Waking The Demon


(Mikey's P.O.V.)

After leaving Loathy and Frank's house I decided to stroll in the forest. Hello I am a werewolf I do like hunting for fun at times. Anyways so I was walking and then I spotted to people. I guess they will be my lunch! I turned into a werewolf and was about to attack them when I saw that the two were Lusty and Synyster. I turned back into myself and thought maybe I should have some fun. I got two sharp blades and threw it at her.

I was aiming for her non beating heart but no it got her arm. I saw that she grabbed Syn and they started leaving. So I decided to use one of my super powers which is quickness and pushed Lusty to the floor. I got behind some bushes and started laughing lightly. Of course she heard me because she has bat ears.

Lusty and Syn then left leaving the forest quickly. So looks like those two have a thing now. This will be good to tell Jay!

(Lusty's P.O.V.)

Soon Brian and I arrived at my house.

"Um thanks for walking with me," I said to him.

"No problem," He said.

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow or something," I said.

"Yea," He said. I smiled slightly and hugged Brian. He responded by hugging back. I pulled away and smiled at him before going inside. I just wanted to kiss him so bad, but I can't I am with Jay. Anyways as I was walking to my room I saw one of the windows opened. Which is really wierd because I close all the windows. I shook it off and went to my room.

"Have fun with Syn?" I looked to see Mikey sitting on my bed. God this fucker never has nothing to do except sit on everyones bed.

"Mikey get the hell out of my house," I said before throwing one of the pillows at him.

"Lusty come on tell me are you seeing Syn or what?" He asked.

"We are just friends and why do you even care? You know what why are you even here? I hate you," I said being very honest with him.

"Yea I know you hate me and I hate you too," He said.

"Wow one thing we have in common," I said before rolling my eyes.

"Just watch yourself hun and your little boyfriend to," He said.

"Oh what is the evil werewolf going to do kill me? I rather be dead then have this second life I was given," I said.

"So then why didn't you just let the werewolf kill you?" He said before leaving. Frank must have told him. Ugh I hate to admit it but Mikey is right. If I wanted to be dead why didn't I just let the werewolf drain my blood? Oh right because I wanted my revenge!
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