Waking The Demon


(Loathy's P.O.V.)

After Brian and Zacky left I went to my room. When I got in there I saw Mikey sitting on my bed.

"What are you doing here twig," I said.

"Well hello to you to Loathy," He said with a dumb smile. I rolled my eyes and said,"Ok what do you want?"

"Well Loathy I saw that you and Lusty have been hanging with the bat's," Mikey said.

"And your point is?" I asked. Mikey smiled and said,"You better make sure they watch their back's especially Lusty."

"You better not do anything to them," i threatened.

"Or else what Loathy? Your brother doesn't even trust those vampires except for Lusty but see the thing is I seen Lusty trying to kill us werewolves. What if one day she sactually does kill one of our kind, what will the rest of the crew say or do to her?" He said making a point.

"We are all keeping an eye on her that she doesn't do anything," I said.

"Yea and you let the bat's help. Who knows maybe they will help her kill one of us," He said.

"Mikey shut up your just putting stuff in my head," I said.

"I'm not putting nothing in your head I am just pointing out the stuff she is capable of doing, and plus she said it herself those years ago when her parents died," He said before getting up.

"You better not do anything to her or the guys," I said.

"I won't but if anything goes wrong it's Lusty who I am going after and then Johnny," He said before leaving. Fuck please don't let none of them kill.
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Ok so this chapter was very short.
Please check out my new journal!!
