The Journal of Annabelle Bartley

Chapter 4

I looked up at the sky, and a leaf fell on the middle of my face. Right ontop of my nose. Sophie giggled. I was staring at the leaf, and blew it. It flew off of my face, and a gust of wind passed us, and blew away the leaf. It seemed happy, in some way.
I looked at the street, and heard the swooshing of cars, and looked to the side, and saw the yellow bus, approaching us. I smiled. "Finally!" Sophie yelled, into the blowing breeze.
The bus stopped, and both Sophie and I hopped in. I was happy, that we were on our way to school, and not outside the house, waiting for the bus.
I looked around the bus, trying to find a seat, and noticed that Zack was in the back with his normal mischivous smile. He patted the seat next to him, and I walked and sat next to him. He smiled, and greeted me by putting his arm around my shoulder. I looked to the side of the other seat, and I saw a girl sitting there, all alone, and I asked, "Hi! Are you new here?" She looked up and nodded, and said, "M-My name is A-Anya." She smiled, feeling relieved that she was talking to someone. "Wanna be friends?" Both of us asked at the same time. We both cracked up. "You remind me of one of my good friends, you look alot like her, her names Sierra." My eyes went wide. "Sierra? W-What a pretty name!" I said. She smiled and nodded, and then we both talked about our schedule. "Funny isn't it, that your in the same exact classes at the same exact time as me, no?" She nodded.
Zack was getting bored of me not paying attention to him, so he pulled me closer, Anya smiled. "You two are a cute couple, together." She said, winking at me. I gaped. "Really? You think so?" Zack asked pulling me even closer. "Yeah, but, the only way I'll believe your a couple is if you KISS!" She said laughing, I felt my face burning, and Zack, I could tell he was smirking. "Fine" He said, and turned my head tword him, and kissed me. My eyes went wide, but closed. I heard some random girls hissing, and some random boys wanting to kill Zack. Then, Sophie who was sitting next to Mark, yelled, "Get a room!" Everyone who liked me got really mad, and everyone who liked Zack, they don't matter, there just nothing compared to my love for Zack. Wait, did I just use the term Love?
Zack somehow knew what I was thinking, because he pulled me much closer, and whispered, "You'll figure out what Valentine's from me, today" He whispered in my ear, which sent tingles up and down my spine. Wait, today was Valetnines Day? Whoa! The year went by fast!
A few minutes flew by. And, finally we were at our school, which was decorated with hearts, and other red and pink stuff. "The year has gone by to quickly" I yelled. Sophie nodded. As the bus stopped, everyone filed out. Sophie, Anya and I walked through the halls together, and we all went our own seperate ways, as we got to the "fork in the road". I walked to the locker room, where all of the girls were swarming around some girl. I just stay in my own little corner. I got changed into my gym outfit, which was the most revealingest stupidest thing I've ever seen in my whole intire life. I waited for my friends to get changed, and as I walked over to them, I got surrounded by girl's who thought I was the most coolest thing in school, which I wasn't. You know how it is, when you have fans, like your famous or something? That's what happens to me every day.
"Oh my gawd! Anna-sensei! You look totally fabulous!" Said my friends, Aki, who watches alot of Japanese cartoons, called Anime, and she got me started on them. We call each other by either our made up names, Leana and Akira, or our nicknames, Ai and Anna. I keep changing my nickname cause it has to be Japanese. "So, whats the nickname today?" She smiled at me. I thought for a little bit, "Sakura! Sakura Memeko!" I said radiantly. She smiled. "Okay, Sakura-chan!" She and I started to laugh. "Ai-sensei, lets traverse! Away!" We both linked arms and walked out, proudly. We heard a little bit of laughter, and then we saw our two other best friends (if you hadn't noticed I am very popular at school, and, I have a lot of best friends) Sam, and Shirosuta. Shirosuta is Japanese and has been teaching us Japanese. "Konihiha, Shiro-chan!" both Shiro, Sam, and I looked confused, "You mean Konichiwa, don't you Ai-chan." Aki, who was now quite embarassed, hung her head low, and brought it up and laughed. "Thats it!" She said, laughing. Georgia came up to us. "Hey, Yuka-sensei!" I said. "Hey Leana-chan, whats the new nickname today?" She asked. "Memeko, Sakura Memeko." I said. "You sure it's not Bond, James Bond?" Georgia asked laughing. I cracked up. Well, the teacher made all of us sit down, and told us to be quiet. More like snapped actually, you know. When people get really mad? Thats what happened here.
Gym flew by. Next was Science, Sophie worned me about what they do on Valentine's Day. It's called, Couples Science Day. It's when a boy pairs up with a girl, and they have to be partners for the science progects for the whole class period. Everyone gets to choose who they want to be partners with. I walked slowly to the classroom, and when I got to the door, I saw a sign that said, "New science teacher, Is Da' Bomb!" I laughed and opened the door, and low and behold there was a new science teacher. The room was decorated with Anime drawings! I was in heaven!
"Welcome to the Anime Club! You must be Annabelle, Sam, Aki, Georgia, and I know Shiro anywhere!" The teacher said with a huge smile. On her shirt, it said, "For the love of Anime!" I laughed. I knew I was gonna like this class. The teacher was a girl, who looked like she was a freshman in college. She was, and her name is Cassey. She has short blonde hair, blue eyes, and of course is obsessed with Anime.
"I like the new class already!" Shiro said, staring wide-eyed at her favorite anime character, from the show she makes me watch with her, which is a really great show actually. I forgot what the name was, but she loves this character in it. "Ah, I see you are staring at the character, Sokka? Very good choice indeed." I laughed. Cassey knew how to make someone laugh easily. She started to hands out papers. "These are for your first feild trip. They are to Japan. Thats why we're studying Japanese" She said. I had sparkles in my eyes. "Sweet!" I said. Shiro was smiling in a dumb way. "Japan, huh? I wonder why that sounds SO familiar." She said, jokingly. Cassey laughed. "i wonder why, expecially because you were born there, Shiro"
I smirked. Georgia was staring at a poster that had an Anime toast. "Toooooaaaaaasssssssttttt!" Georgia said, with her eyes like saucers. "Where did you get this?" I asked, as I pointed to a picture of two girls, who looked like twins. She shrugged. "I have no earthly idea! I think someone gave it to me, but I don't know." She said the last part a bit quieter. As she was about to say something else, the bell rang. She shrugged, "I suppose that the time is over. Follow me." She smiled, and flicked her hand, which ment for us to follow her.
We walked through the hall, for some reason, no one was there. It kinda gave me the creeps. Like a ghost school, and we were the only ones left in the school. It reminded me of something, but I don't know what. I looked straight ahead, and my eyes widened. There, hidden in the bushes, was a man. But, he was holding a gun! "Stop!" I yelled, extending my arms to the side, very fast. My arm cracked, and thats when the man jumped out of the bush.
Everyone gasped. The man held out his gun, and it was pointed straight at Georgia! "Come with me, or your friends here get it!" he said, with his index fingure on the trigger. I breathed in and out, and I cautiously walked to the man. "Good" he said, and before I knew what was and had happened, everything became dark. I heard people screaming, and I heard rustling, and I felt myself being lifted up.
"Sierra? Are you there? Sierra!" I thought, desperately trying to contact my sister. "What is it Anna?" said a sleepy voice coming from my mind. "Well, for starters..." I was cut off. I heard snoring, but not from Sierra. It was coming from in real life, out of my mind. "One second." I thought, and I heard a grunt in reply.
I opened my eyes, and I felt something up agenst my back, and something on my head. I opened my eyes wide, and more then all of the way. I moved my hand to my stomach, but someone's arm was already there. So, that means, someone is holding me, and...WATCHED ME SLEEP?! MY LIFE IS OVER! I blushed alot, when I felt the person move. I acted like I was asleep. "I see your awake." I familiar voice said. I blushed even more, when I found out that it was Zack! "I'm fine" I lied. My arm was bleeding for some reason. I wondered why and how that happened.
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Sorry if it's shorter then the others