it. As they began dancing, they drew a crowd. Cameron noticed her getting a little nervous, Cameron:” Just focus on me. Don’t worry about them ok?” Raen nodded, focusing on him, when the music stopped everyone clapped. Both of them took a bow, she moved over to him hugging him, holding onto him. Raen was smiling from ear to ear, giggling. Cameron:” How about we clean up, then go for a walk around the park?” She nodded, helped clean up, before he put the cooler and everything in the car, she grabbed some ice and then put it down his shirt. Cameron spun around looking at her with a devilish grin. Cameron:” Oh, you want to play…” He grabbed a bottle of water smirking, then he began chasing her around with it. She grabbed her own bottle but put her phone off to the side so it didn’t get ruined. Once he got her she got him. She gave him a hug and poured some of the water over his head. Raen kissed him on the cheek, she dried her hands and took a picture. Cameron grabbed her hand pulling her over to him, he took a few pictures with her and sent them to his phone.
He closed up the car and turned to her, Cameron:” Ready for our walk in the park?” She looked up into those eyes and smiled. They began walking around, she took pictures of him when the sun would hit him just right, and the scenery. Cameron:” My turn!” He pulled his phone out, she looked away a bit, peaking through her hair every now and then. Cameron waited for her to do it again and took a picture of it. She peaked out at him from behind a tree, he got it, he also got one of her looking at the sky with her hair caught in the wind. He even got one of her smelling a rose. They walked around taking it all in, finding a beautiful spot and sat down. He noticed she kept fidgeting with her fingers, finally she grabbed his hand holding it. Cameron smiled, he got up bringing her with him. Raen looked into his eyes trying to see if she could read him. He pulled his phone out and played a slow song, then began leading her in a dance. He wasn’t sure if she could slow dance but he wasn’t surprised that she could. Raen kept up with him, she threw in some other moves of her own and he dance was done. They stood there in each other’s arms, simply starring into each other’s eyes. Raen leaned in this time and kissed him. When they broke apart, she smiled. Cameron:” I should get you home.” He leads the way back to the car. When he got her home she had this smirk come across her face, she grabbed his hand and leads him into the backyard. She went into his pockets taking out his phone, keys, wallet and a few other things, then kissed him before pushing him into the pool. Cameron came up grinning, swimming over to the edge. She took her shoes off, her phone out of her pocket and her keys before she jumped in. Cameron swam over to her smiling, she wrapped her arms around his neck biting her lip. Cameron:” Is this your idea of getting me to stay longer?” Raen:” You know; I honestly didn’t think of that. Maybe next time. No, this is my answer to our little water fight earlier!” He smiled surprised by her answer, Cameron:” Oh really now!” He began splashing her, finally after a few minutes they both called truce.
They got out the pool, she unlocked the cabinet out on the deck and gave him a towel. Raen unlocked the door and told him that he could shower while she washed and dried their clothes. Cameron:” But what will a wear while they’re drying?” Raen:” I can grab you something before your shower.” He nodded, she went to her closet and found her late brother’s clothes that she saved. “They might be a bit big, but they’ll work” Raen thought. She knocked on the bathroom door, Cameron stood there in his boxers. Raen was losing the battle to not looking down, Raen:” Ah, I can take your clothes, here’s the spares for now. I will put them in the wash then dry them for you.” Cameron took the clothes she handed him, then gave her his wet clothes. His hand slid down her arm, making her blush. Cameron (whispered):” You know you want to look me up and down, just do it. There’s no one here but us, no one to stop you or has to know.” Her breath caught, she shook her head not just to clear her naughty thoughts but make herself stop. Raen:” Sorry, but I can’t. I’ve to wash and dry our wet clothes.” She stepped out of the bathroom, while he stood there watching her walk away.
Cameron’s Thoughts:
“She just gets under my skin, but in a good way. I know I’m falling for her, I don’t even care that she’s three years older than me. Age is just another number after all, right. She’s perfect, I hope she’s starting to fall for me!”
He got in the shower and just kept thinking of her. Meanwhile, Raen was doing their laundry. She grabbed something to put on for now ( He joined her asking what she was doing, Raen:” Nothing, about to make myself some tea, you want some?” He nodded, as she was making it he asked what she was hoping he wouldn’t…Cameron:” These aren’t your dad’s style and seem too small, so they have to be a brother’s, right?” Raen stopped, her hands shaking. Cameron:” I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?” Raen:” Yes, but it’s not your fault. I…I don’t want to talk about it. Ok?” She changed the laundry and went up to her room. Cameron gave her the space she needed, staying out of her way. A half hour later, he knocked on her door, she got up and opened it. Cameron:” I finished making the tea, just wondering if you want yours still?” He could tell that she was crying, but didn’t push her.
When he went back downstairs he called Ross. Ross:” Cameron, what’s up?” Cameron:” Something happened, she’s upset and I didn’t mean to…” Ross:” Tell me what happened.” Cameron:” We just got back from our picnic in the park. She pushed me in the pool but I got her back. She’s drying our clothes now but gave me some to wear, until their dry. All I did was ask if they were a brother’s or cousin’s and she got upset. What’s that all about?” Ross:” Oh, the brother thing. I’ve never to this day have been able to get her to open up and explain. I don’t know what that’s about, I’ve always given her space. No matter what I said to her she never opened up.” Cameron:” I’m giving her space. I’m waiting for my clothes to dry and I’ll let her know that I’m leaving.” She had come downstairs and heard him, Raen went back to her. I’m very sorry Cam, and Ross for not being able to tell you my problem that’s bothered me for many years. One day soon, I’ll tell you <R2
Raen came down to check the clothes, she grabbed his folding them and left them out to see and she put hers away. It was like she knew he was dressed and leaving. Once the door closed, Raen went down and locked it, peaking through the curtains to watch him leave.