Waking The Demon

Two Down

(Lusty's P.O.V.)

I was going to fight back but once I felt how strong this person was I knew it wasn't worth it. Soon I was in another house. It was pretty. Well the room I was put in was. Since there was nothing to do I just sat on the bed hoping to get out of here soon.

(Loathy's P.O.V.)

A few minutes later Johnny arrived. He looked kind of wasted but whatevers.

"Sorry I took long I had to help the guys with something," he said.

"Its ok atleast your here now," I said. Then out of nowhere Johnny kisses me. A few seconds past and we pulled away.

"You have to get away from Frank," Johnny said. Confused I asked,"Why?"

"He is dangerous," Johnny said.

"Well my brother is capable of ding stuff but why should I get away," I said.

"Because he is planning to kill Lusty and you," Johnny said.

"Very funny Johnny," I said.

"Laurie I am being serious. Rev found some files that had notes in it about killing people. Me and the guys were on that list plus you and Lusty," he said.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yes I'm dead serious," he said. I couldn't believe it. "Come on lets go before he looks for us," he said. I took Johnny's hand and we started heading to the house where him and the guys live at times. As we were running Johnny did a quick stop.

"Johnny what's wrong?" I asked. He didn't say anything except put his hand to his heart where a stake was throw it.

"No!" I said as Johny fell to his knees and died. "Johnny no!" I shouted. I looked up at one of the trees to see Ray. I quickly got up and ran to the guys house.
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