Status: hiatus since july of 2016- posted chapters 2 and up 10/14/16



It had been almost six months since the prison welcomed the Woodbury folk. Over time, a few more people came to join the prison, too.

It took Daryl a while to get used to living in a community. At first, he made a lot of excuses to leave the prison. He and Merle would go out hunting, sometimes staying out for up to a week (and luckily always bringing back enough grub for everyone), he'd be the first one to volunteer to go on a run (especially if it was for Judith. They had stock piled supplies for now, but they had run out of resources in nearby towns and baby formula, now baby food, was longer ways away.), he'd do perimeter checks several times a day, anything to get away from all the people.

Beth had a hard time dealing with Daryl's constant absence at first. She never said anything, but Carol and Maggie caught on and sometimes she'd talk to them about it. It was Merle who actually said something to Daryl about it, though.

"Darylina, I get why we're out here all the damn time, I do, believe me, brother," Merle had told him, a few days into one of their many hunting trips. "But we got ladies waiting for us back home. There's a few boys back there who would eat little miss Beth right up, granted the chance. She ain't gonna wait around for you forever, baby brother." And then Merle huffed. "And I've got some needs that can't be met if I'm out here every week with you."

"I don't need to hear that shit," Daryl grumbled, but knew his brother was right. It wasn't fair to Beth to leave her all the time.

And Daryl would never admit it, but he was jealous of the younger boys who pined after Beth. She, sweet as could be, played ignorant to the few boys who tried to grab her attention. She always had a good alibi for why she couldn't spend time with them alone: she had Judith, she had kitchen duty, she had laundry duty, she was going to wash her hair.

Part of Daryl wanted Beth to tell them boys that she already had a man. But they hadn't had that talk yet. Beth and Daryl knew how they felt about each other, and that's what mattered most. But Daryl would be lying to himself if he said he didn't want to casually mention it when Beth was brought up.

What he was able to do, though, was take her on runs with him sometimes. Only to a place that he'd been to before, a place that he knew would be relatively safe, somewhere he knew Beth could handle. Every now and then, they'd hop on his motorcycle (he took her on her first motorcycle ride- only after she insisted on having a helmet) and go to a mom and pop book store.

At first, she just filled her bag full of books she had already read. Daryl and Beth had gotten into the habit of spending time in each other's cells when they had free time. They fell into a routine that Daryl looked forward to: Beth would sit cross legged against the wall on her bunk, and Daryl would lay down, head in her lap. She'd play with his hair absentmindedly, and read her book. One day while she was reading, she stopped and looked down at him.

"Can I read to you?" She asked, and he gave her an odd look.

"Depends what is is," He said finally. Daryl didn't know if he wanted to hear gushy romance novels.

After that, when they visited the book store, Beth would look for things she thought Daryl would like so she could read to him. Daryl never was interested in books until Beth started reading to him. He had no idea that iFight Club/i, one of his favorite movies, was a book first. It was short, and they could read the whole book in two sittings. They read it a couple of times together. (Beth shyly admitted after the first time through that she'd never seen the movie, but wished she had after reading the book. He wanted to tell her that one day she'd be able to watch it, but that was a promise he didn't think he could guarantee.)

Sometimes, if Daryl was confident enough, he'd bring her back something from a run. He had snatched her a sign that said "THIS WORKPLACE HAS GONE _ DAYS WITHOUT AN ACCIDENT" with little number cards to keep track. Another time, he snagged her a black bandana, which was always wrapped around her wrist or wrapped in her hair. After she mentioned how bland her room was, he snagged some floral looking pillow covers and a yellow rug from a Walmart her cell. She was so happy about it, she ran off to grab Hershel to show him her newly decorated room.

Some nights, when he came back from a run or a hunting trip, she'd sit outside with him while he had a few cigarettes.

"I had a cigarette once, at a party." Beth confessed to him, and he snorted at the thought. "I didn't do it right at first, I guess- I guess I was just puffin' on it. But when I finally did it right, I understood why people smoke. Makes you feel kinda… relaxed, I guess." Daryl grunted, knowing what she meant.

Daryl had been thinking about asking Hershel for permission to bring Beth hunting with him. Daryl was pretty sure hunting was the only thing he was good at. Whenever he brought anything home, Beth showered him with praise on how good it was and how lucky everyone was to have him. (He'd gotten better at controlling his everlasting blush that came from Beth's affection. He was still trying to figure out how to deal with his stomach doing flips whenever she was around.) He hadn't even mentioned to her that he wanted to bring her with yet, but he asked her if she'd ever gone camping or gone fishing. This sent her off into a little ramble about how she used to do those things with her older brother Shawn. Daryl was glad she enjoyed doing those things, it made him a little more confident about bringing it up.

Daryl still wasn't used to Beth. He kept waitin' for the day for her to stop being so sweet on him. He figured it was only a matter of time. Girls like Beth were too good for him. Every time he thought like that, she'd do something or say something that showed him otherwise.


He could handle praise and affection from Beth and Carol, but he wasn't used to it from the people outside his family. He wasn't used to having lots of people acknowledge him, and it seemed to happen every time he was around meal times.

He walked outside and spotted Carol, making his way to her. A few people called out goodmorning to him, making him look back, not knowing who was speaking to him. He didn't really care.

"Smells good," Daryl told her, glancing around as people continued to greet him.

Carol smirk and handed him a bowl of shredded squirrel meat. "Just so you know, Beth and I liked you first."

"Stop." He said, taking a handful of squirrel meat and shoving it in his mouth.

"Give the stranger sanctuary, keeping people fed, you're gonna learn to live with the love." She told him.

"Right," he muttered before eating another handful.

"I need you to see something." Carol told him. "Patrick, you want to take over?"

"Yes, ma'am," The teenage boy said.

"Uh, Mr. Dixon?" Patrick, said, "I just wanted to thank you for bringing that deer back yesterday." Daryl looked at Carol, who was smirking at his discomfort. "It was a real treat, sir, and I'd be honored to shake your hand." '

The kid held his hand out for Daryl, who stared at it for a moment. Instead of putting the bowl down and using his free hand, Daryl licked cleaned his fingers, sucking each one with a little 'pop', before smacking his hand into Patrick's and shaking it.

Daryl followed Carol out to the side of the prison where they could look over the entire yard. She pointed out the buildup of walkers that had accumulated overnight and that he'd be a few people short on his run today.

"Sorry, Pookie," She chimed, and he elbowed her in the side softly before walking back towards the breakfast hall.

Daryl was looking for Beth. She had Judith this morning, so he figured she'd be inside the cell block still.

As he walked past, he ignored the few 'hellos' he got and went inside. Once he was in B block, he took a moment to crack his neck and roll his shoulders back. This block was just his family's, so he was comforted by the temporary seclusion he had while inside.

He spotted her automatically, sitting on the ground with a blanket beneath her, hair high in a ponytail with her single braid down the side. She was bouncing Judith in her lap, cooing to the little girl and making her giggle.

Daryl went and crouched down next to her, and Beth looked over at him, bouncing Judith in her lap.

"Say good morning, Daryl!" Beth said in her baby voice, facing Judith towards him. The baby giggled and clapped her pudgy hands together happily.

"We're both happy to see you, aren't we baby?" Beth sang to the girl, earning more giggles.

Daryl grinned at the two of them. Beth was so damn good with Asskicker. He was starting to think Beth was a natural with anything.

"Did you grab somethin' to eat yet?" Beth asked, setting Judith in her baby bouncer.

"A lil bit," he told her. "You eaten yet?" Beth shook her head.

"I don't have time for breakfast right now," She told him. "Carol fed Judith first this morning, and I gotta make sure she eats again in a little bit. And then burp her and change her diaper and see if she wants to fight over naptime today. Isn't that right, sweetie? No naptime for you, huh?" Her baby voice kicked in as she spoke to Judith, who was kicking her legs widly and slapping the light up buttons. "She loves this thing," Beth giggled.

"Why don't I grab you somethin' then," Daryl told her. "We got enough food to feed fifty people and you're still a twig." He wrapped his index finger and thumb around her wrist without any difficulty, trying to prove his point. "You gotta eat."

"I know, I know," she muttered, giving him a guilty smile. She rested her hand on his knee, gently rubbing her thumb against it. The touch was so gentle it sent shivers down his spine. "What's for breakfast?"

"Uh, there's squirrel meat in somethin', that's all I know," He told her. "Smells good though."

"Why don't you go grab us some plates? We can have breakfast together! We haven't had a chance to do that all week." Beth was right. His 'work schedule' was a little more last minute than hers. Any day there could be a reason for Daryl to have to go on a run, and runs could last from an hour to an entire day or two. And he was on the newfound council, giving him more responsibilities than most. (Also, Daryl had noticed, is that people came to him when they needed help with something. He didn't mind, he'd help the best he could and if he couldn't help, he'd tell him who could. He couldn't wrap his head around it.)

Daryl placed his hand on her back for a moment, letting it trail up to her neck as he stood up. He went back out for the food, grabbing two plates and filling them with a little bit of everything. He snagged to plastic forks and made his way back to Beth.

She was sitting at the table, now, Judith pulled closer to her. He placed the plates and forks on the table and took a seat next to her.

"This does smell good," Beth mumbled, picking up her fork and digging in.

Daryl did the same, stabbing at the squirrel meat first, filling his fork and scoping it into his mouth.

"Daryl," Beth said with a frustrated laugh. "Why do you eat like that?"

He shrugged, eating another fork full. They ate the rest of their meals in silence, enjoying each other's company.

"You've got a run today, right?" She asked him once they were finished. "Think it'll be late when you get back?"

"Nah, we're leavin' in a little bit. I actually should start loading up the trucks, grab that Zach kid," Daryl told her, realizing he had been slacking off this morning.

He stood up, shaking his head at Beth with a smile.

"What?" She asked, laughing at him.

"Gonna get in trouble for bein' late for my own run 'cause of you," He teased, earning an eye roll.

"I don't think you can even get in trouble anymore, Daryl, people love you too much to care." Daryl snorted.

"I still gotta put up with Merle," He said. "He's probably already out there ready to chew my ear off."

"I'll tell Carol to tell him to be nice," Beth teased with a grin. Daryl scoffed and shook his head. He didn't like to be reminded that Carol decided that his older brother was a good person to have a relationship with.

"Well, get goin', I'll come see you before you go," Beth told him. Daryl gave her one last look before making his way towards the trucks.

As Daryl predicted, Merle was already out there, loading things into the truck bed. "Rise and shine, princess." Merle taunted.

Zach, a boy with shaggier than Daryl's, who was around Beth's age, appeared from around the corner with a shotgun in his hand. He gave Daryl a quick nod before placing the shotgun in the back.

"When you say after breakfast, baby brother, I assume you mean after breakfast." Merle muttered.

"Lost my head a little this morning is all," Daryl said, but Merle didn't seem to care.

"Beth, hey! Fancy seeing you around here," Zach said behind Daryl. Daryl turned around, eyeing the boy before looking at Beth.

"Just seeing you boys off," Beth said, winking at Daryl. He smirked.

Zach, though, thought the wink was for him. "Do I get a kiss goodbye? I could, y'know, get eaten or something- it's dangerous out there,"

"I know it is, but I don't do goodbyes," She told him, walking past the boy to get to Daryl.

"Mornin', little miss Beth!" Merle said from the opposite side of the truck. Beth smiled.

"Good mornin', Merle." She called out, focusing back on Daryl. She inched closer to him, so that their bodies were touching, wrapping her arms around his neck. She rested her chin on his chest, looking up at him. Daryl snaked his arms around her waist and looked down at her. They both smiled softly.

"Take care of yourself," Daryl told her, her eyes squinting from the sun.

"I think I'm supposed to be tellin' you that," She replied, removing her arms from his neck scooting back enough to adjust his vest. "Got your cross, right?"

"Never took it off," Daryl reassured her quickly.

"Alright, we get it," Merle said, appearing beside them. "Little miss, do me a favor and tell Carol that if she's a good girl all day, I'll have a surprise for her." Merle gave her a wink and Daryl groaned.

Beth stepped back from Daryl, sighing. "I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear you say that about Carol,"

Merle's laughed at the blonde, who just shook her head as she walked away.


If Beth Greene had to pick one thing she knew in the world to be true, it would be that she was in love with Daryl Dixon.

She couldn't pin-point when their relationship changed. She thinks maybe it was once they were at the prison. If she asked Carol, she would probably agree.

Beth had never known Daryl Dixon to boldly show emotion other than anger or frustration until they starting spending time together. Even now, six months later, he was only himself around the family. (He kept his nonchalant, uncaring persona around most of the community, but everyone knew there was more to Daryl than that.) When he was alone with Beth, though, she knew that Daryl loved her, too.

It was the constant innocent physical contact that constantly reminded her that it was real. His hand on the small of her back while they walked, his hand on her knee when they sat next to each other, giving her arm a gentle squeeze, the way he held her when they embraced, how he would caress her back and rest his head on top of hers, and was always a little reluctant to let go. How he wasn't too embarrassed to hold her hand when they were around other people, keeping her close, and occasionally glancing down at her to check on her.

Maggie was always bugging Beth for details about her relationship with Daryl. Maggie thought she was lying to her when she told her that they had their first kiss together yet.

"Bethy, you can tell me these things." Maggie pleaded with her. "If you're havin' sex with him, it's okay to tell me. Hell, I'll make sure you always have condoms!"

Beth's cheeks flushed at that, and she told her sister, "Maggie, it's not like that."

Maggie didn't seem to understand how shy Daryl could be. Beth didn't mind that they hadn't kissed yet, or done anything more intimate. She knew Daryl probably wouldn't be the one to make that first move, and Beth didn't want to pressure him. She loved everything about being with Daryl. There wasn't any need to rush anything.

The other boys her age were a bit of a problem for Beth, though. She didn't mind that they flirted with her, or the gross inappropriate comments they'd make when they thought she wasn't listening, she could ignore that.

It was the gossip between the boys about Beth and Daryl that got under her skin. Rude things about Daryl using her for sex, that Beth only spent time with Daryl to have more advantages at the prison, that Beth rejected the boys because Daryl didn't allow her to talk to anyone but him.

Beth was pretty sure that Daryl didn't know the boys said these things. She didn't think that anyone in the family new that people said these things, because she knew that in a heartbeat someone would be out there, setting those boys straight. She was worried that, worst case scenario, if Daryl found out, that he'd disappear again.

Beth didn't care what those silly boys had to say about her because she knew the truth. They were just petty and jealous because she wasn't giving them attention. But Daryl was known to be rash when he was upset or threatened. She remembered to vividly how he quickly he ran off with Merle.

And God forbid if Merle Dixon heard what was being said about his baby brother. Beth didn't even want to think about how he'd react.

Beth was laying in her bunk, scribbling her thoughts down in her journal when Daryl approached her cell. She looked up at him, putting her pen down.

"Hey," She said, staring at him. His shoulders were slouched down, his face crestfallen as he looked at her.

"Hi," Daryl said, still standing outside the door. Usually he would've come in by now.

"What is it?" She asked, her heart sinking with worry.

Daryl sighed. "Zach."

Beth bit her lip and looked away from him for a moment before meeting his gaze again. "Is he dead?"

This time, Daryl looked away, shuffling slightly outside the door.

"Okay." Beth said, sitting up in her bunk and looking forward. Her eyes wandered around the room and rested on her sign. "30 DAYS WITHOUT AN INCIDENT." Beth stood up and took two steps towards the sign, removing the "3" and placing it on top of her dresser. Daryl still didn't come in her cell, staring her down. "What?" She asked him, and he simply shook his head, taking a step into the cell.

"I don't cry anymore, Daryl." She said, starting to move towards Daryl. "I'm just… glad I got to know him, you know?"

"Me too," Daryl whispered, sounding defeated. She reached out and touched his arm.

"Are you okay?"

Daryl shook his head. "Just tired of losing people is all." Beth didn't hesitate to embrace the man, burying her head into his chest.

"I'm glad I didn't say goodbye," she told him. "I hate goodbyes."

"Me too," Daryl said as Beth let go of the hug, only to grab his hand.

"Stay with me tonight," She asked. He'd only stayed the night in her cell once before, and it was because they both accidently fell asleep.

Daryl gave her a weary look, full of uncertainty. "It's okay," she told him, pulling him towards her bed.

Daryl took a seat while Beth turned off the light. Beth removed her boots and took the ponytail out of her hair, then undid her braid before sitting down next to him.

His eyes were on the ground. "Daryl, it's okay." She whispered to him. "I'm here. You should take off your shoes. Get comfy," she tried, her hand rubbing circles on his back.

He obliged, slipping his shoes off and taking off his chest, dropping it on the floor. He pulled his feet up onto the bed and stretched out, turning on his side to give Beth space. She laid on her side, facing him, moving closer to him. He wrapped his free arm around her, pulling her in closer, and Beth curled into him. She placed her hand on his chest, feeling his quickening heartbeat.

"I only have laundry duty tomorrow night," Beth whispered. "Do you have to do anythin' tomorrow?"

"Nothin' but perimeter checks," Daryl mumbled. He had spoken to Hershel on the arrival back to the prison. Beth's father told him that he could take a day off if he wanted, that he'd done more than his fair share around the prison lately.

"We can spend the day together if you'd like," She murmured to him. Daryl's arm around her tightened, pulling her in and removing any space between them. She snaked her arm up under his and rested her hand on his cheek, gently caressing it for a few moments before running her fingers through his hair. Beth felt him let out a deep breath and shut her eyes.

"G'night, Beth," Daryl whispered after a while, placing a kiss on top of her head. Beth sleeply made a tired noise in response, thinking that she should have Daryl stay with her more often.


Daryl woke up before Beth. Before he opened his eyes, he felt her warm body close beside him. His arm was still slung over her, and one of her legs was tangled between his.

"Mm," he groaned as he opened his eyes, sunlight bathing the room. What time was it? Daryl usually woke up at the crack of dawn.

Daryl wasn't sure of what to do. He knew Beth was a light sleeper; she woke up whenever Judith even flinched. The last time he spent the night in her cell, Merle had barged in at dawn, waking them up to take his baby brother hunting. He had never spent the night with a woman and stayed in bed with her 'til the morning.

He shifted only slightly, very slowly, in hopes that Beth continued to sleep. Her blonde hair was sprawled over her half of the pillow, only half of her pale face revealed. Daryl felt his stomach twist and his heart beat a bit faster as he admired her resting beauty. Carefully, he reached his arm up to move a few stray hairs off of her face.

Beth's tiny body moved at his touch, a tiny groan escaping her lips. She kept her eyes closed, reaching her hand to touch Daryl's chest. "Daryl?" She mumbled, sounding unsure and full of sleep.

Daryl smiled, fighting off a yawn. "Mornin', Beth," he whispered, not wanting to startle her.

Beth's eyes fluttered up, looking right at Daryl. In an instance, Beth's face perked up from seeing him.

"I thought maybe I was dreaming," She told him. Her hand moved over his heart and she giggled. "Your heart's going a mile a minute,"

"This the kinda stuff you dream about?" Daryl asked, his ears red from how she made his heart race.

"Yeah." Beth said. "Kinda like a dream come true, wakin' up and you bein' the first thing I see to start my day.

Maybe we could make a habit of this," Beth quietly suggested. Her face was relaxed, but her eyes showed insecurity in her question.

Daryl twirled a locked of Beth's hair in his fingers. "Think I'd like that," he mumbled to her.

"Really?" She asked, sounding relieved.

"'Course," Daryl confirmed.

Beth smiled, staring at him for a long time in silence. Suddenly, her hand was cradling the side of his face. The look in her eyes was driving Daryl wild. No one had ever looked at him with such a passion that Beth held for him in that moment. She inched herself closer to him, their noses almost touching.

And then Beth leaned in, pressing her lips against Daryl's for the first time. The kiss felt like an eternity, and somewhere during it, Daryl managed to kiss her back.

Then it was over and quickly as it begun, and Beth distanced herself a bit to look at him properly. Daryl could only image how his face looked, considering it felt like he was on fire. He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat and scanned her face for certain signs of disappointment. He couldn't remember the last time he had kissed anybody.

"Was that okay?" Beth asked, finally, "Was it okay that I did that?"

Daryl managed to nod, not sure if he'd be able to form words to speak to her.

"That was really nice," Beth told him. Her hand was still caressing his cheek.

"Yeah," Daryl was able to say. She smiled at him, humming happily.

They stayed in bed until well after lunch, relaxing, murmuring little things to one another, holding each other close.

All Daryl could think while being with her was how he was going to finally tell Beth Greene 'I love you.'