Waking The Demon


(Lusty's P.O.V.)

Ugh it had to be Zacky and Syn to ruin my fun! Whatever I'll get them back. As I was about to walk up to the front door to Loathy's house my phone started ringing. The number was unknown but I still answered it.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Lusty hey it's Zacky," He said. What the fuck? I thought.

"Um what do you want?" I asked.

"To know if you wanted to come clubbing with me and the guys," He said.

"Seriously your actually asking me to come with you guys after how I treat you guys?" I asked.

"Well yea maybe we can know each other better, I know earlier we couldn't since Jay picked you up and left early," He said. I thought for a second before saying,"I'll think about it."

"Oh come on!" He said in a begging tone. I couldn't help but laugh. "What, did I just make you laugh?" Zacky asked.

"Honestly yes you did and fine I'll come with you guys, but if Syn does or says anything I don't like I'm out of there," I said.

"Alright deal," He said.

"Alright um text me where you guys want to meet and what time and I'll be there," I said.

"Alright I'll do that right now," He said.

"Alright then bye," I said before hanging up. I guess I'm busy tonight. Anyways I started knocking on the door to the house. No one answered. I knocked again. No answer.

[God where the fuck are they? I thought. As I was about to take my phone out I felt a presence. I looked around but no one was there. I started walking away from the door when I was violently dropped to the floor.

"What the fuck!" I shouted. I looked up to see a werewolf blood and skin gushing out of it's mouth. I knew it wasn't Loath because her eyes turn hazel green and Frank's turn grey. This werewolf's eyes were a blood shot red. I gulped down hard and got up. It started growling. I knew I couldn't back down. I then let my fangs be visible as my eyes turned red as well.

In case your wondering I really don't get along with werewolves only with Frank and Loathy because they are family. Other werewolves I hate. Anyways I started moving slowly towards the werewolf as it started growling louder. I hissed loudly and charged at it. Soon me and the werewolf were fighting. Minutes flew by and we were both neck to neck. My face had a few scratches along with my neck and my arms were pretty much bleeding so much right now.

The werewolf had a million death scratches on it caused by me. I was getting tired already, but I wouldn't stop. The werewolf jumped at me and dropped me to the floor. It was about to bite my face when I gathered more strength and punched it hard in the head causing it to squeal in pain. I rolled and stood up ready to take another punch to the werewolf, but it just stood there giving me death glares. Then it ran away. I fell to my knees feeling weaker than ever. I guess I lost more blood than I thought.

I tried getting up but couldn't. My eyes were starting to shut I fought to keep them open but failed. Last thing I remember is a car pulling up and two guys running to me yelling for me to stay awake. Then everything went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
What happened??
Comment for next chapter!
