Waking The Demon


(Loathy's P.O.V.)

After Brian came back and Lusty left I had alot of questions. I mean when she even meet that guy? and Where? So as soon as Brian sat down I let some questions fly.

"Who was that?" I asked him.

"Just my friend who just happens to know Ms. Lustful," Brian said not to happy.

"Wait does she know you guys know each other?" Rev asked him.

"No but I'm pretty sure she does now," He said.

"All I'm saying is that if he does something to her Haner it's your skin," I said before finishing the rest of my food. He sighed and said,"I warned him."

"What?" Zacky asked.

"I told him that he better not hurt her," Brian said. Making all of us look at each other and then back at him.

"Weren't you the one who said not too long ago and I quote "I hope the bitch gets beat and dies" am I right," Matt said. Brian rolled his eyes. I got up and slapped him.


"Ow! What was that for?" He asked.

"For talking like that about my cousin and because your eyes were getting stuck in your brain for rolling them so much," I said. Johnny of course started laughing.

"Alright I'm done eating," Matt said pushing his plate away.

"So your not going to finish your fries?" Zacky asked.

"No," Matt said. Zacky smiled big and said,"Pass them over here to me then, I'll finish them for you."

"Seriously how can you fit everything in your stomache?" Rev asked Zacky.

"I don't know but I do," Zacky said before stuffing his face again.

"Wow I think you will get along with my brother and Lusty," I said to him.

"Why?" Johnny asked. I smiled and said,"Because they both eat like Zacky."

"But Lusty barely touched her food?" Brian said.

"Try catching her at my house, then you'll see how much she eats," I said. The guys started laughing and soon we all left. Of course I went back home. The guys went to some other places so they can feed.
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