Waking The Demon

Wake Up

(Brian's P.O.V.)

While I was driving Zacky was being a dork singing really loud.

"Zacky dude shut up," I said while laughing.

"Your just jealous because my voice is better," He said while acting like a preppy bitch. I just shook my head and laughed. I turned on some street and saw a werewolf. I shuddered when I saw it.

"Dude that freaking werewolf had a million death scrathes on it," Zacky said while laughing.

"Yea I know whoever did that did a good job," I said. As we went a little bit further we saw a guy leaning over some girls body. I stopped the car and heard the guy yelling at the girl.

"Lusty wake up!" He shouted. Me and Zacky looked at each other and I quickly got out the car running to her side. I pushed the guy out of the way and held her.

"Brittney stay awake!" I shouted at her. Her eyes were trying to stay opened but soon closed.

"Fuck!" I shouted before putting her back down.

"Let's take her inside," The guy said. I then recognized him as Frank. Lusty's cousin and Loathy's brother. I nodded and picked her up. When we got inside I laid her down on the couch.

"What happened?" Zacky asked.

"I don't know I was out for a while and then I came back to see my cousin on the floor with these scratches and cuts of blood," Frank said as he held her hand. Then he put his ear next to her mouth.

"She's not breathing," He started to panic. I took out my pocket knife and cut my wrist.

"Move," I told him and I quickly put my wrist to Lusty's mouth letting the blood drop in.

"She's not waking up," Zacky said.

"She will," I said trying to convince myself as well. Please wake up Brittney.

(Loathy's P.O.V.)

I had finally finished my killing fest and was on my way back home. When I got home I realized there was an extra car parked in the driveway. I let it go and entered the house. Once inside I realized that Zacky and Brian were in the living room along with Frank.

"Hey guys what's..." I cut myself off when I saw Lusty on the couch and Brian trying to feed her. "What's wrong with her?" I asked.

"She was I'm guessing attacked and Syn is trying to bring her back," Frank said.

"I told her so many times not to fight with werwolves," I said and quickly slapped my hand over my mouth. Ugh I have some explaining to do.
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