Waking The Demon

Four Down

(Loathy's P.O.V.)

I soon arrived at the guys house. Tears falling hard. I pounded on the door hard.

"Loathy? What's wrong?" Rev asked as he brought me inside.

"It's Johnny!" I said.

"What happened?" Matt said as he came and hugged me.

"He's dead!" I shouted. Matt and Rev looked at each other before asking,"Who killed him?"

"Ray I saw him before I ran over here," I said wiping my tears. Rev quickly got his pistol and left.

(Lusty's P.O.V.)

Hours passed and I was so fucking bored! I was about to go to slep when Brian walked into the room.

"Brian? You kidnapped me!" I said.

"Well Matt did but it is for a reason," Brian said.

"What reason?" I shouted.

"Um we found something," he said.

"Brian you better hope it is a good reason other wise I will hurt you," I said.

"Like you would," he said coming closer.

"Remember when I almost killed you?" I asked him. He thought for a second before saying,"yes."

"Yea so watch it," I said. Brian smiled and put his arms around my waist before kissing me. We then pulled away from each other when we heard loud banging. We went downstairs and saw Loathy crying and Matt holding her.

"What happened!" I said as I went over to Loathy.

"Ray kiled Johnny," Matt said.

"Where's my brother?" I asked.

"He got his pistol and went out I'm guessing to kill Ray," Matt said.

"Alright I got all the weapons," Zacky said entering the room.

"Weapons for what?" I asked.

The guys looked at each other and explained to me that Frank has a plot to kill us.

"He had a list of names the last two names were Loathy's and yours," Zacky said.

"Why would he want to kill us?" I said.

"Don't know but you two have to stay with us," Matt said. I just nodded my head. I just hope my brother is ok.

(Rev's P.O.V.)

After leaving the house I went to where the werewolfs hide out. There I found only Bob and Ray. I had my pistol ready and climbed a tree. I aimed it at Ray and shot him in the heart. Bob spotted me and I then shot him in the head.
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