Waking The Demon


(Lusty's P.O.V.)

After leaving the bar I decided to walk to the cemetery. Once I arrived I went to the very end of the cemetery and sat down on the grass looking at the flowing river. I was daydreaming about Jay. It's funny how we just met and I already find myself thinking alot about him.

Who's Jay?
Like you care Syn
Oh but I do
Whatever just leave me alone

"Someone is in a bad attitude," Syn said as he started to approach me. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"Oh nothing see I was just chilling over by the stones when I saw you here all by yourself and then decided to get in your mind," He said with a grin.

"Don't you got something better to do like killing yourself," I said before getting up of the grass and walking past him.

"What's the hurry babe?" He said with a laugh. I turned to look at him.

"You know what Brian I'm done with you," I said before leaving to my house. God he is such an asshole. Every time I want to get away, surprise he shows up.

(Brian's P.O.V.)

Oh shit. She called me Brian. That's weird, I guess I really got to her. I don't know what she meant when she said she was done with me. We haven't even started anything. Fucking bitch. GA I still need to feed. I had my mind stuck on Lusty and that fag she was with. I don't know why but it better get out of my head fast. I H-A-T-E her.

"No you don't Syn," Someone said. I turned to see Johnny.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I had to feed somewhere, after reading your thoughts you haven't fed so here," He said before throwing a vial filled with blood. I quickly opened it and drank it.

"Thanks," I said before tossing the vial.

"No problem, now what's going on with you and Lusty?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Come on Brian, I read your thoughts you had your mind stuck on her and some guy," Johnny said. I sighed and said,"I guess I'm jealous."

"That it wasn't you she was kissing," He said. I stood silent as Johnny spoke up again.

"Maybe you should try getting to know her," Johnny suggested. I raised an eyebrow and said,"Yea right Johnny."

"Dude I'm serious I personally don't know her but I sense she has a good side and not only a bad ass side like you," He said. I sighed again and said,"Maybe."

"Come on let's go back to the house," Johnny said. I nodded and soon we left to the house me and the guys share. I thought about what Johnny said maybe she does have a good side.
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