She's Been Running Through My Dreams

Chapter 1

Linda's POV

Ugh, finally. After two long days I'm finally moved in. I'm starting over and it feels so good. I wanted my own place for the longest time, basically ever since I moved back in with my big brother Charlie after college. See, our parents decided to retire and spend the rest of their lives living in Italy, so right after I graduated college, they packed their bags, kissed us kids goodbye and left. Charlie and I were left with a house and a bag full of new responsibilities, for which I'm actually grateful because it taught me a lot. I was lucky to be with Charlie and even luckier that he actually loved me enough to have stuck around. He could have just left and start his own life, but he didn't. He stayed with me until I was financially stable enough to afford my own place. And until he (finally) fell in love and needed me to get out of the house so he could move his girfriend in with him.

So I'm starting fresh. New apartment in a part of the city that I'm not really familiar with. I can't wait to explore the neighborhood. Tammy, my best friend from high school, and I are gonna walk this neighborhood through and through, I'm sure. It's our thing – long walks, long talks. She just gets me. My personality, my way of thinking, my dreams, my fears, she knows how to deal with my anxiety. She's the only person I can openly talk to about literally anything.

I sat down with a bown of ice-cream and turned the tv on when I heard a knock on the door.
''You got a key, help yourself!'' I yelled and Tammy didn't wait long to unlock the door and storm in grabbing the ice cream bowl from my hands.
''Mmmm, cookie dough. Good choice.'' she moaned and I playfully smacker he shoulder, then took the bowl back. ''Mine.'' I said.
We then spent the evening sipping wine, listening to music and talking about how we'd decorate the apartment.
At about 9pm Tammy turned to me.
''How about we go celebrate? I'm meeting Liam and his buddies in an hour, why don't you come with us? You finally got your own place, it calls for a drink.'' she winked.
''Tams, honey... you know the answer to that question.'' I smiled and let my hair down from a bun that'd been sitting on my head all day, I put my glasses on and made myself comfortable on my couch.
''I know, I'm just hoping that one day, you'll say yes.... ok, have an amazing first night in your new bedroom.' with that she kissed my cheek goodnight and left.
''Thanks babe.'' I waved at her and as soon as the door closed after her, I was out.

Jack's POV

I love touring but oh boy am I happy to be back home. I dropped all my bags on the floor and headed straight to bed. Next thing I know it was morning. I took a long shower, made myself a cup of coffee (ok a bucket of coffee), turned the stereo on and sat down to my computer. What a luxury after weeks of touring. No rush, no pressure. Like I said, I love touring. I love playing our music, meeting our fans, visiting new places, but it does get too much sometimes. The older I get, the more tired I am after each round. No joke. I appreciate quiet slow mornings more now.

I was excited to start working on the next record though, so I decided to jump right into it. I turned the radio down and before I even had the chance to grab my guitar, I heard it. The sound of somebody else's guitar coming from the empty apartment next to mine. He or she was clearly new to the craft of guitar playing but it wasn't bad. So somebody finally moved in, huh? I hope it's a decent, reasonable person, not a stuck up asshole like the dude that moved out. I thought.

The music stopped and I heard the door close. I wasted no time, ran straight to the window and like a creep tried to catch a glimpse of my new neighbor. As soon as she came out the door, I knew I was doomed. My new neighbour was an angel.
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First chapter of my first ATL story ever. I'm not sure where I'm going with this story or if it even is something people would like to read, but we'll see what happens :-)

Please, note that English is not my first language. Thanks!