Waking The Demon


(Brian's P.O.V.)

I started talking with this one girl at the bar. She was alright compared to Lusty. Whatever though she will do for the mean time. We started talking and then I turned to see Lusty and Jay walking towards the guys booth. Of course I stopped listening to the girl talk. Then I felt a slight push and turned back to the girl talking.

"Were you like even listening to me?" She asked.

"I was but then someone came in and well I stopped," I said while glancing over at Lusty. The girl I was talking to who's name I remembered was Jane looked over as well.

"Girlfriend?" she asked. I sighed and said,"No."

"Ex-girlfriend?" She asked again.

"No she is just a girl that I have been trying to get with but we don't really get along and well I'm trying to get her to see the me and not the other me you know," I said. Oh my god I actually opened up to someone else besides Zacky.

"Aww that's so sweet. Well have you tried getting her jealous?" Jane asked me. Hm I never thought of that. Maybe I should.

"Actually no I haven't," I said.

"Well then do it trust me if you get her jealous she will be trying to take you away," She said. I thought and soon a smile formed on my face.

"Alright then just play along with me," I said to her.

"Got it," Jane said agreeing to helping me out. I put my arm around her and we walked to where everyone else was at.

"Hey Jay, Lusty," I said as me and Jane sat down.

"Hey man what up," Jay said.

"Nothing just here and there," I said.

"Cool so who's your friend?" Jay asked.

"Oh this is Jane, Jane this is Jay and Lusty his girlfriend," I said.

"Nice to meet you," Jane said to them as she extended her hand to Lusty. I saw Lusty's eyes turn pink and red. I know from Johnny that when her eyes turn like that it means that she is getting mad.

(Lusty's P.O.V.)

I felt my eyes turn pink and red meaning that I was getting angry. I did a fake smile and shook Jane's hand.

"Well hello," I said.

"So how long have you and Brian known each other?" she asked me.

"A little over 5 years," I said.

"Oh that's awesome," she said.

"Yea it is," I said with a fake smile. Jane smiled and then started to be all over Brian. I swear if she kisses him I am going to kill her.
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